Labor is Essential for Democracy: Organizing Amazon and Starbucks

Labor is Essential for Democracy: Organizing Amazon and Starbucks

Tuesday, November 29
6-7 PM ET / 3-4 PM PT
via Zoom

Live captioning provided

Description: Join us for a timely discussion about the importance of organized labor for the continuation of a strong democracy. Amazon Labor Union and Starbucks Workers United are at the forefront of a new wave of worker organizing efforts. These campaigns are not just challenging corporate greed, but fighting to ensure that worker power can counterbalance right-wing political forces seeking to undermine democracy.


Moderator: Angela Cornell: founding director of the Labor Law Clinic at Cornell and co-editor of the recently released, Cambridge Handbook of Labor and Democracy; member of the NLG Labor and Employment Committee Steering Committee.
  • Christian Smalls is the founder and president of the Amazon Labor Union, an independent, democratic, worker-led labor union at Amazon in Staten Island. He is also the founder of The Congress of Essential Workers (TCOEW), a nationwide collective of essential workers and allies fighting for better working conditions, better wages, and a better world. Smalls was formerly an Amazon warehouse supervisor, helping open three major warehouses in New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut during his five years with the company, but he was fired in 2020 after organizing a protest against the company’s unsafe pandemic conditions.
  • Kylah Clay is Starbucks Partner organizing with Starbucks Workers United. She is also a law student, and member of her local National Lawyers Guild Chapter.
Sponsor: NLG Labor & Employment Steering Committee
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