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News » Buzz » Inland Taipan, The World’s Most Venomous Snake

Inland Taipan, The World’s Most Venomous Snake

Curated By: Buzz Staff

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Delhi, India

An Inland Taipan’s bite can kill a human in less than an hour.

An Inland Taipan’s bite can kill a human in less than an hour.

According to the LD50 scale of poisonousness, the Inland Taipan stands at 0.025mg/kg. This means that a single bite could kill about 2.5 lakh mice.

Snakes are one of the most feared predators on the planet. This is because although they lack limbs, the venomous snakes can sometimes prove to be deadlier than the biggest animals too. About 600 venomous species can be found on the planet, of which about 200 can cause extensive damage to humans. Among them, the Inland Taipan is known to be the most venomous in the world.

The Inland Taipan, scientifically named Oxyuranus microlepidotus, is popularly known as ‘the fierce snake’. The paralysing venom of this snake contains taipoxin, a mix of mycotoxins, neurotoxins, and procoagulants which causes blood vessel and muscle tissue haemorrhaging and inhibits breathing.

According to the LD50 scale of poisonousness, the Inland Taipan stands at 0.025mg/kg. This means that a single bite could kill about 2.5 lakh mice. An Inland Taipan’s bite can kill a human in less than an hour.

The Inland Taipan is mainly found in the far west and southwest of Queensland, extending through the far west of New South Wales into the northern corner of South Australia and into the southeast of the Northern territory. The snake only eats mammals such as long-haired or plague rats.

While the Inland Taipan is known to be the most venomous snake in the world, it lives in remote locations and hardly comes in contact with humans. To date, there have been zero recorded fatalities from the bite of this snake.

But if one does fall prey to an Inland Taipan’s bite, don’t cut or wash the site of the bite. Wrap the site with a pressure bandage and then wrap the bitten limb starting at the extremities and working back to the bite. This prevents the snake venom from spreading through the lymphatic system.

Call for medical help immediately and make sure that the victim is taken to the hospital as quickly as possible. Ensure that the affected limb is immobilised with a splint.

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first published:December 12, 2022, 15:07 IST
last updated:December 12, 2022, 15:07 IST