Common dwarf mongoose

Helogale parvula

The common dwarf mongoose, sometimes just called the dwarf mongoose, is a small African carnivore belonging to the mongoose family.
Dwarf Mongoose, Helogale parvula  Common dwarf mongoose,Geotagged,Helogale parvula,Indonesia,Winter


The common dwarf mongoose is a typical mongoose: it has a large pointed head, small ears, a long tail, short limbs and long claws. The species can be distinguished from other mongooses by its size. It is much smaller than most other species ; in fact, it is Africa's smallest carnivorous mammal. The soft fur is very variable in color, ranging from yellowish red to very dark brown.
Common Dwarf Mongoose  Common dwarf mongoose,Geotagged,Helogale parvula,Kenya,Summer


The common dwarf mongoose is primarily found in dry grassland, open forests, and bush land, up to 2,000 m in altitude. It is especially common in areas with many termite mounds, their favorite sleeping place. The species avoids dense forests and deserts. The common dwarf mongoose can also be found in the surroundings of settlements, and can become quite tame.
The species ranges from East to southern Central Africa, from Eritrea and Ethiopia to the provinces of Limpopo and Mpumalanga in the Republic of South Africa.
African's smallest (biggerrin non-thumbnail mode:)) Carnivore the smallest,
In intelligence the tallest
The savannah I hunt
And locusts will stunt
into the Hornbills beaks
Protective service for weeks.

(crappy but informative poem by uhh me:))
 Common Dwarf Mongoose,Geotagged,Helogale parvula,The Netherlands


The common dwarf mongoose is a diurnal animal. It is a highly social species that lives in extended family groups of two to thirty animals. There is a strict hierarchy among same-sexed animals within a group, headed by the dominant pair . All group members cooperate in helping to rear the pups and in guarding the group from predators.

Young mongooses attain sexual maturity by one year of age but delay dispersal, with males usually emigrating at 2–3 years old. Dispersing males may join other established groups, either as subordinates or by ousting the resident males, or they may found new groups with unrelated dispersing females. In contrast, females normally remain in their home group for life, queuing for the dominant position. They will, however, emigrate to found a new group if they lose their place in the hierarchy to a younger sister.

Dwarf mongooses are territorial, and each group uses an area of approximately 30-60 hectares . They sleep at night in disused termite mounds, although they occasionally use piles of stones, hollow trees, etc. The mongooses mark their territory with anal gland and cheek gland secretions and latrines. Territories often overlap slightly, which can lead to confrontations between different groups, with the larger group tending to win.

Dwarf mongooses tend to breed during the wet season, between October and April, raising up to three litters. Usually only the group's dominant female becomes pregnant, and she is responsible for 80% of the pups reared by the group. If conditions are good, subordinate females may also become pregnant, but their pups rarely survive. After the gestation period of 53 days, 4-6 young are born. They remain below ground within a termite mound for the first 2–3 weeks. Normally one or more members of the group stay behind to babysit while the group goes foraging. Subordinate females often produce milk to feed the dominant female's pups. At 4 weeks of age the pups begin accompanying the group. All group members help to provide them with prey items until they are around 10 weeks old.

A mutualistic relationship has evolved between dwarf mongooses and hornbills, in which hornbills seek out the mongooses in order for the two species to forage together, and to warn each other of nearby raptors and other predators.
Dwarf Mongoose, Central Serengeti This one was photographed by my girl Henriette, as she was exiting the ladies "bathroom" whilst camping in the wild in Central Serengeti. Africa,Common Dwarf Mongoose,Helogale parvula,Serengeti National Park,Serengeti North,Serengeti area,Tanzania


The common dwarf mongoose is primarily found in dry grassland, open forests, and bush land, up to 2,000 m in altitude. It is especially common in areas with many termite mounds, their favorite sleeping place. The species avoids dense forests and deserts. The common dwarf mongoose can also be found in the surroundings of settlements, and can become quite tame.
The species ranges from East to southern Central Africa, from Eritrea and Ethiopia to the provinces of Limpopo and Mpumalanga in the Republic of South Africa.
Dwarf Mongoose  Common Dwarf Mongoose,Geotagged,Helogale parvula,United States


The diet of the common dwarf mongoose consists of insects , spiders, scorpions, small lizards, snakes, small birds, and rodents, and is supplemented very occasionally with berries.


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