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Sugar Cane Train

96761 Lahaina, Maui, HI, United States of America (USA) (Hawaii )

Address 17 Kaka'alaneo Drive
Floor area unfortunately not known yet  
Museum typ

Opening times
The Sugar Cane Train is closed and will reopen in 2018.

Status from 12/2014
Temporary closed



Our page for Sugar Cane Train in Lahaina, Maui, United States of America (USA), is not yet administrated by a member. Please write to us about your experience with this museum, for corrections of our data or sending photos by using the Contact Form to the Museum Finder.

Location / Directions
N20.880391° W156.679003°N20°52.82346' W156°40.74018'N20°52'49.4076" W156°40'44.4108"

We have two main train station locations to serve arrivals and departures. You may ride the Sugar Cane Train from either station with a round-trip ticket purchase.


Take the Honoapiilani Hwy (Rt.30) into Lahaina, turn on Hinau Street, next to the Pizza Hut. Then turn right on Limahana Place, we're at the end at 975 Limahana Place.


Take the Honoapiilani Highway (Rt.30) to Puukolii Rd. Turn on Puukolii and then take an immediate left after the train tracks.


The Lahaina, Kaanapali and Pacific Railroad (LKPRR) is a steam-powered heritage railroad in Lāhainā, Hawaii. The LKPRR operates the Sugar Cane Train, a 6-mile, 40-minute trip in open-air coaches pulled by vintage steam locomotives. The tracks connect Lahaina with Puukolii, stopping briefly at Kaanapali. A narrator points outs sites of interest during the trip, which crosses a 325-foot curved wooden trestle whose elevation yields panoramic views of neighboring islands and the

Come Along for the Ride

Join us as we travel between historic Lahaina town and the resorts of Kaanapali. Relax in an open-air coach whose nostalgic charm recalls the days of old Hawaii.

With a blast of its steam whistle, the locomotive chugs along a six-mile stretch of track at a leisurely pace. During your train ride, the Sugar Cane train crosses a 325-foot curved wooden trestle whose elevation yields panoramic views of neighboring islands and the West Maui Mountains.

During your journey, our narrator will entertain you Hawaiian-style and point out sites of interest along the way. From December to April, it is a common sight to spot humpback whales frolicking in our warm Pacific waters.

Future plans
for the Sugar Cane Train also includes hosting weddings and adding special evening train parties and receptions. Where there was once sugar cane, other agricultural crops will be planted such as coffee and corn. So although the canefields are gone, the train will continue to transport visitors between Lahaina and Kaanapali along a scenic journey from the Maui of yesteryear to the beauty and charm of Maui today. presents here one of the many museum pages. We try to bring data for your direct information about all that is relevant. In the list (link above right) you find the complete listing of museums related to "Radio & Co." we have information of. Please help us to be complete and up to date by using the contact form above.



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