
64 Pins
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some green plants are growing in the dirt
C.angelicae ssp.tetragonum PVB.9479
several purple flowers on the ground surrounded by rocks and gravel with small holes in them
C.obcordellum 'germanum' CR.1578
close up view of some pink flowers in dirt
Conophytum reconditum ARM.1266
a close up of a plant with dirt on it's ground and rocks in the background
C.pellucidum ssp.terricolor R.1674
purple flowers are growing out of rocks in a pot on the ground next to gravel
C.lithopsoides ssp.boreale UC.51/1303
some rocks are covered in brown and black stuff
Conophytum pellucidum ssp.terricolor SH.2271
two white and brown speckled donuts sitting next to each other
Todos os tamanhos | cono'42-237 | Flickr – Compartilhamento de fotos!木易可儿
some very pretty pink flowers on the rocks
C.swanepoelianum ssp.rubrolineatum PVB s.n.
small rocks and gravel in a green container
Todos os tamanhos | cono'44-237 | Flickr – 木易可儿
some brown and black food on top of each other
C.pellucidum 'elegans' CR.1041
two succulents with pink and white markings on them sitting in the dirt
C.marnierianum SH.644
some green plants with brown spots on them
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C.pellucidum ssp.terricolor R.1674
some very pretty looking plants with tiny leaves on it's stems in the dirt
C.reconditum PVB s.n.
some kind of food that is on the ground with dirt and gravel around it's edges
Conophytum roodiae Conophytum roodiae ssp roodiae plant on July 17th.
several pink flowers with white spots on them sitting in the dirt next to some rocks
C.uviforme CR.1161