Erin Heatherton Is Being Sued by RetroActive for Allegedly Abandoning Their Activewear Partnership

The Victoria's Secret model is facing a $10 million lawsuit.
Image may contain Erin Heatherton Human Person Clothing Apparel Fashion Evening Dress Robe and Gown
Randy Brooke/WireImage

Victoria’s Secret model Erin Heatherton is in hot water today after allegedly bailing on a sportswear line she started with stylist Clare Byrne, according to The Blast. The publication reported on court documents outlining the issues that reportedly unfolded during Clare's partnership with Erin.

The line, named RetroActive, was conceived of in 2015. Clare says she “negotiated a discounted rate to work with [Erin] on the project and 40% of [Erin’s] interest in any company formed to market RetroActive.” All seemed to be going smoothly at first. Erin wore pieces from the brand in both September and October of that year, in a promotional video for Zoolander 2 as well as to throw out the first pitch at a New York Mets game, respectively.

Clare filed a $10 million lawsuit against Erin, citing that only a few weeks after her last appearance in RetroActive, she abandoned the project and partnership “without warning or justification.” Clare arrived at the large financial figure after taking into account both expenses that she sank into the failed line, as well as money she would have made had she not cut the discounted deal initially.

Erin Heatherton has yet to comment on the failed project or the lawsuit but watch this space for updates.

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