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What are positive words that start with 'n' to describe a person?

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Find a list of positive words that start with 'n' to describe a person. Using positive adjectives in sentences adds a dose of positivity to children’s writing.
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The English language is packed full of positive words that start with ‘n’ to describe a person. The letter ‘n’ is known as a neutral letter because it hasn’t got either a positive or a negative connotation. That said, it is still a quality letter that children may like to use to add a dose of positivity to their sentence writing.

Check out this Guide on How to Write Short Sentences.

Why is it important to practise positive communication?

By communicating positively with people around us, we can support and boost the wellbeing of those we connect with. This translates into a culture of wellbeing where communication is used positively to make progress and support each other. This may mean we overcome challenges, confront issues, or solve problems in collaboration with those around us. Whatever the challenge we are facing, by communicating positively we are working in a way that contributes to whole-school wellbeing.

What is a positive adjective?

A positive adjective is used to describe somebody or something positively. Children may like to use positive words that start with ‘n’ to describe a person, thing or situation. Using positive adjectives, adds a dose of positivity to children’s writing. They help to build a picture in the mind of the reader in just a few words. Using positive adjectives means that children can write just one short sentence that has big impact.

List of positive words that start with ‘n’ to describe a person and their meanings

Nice - To describe a person as pleasant or attractive. Nice also means to give pleasure or satisfaction to something.

Neat - When a person is arranged in a tidy way, they are neat. When a person does something with skill or efficiency.

Natural - When a person or thing has been derived from nature. Or the circumstances surrounding them are natural.

Notable - When someone is worthy of attention, they are notable. This is just like saying they are remarkable.

Noble - Noble means that a person belongs by title, rank, or birth to the aristocracy. It also means a person who is showing or having high-moral principles, or fine qualities.

New - A recent discovery. Something or somebody that has been recently discovered or that has not existed before.

Nourishing - A positive adjective that starts with the letter ‘n’ to describe things that nourish or provide what’s needed for a person to be healthy or to grow. We commonly use the word in relation to food that is full of nutrients that help us stay healthy and grow.

Nifty - Someone that is good, effective or skilful at a task. Nifty can also be used to describe something that is stylish or attractive. For example, ‘a nifty black jumper’.

Nurturing - To nurture something or someone means to take care of, feed, and protect it. You can carefully nurture plants, or your children.

Natty - Considered an informal adjective. Natty means a person or thing that is fashionable and smart. The opposite to scruffy. It is something that has been designed well or that is clever. ‘A mobile phone with natty features.'

Navigable - When someone is capable of being navigated. ‘She was navigable - just like a ship in the ocean’.

Nimble - When someone is light and quick in their actions or movements. If they are nimble of the mind, this means that they have the ability to think and understand things quickly.

Nestling - This word is used to describe a bird that has not left its nest. We might also refer to a person as a nestling, if they are someone who has not yet left their parental home.

Neighbourly - This is the characteristic of a good neighbour. Someone who is helpful, friendly, and kind.

Negotiable - When a person or thing is open to discussion or modification. When something can be traversed like a pathway, it can be negotiable.

Nervy - When a person is easily alarmed or agitated - they are nervous.

Nippy - When someone or something is able to move quickly.

Nonchalant - When someone is feeling or appearing unusually calm or relaxed, they are nonchalant.

Normal - To be normal is when someone is conforming to a set standard. Something that is usual, typical, or expected.

Noteworthy - When someone or something is worthy of attracting attention, because of some special excellence. ‘A noteworthy contribution’.

Noticeable - When someone is easily noticed or seen. They are clear and apparent.

Numinous - Numinous means to have a strong sense of religious or spiritual quality. It can be indicative of the presence of divinity.

Nascent - Something or someone that is just coming into existence and starting to display future potential.

Noble-minded - A person who has the characteristics of an uptight, honourable, and superior mind.

Noble-hearted - When we refer to a person as noble-hearted, we are referring to them being morally good and unselfish. They have a good heart.

Non-judgemental - Someone who does not judge or criticise others.

Noetic - The word noetic comes from the Greek adjective ‘noētikos’, which means intellectual. When a person has done something using their thoughts and reasoning, they are very smart, they can be considered as noetic.

Nerve - For someone to have nerve in a situation, they are displaying courage and steadiness.

Nirvana - This is a Buddhist term that is used to talk about being desireless. ‘They reached a state of Nirvana’. They are no longer suffering.

Why use positive language in sentences?

Using positive language in sentences has many benefits. Positive words can help to improve communication, reduce conflict, increase optimism, and can give the writer an essence of credibility and respect. Use positive words that start with ‘n’ to describe a person to soften unpleasant news.

Positive words that start with ‘n’ to describe a person FAQs

What are the most common positive words that start with the letter ‘n’?

The most common positive words that start with the letter ‘n’ include: nice, novel, noble, nourishing, nurturing, notable and noble-minded. You might like to use these words to describe people, experiences, or things that bring you happiness, joy, and positivity.

What are some positive words that start with the letter ‘n’ that uplift your mood?

Some wonderful positive words that start with the letter ‘n’ to uplift your mood include: novel, nice, nourishing, nurturing, neat, and notable. Children can use these words in sentences to describe a person, and help to focus on the good things in life, reminding them to think positively!

Related resources

Letter 'N' Activity Pack

Things That Begin With 'N' Worksheets Pack

Good Feelings Adjectives Word Cards

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Positive Adjective Words And Phrases

Positive Words To Tear-Off Display Poster

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Discover this Emotive Language Teaching Wiki to learn about how using specific word choices can evoke an emotional reaction from the reader. This is a common technique that writers will use in novels, poetry, and other forms of literature. It can also be used in non-fiction writing.

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