Who are the Wellbeing and Giving Working Groups?

Who are the Wellbeing and Giving Working Groups?

Wellbeing Working Group

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The aim of the Wellbeing Group is to provide an open forum to discuss challenges and opportunities to help make The Creative Engagement Group (TCEG) a great place to work. Whether that be supporting the implementation of Mental Health First Aiders or simply starting an office yoga class or walking group to promote fresh air and a chat! We're so proud to have been recognised by Mind for a second year, reflecting our brilliant team and company culture.

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"It's so great to have a platform within TCEG where we can openly discuss challenges within our working environments, and build on ways to support each other to be happier and healthier at work. I'm proud to work for a company that supports this discussion and approach to mental health at work." Isobel Dale, Wellbeing Group Lead.

Giving Working Group

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We’re a generous bunch at The Creative Engagement Group, so much so that we were unable to keep tabs on all the fantastic fundraising work that was taking place by individuals within the agency! It became apparent that it would be beneficial for us to come together and extend individuals’ charitable efforts further and so, the Giving Team was born! Throughout the last few years, the agency has successfully completed challenges including the Manchester to Blackpool bike ride, Manchester Marathon and the Three Peaks Challenge and taken part in smaller initiatives such as charity shop donations, collections of toiletries for the homeless, charity pub quizzes and fundraising bake sales and agency lunches.

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“I couldn’t be prouder to work for an agency that encourages us to do good in the world! Not only is our charitable work rewarding, it also creates connections across all of our agencies.” Laura Marquiss, Giving Team Lead

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