Fig 1 - uploaded by Maryam S Mirian
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The agent perceives information from environment by ݂ ஼ and ݂ ஺ . 

The agent perceives information from environment by ݂ ஼ and ݂ ஺ . 

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Conference Paper
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We present a general mathematical description of the top-down attention control problem. Three important components are identified in the model: context extraction, attention focus and decision making. The context gives a coarse blurry representation of the whole input; the attention module models the focus of attention on a limited part of input,...

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Context 1
... modeling of ஼ and ஺ confirms the “coarse to fine” hypothesis [4], e.g. the sufficient information needed to decide whether a scene belongs to a natural or manmade category, can be obtained by a coarse view, and a finer categorization requires more detailed processing of specific features. After the agent has performed the motory action, for the sake of simplicity we assume that its mental state will become i.e. ଴ . Moreover, we assume that the agent’s real state in the environment does not change during the attention shifts between subsequent motory action selections. A schematic view of the above description of attention control scenario is given in Fig. 1. To this point, , we have introduced functions context extraction ݂ ஼ , attention shift ݂ ஺ , decision making ݂ ஽ , and mental state update ݂ ெௌ . Perceiving information from the environment is modeled by ݂ ஼ and ݂ ஺ . Therefore, the constraints that the agent’s processing limits limit impose on receiving information from the environment are modeled by these two functions. Context ontext extraction from sensory input requires simpler computations than processing the local focused attended input. As a result, result the load of operations done on each dimension of the sensory input is lower in the context phase. Let’s denote this load by ݈݋ܽ݀ ௖௢௡௧௘௫௧ and ݈݋ܽ݀ ௔௧௧௘௡௧௜௢௡ in context extraction and attention shift phases respectively. Thus, we would have: ݈݋ܽ݀ ௖௢௡௧௘௫௧ ൑ ݈݋ܽ݀ ௔௧௧௘௡௧௜௢௡ (6) and ...

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