The 14 Most Disturbing Moments From 'Edward Scissorhands'
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The 14 Most Disturbing Moments From 'Edward Scissorhands'

Jacob Shelton
Updated April 26, 2024 670.5K views 14 items
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Vote up the moments that left a lasting and traumatic impression.

Tim Burton's Edward Scissorhands is a timeless classic that inverts a typical monster movie by telling the story from the creature's perspective. It's a macabre fairy tale of acceptance and true love that's also incredibly disturbing. From the opening credits, the film reveals traumatic details that remain with the audience long after the movie ends.

Edward Scissorhands signaled the start of an extensive, lucrative relationship that created many beloved Tim Burton and Johnny Depp movies. The pair has specialized in movies about misunderstood outsiders, but none is more unsettling than this film, which brings up questions about mortality, immortality, and identity.

Whether it's Edward slicing up the people he loves or having his "father" expire in front of him, these moments from Edward Scissorhands prove Burton meant for this film to hurt.

  • 1
    2,770 VOTES

    Edward Probably Lived With His Inventor's Corpse For Months

    When Peg finds Edward in the mansion, he has been living there alone since his inventor passed the previous winter, if not earlier. None of the townspeople appear to acknowledge his existence, but gossip travels quickly in the community. This means that after Edward saw his creator die in front of him, he didn't call an ambulance or a morgue to get rid of the body (dialing the phone would have been tough).

    Instead, Edward likely let his creator decompose in the mansion while he puttered around on the property.

    2,770 votes
  • 2
    2,013 VOTES

    Edward Shreds Up His Own Hands

    One of the film's mysteries is why Edward has scissors for hands. One flashback shows his creator, played by Vincent Price, replacing Edward's parts piece by piece, with his hands being the last body parts to go.

    The inventor presents him with the perfect hands on Christmas, but in a cruel twist, he has a heart attack and falls forward. As he slumps, Edward's scissors impale the hands and destroy the final gift he might have received from the closest thing he has to a father.

    2,013 votes
  • 3
    2,179 VOTES

    The Local Housewives Have An Unhealthy Obsession With Edward

    One of the more unsettling aspects of the film is how Peg's housewife friends start swooning over Edward. From the moment he shows up, they find him titillating because he is different. They invite themselves over and inquire about his life.

    Joyce is especially bold, as she tries to start a business with Edward as well as seduce him. 

    2,179 votes
  • 4
    1,849 VOTES

    Joyce Likes To Get Her Hair Aggressively Cut By Edward

    When Joyce gets her hair cut by Edward, she describes it as "the single most thrilling experience" of her life. As Edward slices through her hair, she cries with delight, possibly revealing a secret fascination with the limits of existence or pain.

    With every snip, she almost catches a scissor to the face, and that's what she appears to like.

    1,849 votes
  • 5
    2,179 VOTES

    The Inventor Thinks It's Totally Fine To Give Edward Scissors For Hands

    One of the most disturbing parts in Edward Scissorhands is that the inventor decides to give his living creation scissors for hands. Sure, it looks cool, but he basically forces Edward to be an outsider from the beginning.

    When he ultimately makes real hands for Edward, it's tragically too late.

    2,179 votes
  • 6
    1,805 VOTES

    Peg's Neighbors See Edward As A Tool, Not A Person

    Though Peg genuinely cares for Edward, her neighbors see him as nothing more than a tool that can cut lettuce, trim hedges, make shish kebabs, and groom dogs. Edward may have scissors for hands, but he's still a person.

    The darkest part of this is that all along, his creator might have intended for him to be a tool.

    1,805 votes
  • 7
    1,605 VOTES

    Edward Is A Monster Who's Never Going To Die

    While never explicitly stated, it's implied that Edward doesn't age - so he's probably never going to experience the limits of mortality. The opening credits and flashbacks drop these hints by juxtaposing Edward with the other machines built by his creator. Throughout the film, whenever Edward cuts his face, he doesn't bleed, unlike the rest of the characters.

    At the end of the film, after a much older Kim finishes telling her granddaughter Edward's story, we see Edward, who's still the same age, slicing up ice sculptures. It doesn't take a lot to infer that Edward is going to live forever - at least, until his gears dry up and he winds down.

    1,605 votes
  • 8
    1,361 VOTES

    It Doesn't Take Much For Edward To Become Unhinged

    Though Edward goes through the wringer when he becomes part of the neighborhood, he handles most of his experiences in the outside world with an odd smile. He does everything from working for the neighbors for free to helping young Jim break into his father's home.

    But the moment Edward finally loses his cool, he starts shredding the walls, the curtains, and anything within reach. It's no surprise that he so easily turns deadly in the film's finale.

    1,361 votes
  • 9
    1,349 VOTES

    Kim Finds Edward In Her Bed

    Kim's introduction to Edward is a terrifying take on a meet-cute. She returns home from a camping trip with her friends, and after coming home early, she slips into her room to find a leather-clad man with razor-sharp blades for hands in her bed.

    1,349 votes
  • 10
    1,175 VOTES

    The Opening Credits

    The opening credits of Edward Scissorhands take you through the rundown mansion where Edward lives, and it's all Tim Burton-like and weird until the final two images in the montage: a pair of severed hands and the face of a dead Vincent Price.

    These unsettling visuals hint at the dark tale that awaits.

    1,175 votes
  • 11
    1,385 VOTES

    Kim Covers Up Her Ex-Boyfriend's Passing

    After Edward kills Jim by stabbing him through the chest and throwing him out a window, Kim covers it all up by telling the townspeople Edward and Jim killed each other. Then she lives with that lie for decades.

    It makes sense, though, because her neighbors would have killed Edward otherwise.

    1,385 votes
  • 12
    1,142 VOTES

    Edward Never Sleeps

    Edward seemingly never sleeps. After the barbecue, Edward stays awake all night, thinking about his past. Apparently, only alcohol is enough to knock him unconscious.

    1,142 votes
  • 13
    1,184 VOTES

    Edward Kills Jim And Pushes Him Out A Window

    At some points, Edward Scissorhands resembles a lighthearted, romantic spin on the classic Universal Monsters formula, but the movie veers straight into Gothic horror when the townspeople turn against Edward and chase him into his mansion. Jim, Kim's cruel and jealous boyfriend, breaks into the mansion and tries to kill Edward.

    Though Edward doesn't fight back at first, he lashes out to protect Kim, impaling Jim with his scissor hands before pushing him out a window.

    1,184 votes
  • 14
    1,197 VOTES

    Edward Slices Open Kevin's Face

    Toward the film's end, Edward saves Kevin from getting run over by a car driven by Jim and his drunk friends. In saving the boy, Edward accidentally falls on top of him and cuts Kevin's face.

    Even when Edward wants to be a hero, he can't help but almost kill an innocent kid.

    1,197 votes