You've finally matched with someone on one of the many dating apps out there, and it's time to test your chemistry out in the real world. Congrats! Now comes the part you may have dreaded: coming up with a first date idea. The good news is we've got you covered.

A classic meet-up for drinks or coffee is totally fine. But if you really want to wow your date, and start your potential relationship off on a memorable foot, why not go for a more exciting activity? Bringing someone to an unexpected place could help break the ice, get rid of those first date jitters, and really get to know them. If your first date goes well, no need to thank us, just come back to the list next time you need another fun date idea, whether it's the second date, the third, or you just need a date idea on a budget.

Here are 52 first date ideas to get to know your potential partner.

Have a picnic.

If your date is during the day, head to your local market, pick out your favorite fruit, cheese, and bread, and have a picnic in the park.

Learn about food together.

If your date is in the evening, try a cooking class or a food seminar, such as this goat cheese seminar at the French Cheese Board in NYC. It'll be romantic, educational, and also highly delicious.

Go learn about booze.

If you're both drinkers, a wine- beer-, or liquor-tasting seminar is a good way to go. If that kind of class is outside your budget, you could always hit up your local brewery and order a flight.

Go to an art gallery

If your date is more into art, check out your local or nearby art galleries. Exploring new places and submerging yourself in culture will not only ease the tension of strained conversation, but will give you things to talk about for many dates to come. We think it’s safe to say that the less awkward silences on those first few, crucial dates, the better.

Check out a museum

No matter where you are, there is always a cool museum to see. Even if it’s the local historical society in your town, you’ll always learn something. It’s cool to learn something with someone you’re interested in dating.

Check out the local arcade

With shows like Stranger Things all but taking us back in a time machine, our nostalgia for the '80s—even for those of us who weren’t even born in the '80s—is kind of huge. If they have the bug, bring them to the local arcade. There's always something for everyone, even if you’re not great at video games.

Visit the aquarium

Little mermaid references aside, this date will be one for the books. It may sound like something right out of childhood, but a trip to the aquarium could potentially greatest first date of all time if your potential partner is an animal lover.

See some casual live music

You don’t have to shell out to see some awesome live music. Google around and see where local pubs have live bands playing. Whether it’s jazz, country, or rock, you’ll be able to find something that you're into.

Trivia night at the pub

Trivia is a fun and cool way to show off your knowledge. There is usually very little pressure, and if you keep it light, you won’t embarrass yourself or look silly. Everyone gets stumped and everyone gets some questions correct.

Hit up a pub trivia night on a weekday. You might be delighted to learn you both have an encyclopedic knowledge of South American geography, summer hits of the ‘90s, or legendary sports commentators.

Do an escape room

An escape room is where you’re locked inside a room with various clues and need to use teamwork to solve a series of puzzles in order to find the code to unlock the door. Don’t worry, you won’t be trapped forever. There’s a timer that determines how long you have to get out of the room.

This is not a date for someone claustrophobic so, be sure to ask your date before planning this little adventure. It’s a good opportunity to see how they work as a partner in solving in mysteries... and maybe as a partner in life.

Shoot pool

Get some drinks and test our your skills at the billboard table.

A hike in the great outdoors

If you paid attention to their Instagram pics, you’ll know whether or not this sexy person is into outdoor adventures. If you see a lot of gym pics, biking outings, or rock climbing, ask them to go on a wilderness adventure you with.

Head out on a day hike! Check out our list of the best hikes in America—and don’t forget your CamelBak, because dehydration is not sexy, my dudes.

Ride bikes

If you've successfully determined they're into athletics, you could also go for a bike ride. If you don't have wheels of your own, that's okay: Your city might have a bike share program, or a bike shop that offers rentals. And remember to wear helmets!

Grab a paddle and go kayaking

If you live near water, chances are there's a spot to rent kayaks. Some places, like New York City, even have programs that let you do it for free!

Take a swing at the driving range

This one works best if at least one of you knows how to swing a golf club. Whack your way through a few buckets of balls—and then, if you still have time, drink your way through a few beers.

Miniature golfing

It doesn’t matter how cool you think you are, you are never too cool for miniature golf. And if your date thinks they are too cool for it, they are not the person for you!

This is a hands-on date. You pretty much have to put the phone away, hold your putters, and chat while you’re playing. It’s an excellent opportunity to get to know one another, while focusing on a (somewhat) physical activity.

Brunch on a sunny day

Depending on the time of year (and weather), brunch is always a wonderful idea for a date. Nothing says, “I dig you” like waffles and a mimosa. Brunch has a sexy appeal like a dinner date, with all the convenience of a day date.

Try karaoke

If you’re looking for something creative, invite your date to do Karaoke. Because anyone who would be willing to sing in front of a first date is someone worth dating.

Take a painting class...

Doing an art project is a great way to get to know someone, according to Scott Stanley, Ph.D., co-director of the Center for Marital and Family Studies at the University of Denver and the author of The Power of Commitment.

Go to pottery class

Get creative with your date, and have a memento to remember the start of a brand new relationship.

Go for the classic movie date

A movie date will always be a winner, no matter how obsessed with streaming we become. A dark theatre, candy, popcorn, and an opportunity to be silent and not make any small talk is pretty much an idea scenario.

See an improv show

Improv comedy can be a ton of fun...when it's done well. Find a group that gets positive reviews, and watch their past performances on YouTube to make sure you like 'em.

And hey, even if they do end up bombing, at least you'll have something to laugh about afterward.

See a play

Unleash your inner theater nerd! Again, do your research; read reviews, and find a show that might appeal to your partner's interests. Grab dinner or a drink after the show so you can talk about what you just watched together.

Check out the local farmer’s market

Farmer’s markets make for great first dates because you’re on your feet, walking around, and there is plenty to look at and see. You don’t have to worry about finding things in common because you have plenty of flowers, produce, and eclectic art to offer an opinion on.

Offer to buy your date and ice cream and see how they feel about the local flavor. You’re surrounded by food so, do they like to cook? Do they have a vegetable they can’t stand? What do they think about hokey, handmade wine stoppers? What’s not to love about this?

What’s more, if there isn’t a farmer’s market that weekend, look up if your town or city is doing anything special. For instance, Lafayette, CO, has Peach Festival; Long Grove, IL, has Strawberry Fest. All of this information is available online.

Wander through a botanical garden

From Redditor Snowypaton1: "We went to a botanical gardens while it was raining and chatted for hours. He was a great swing dancer and taught me how to dance while it was raining. Made a move at the perfect time. Just a really lovely first date."

Hit up a book store

Do some research to find a bookstore that's hosting an interesting talk or reading—ideally involving a topic or genre your partner's interested in. (Bonus points if you can find one at your local independent bookstore—not only does the environment tend to be cozier, but you get to support a small business, too.)

Go ice skating

It's okay if you suck at it. If you're wobbly on the ice, you have a ready-made reason to hold each other's hands. And if one of you is better than the other, you can always do that thing where the good person skates backward and guides the newbie around; that way, you get to skate face-to-face.

Go roller skating

'50s attire optional.

Get your astrology birth chart done

It can be fun to talk about what your signs mean, and how much (or little) you embody your supposed astrological traits.

Explore a flea market

Even if you're not in the market to buy anything, a flea market gives you plenty of things to look at and talk about; you won't feel pressured to constantly come up with conversation topics.

Go for a long walk

If you live in a city with lots of things to see—or, conversely, somewhere with a gorgeous natural landscape—a long, meandering walk is a great way to get to know someone.

Go on a geocaching expedition

Known as "the world's largest treasure hunt," this delightfully nerdy date idea can be a whole lot of fun. If you haven't heard of it, the activity involves going on the hunt for "geocaches": little containers hidden in specific locations around the world. To learn more about geocaching—including how to download an app that shows you where the containers are hidden—click here.

Hit up the dog park

Grab your dogs and see if you and your furry friends are compatible.

Volunteer at an animal shelter

Some animal shelters let volunteers drop in and walk their dogs. It'll feel good to do something charitable together—with a heavy dose of cuteness!

Stream something together.

Oh, you mean you actually wanted to watch Netflix together? Allow us to help you pick what to watch. Check out our roundups of the streaming service's best food documentaries, sports documentaries, action movies, thrillers, sports movies, superhero movies... Or, you could always just binge The Circle.

Bust out the board games

Get a little competitive and play some board games with your partner.

Cook Together

Show off your chef skills and get to know each other over a meal of your own creation.

Go Thrift Shopping

Find some unique clothes or other household finds for each other at your local thrift store.

Take a baking class.

Make something sweet and hopefully make even sweeter memories with your date.

Go Bowling

Whether you're a bowling pro or just trying your best, order some fries and wings and spend a nice evening and get to know your date with this classic idea.

Head to a Zoo

Get to know the animals and get to know your date.

Play Laser Tag

Get a group of friends together, or even play with a group of strangers and work together to take them down.

Go to a bounce house

Bounce houses aren't just for kids. Have fun hanging out at a trampoline park or bounce house and let you and your date feel young again.

Take a yoga class together.

Relax and stretch out your muscles in a group yoga class. If you want to be around nature, you can even take a class outside at a park.

Go to a planetarium.

Take your date to a place among the stars. You'll learn more about the planets, and hopefully, even more about the person you brought along.

Head to a food festival.

Most cities have restaurant weeks or food festivals for you to walk around and sample all sorts of cuisine. Bring a date along and learn more about your local restaurant scene.

Go to a carnival

Ride the tilt-a-whirl or take a spin on the carousel. Get some funnel cake! It's the perfect first date guaranteed to be fun.

Take dancing lessons

Try out salsa, the waltz, or even a hip-hop class. Even if you've got two left feet, you can still have a good time.

Go horseback riding

Learn a new skill and take your date with you. Who knows, you might even find a new favorite hobby.

Go to a sports game

Do you and your date have a favorite team? Even if you root for opposing teams, go out to a baseball game or a football game, or any game and spend some quality time together.