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Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist #5

魔界王子 devils and realist 5 [Makai Ouji: Devils and Realist 5]

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192 pages, Paperback

First published June 25, 2012

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Madoka Takadono

101 books21 followers

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Displaying 1 - 15 of 15 reviews
Profile Image for Victoria ♡.
1,044 reviews98 followers
May 12, 2020
Haven’t read this series in a while so might take me a bit to get back into it, but interesting volume non the less! I forgot how nice the art is and how much I adore Dantilion
Profile Image for dragon.
466 reviews31 followers
January 19, 2018
OK so it's about half this volume that I remember from the anime and then there's like half or more of new content which I was SUPER excited about! We get to learn a bit more of Dantalion, not so much of who he was when he was human (tho we do get clues) but who he was as an early demon. Just how William is so focused on learning more about him, I'm burning with curiosity. Also, can I just say I love William and how he's no longer dismissing demons, devils, or Hell, and is now reading up on new content, intent on creating some sort of logical system. Like he's discovering a new world and needs to learn the game. Also, there's some suspenseful stuff happening with the church, and really with Kevin. I'm so afraid he's going to go through with Michael's plans. He's just so devoted to William so I hope he doesn't

I feel like so far a lot of the exciting parts keep getting cut short by some sort of school or traveling filler or some anticlimactic "ending" so hopefully things flow a bit smoother (though maybe this is just wishful thinking). ONWARD to more new content, plots, and characters!
Profile Image for Elyse.
1,212 reviews24 followers
December 14, 2019
This amazing page is a good summary of this volume:


William & Isaac take a trip to Hell with Lamia as their guide to found out more about demons & Dantalion’s past. This is all a trick to lure William and meet the others candidates for the Throne. Chaos arrive when William put Solomon’s ring on and seems possess by him, for some reasons, he remembers everyone except Dantalion.

We still do not know who or what is Dantalion, I am just like William, I cannot wait to find out more!
Profile Image for Amanda Setasha.
1,481 reviews55 followers
November 9, 2018
Extremely well drawn, but kind of super confusing honestly.
This is a difficult story to keep up with, but it keeps you interested the entire time.
Profile Image for L. Luck.
617 reviews11 followers
December 26, 2018
4.5☆ (no long reviews on manga series except the first and last volumes)
Profile Image for Linda Jaejoong.
554 reviews7 followers
January 6, 2017
Auch in Band 5 geht es wieder hoch her. Diesmal verschlägt es William in die Hölle. Ein bisschen Tee und eine nette Unterhaltung mit den Dämonen, was kann da schon schief gehen, oder?? William hat es nicht leicht, jeder will etwas von ihm. Die Dämonen wohlen ihn auf ihrer Seite haben und die Engel wollen ihn zu ihrer Marionette machen. Beide Seiten zerren am ihm und geben nicht nach.

Endlich erfahren wir ein bisschen mehr aus der Vergangenheit von Salomo und Dantalion. Aber es sind noch so viele Fragen offen und die wichtigste ist, warum sich Salomo nicht mehr an Dantalion erinnern kann. Wer war Dantalion in seinem früheren Leben, viele behandeln ihn wie einen Gott. Ich habe das Gefühl das das ein Hinweis sein soll, den ich aber leider nicht verstehe.

Kevin machte ich am Anfang, aber er wird mir immer unsympathischer. Er soll gefälligst seine Finger von William lassen. In dieser Manga Reihe sind nicht die Dämonen die Bösen, sondern die Engel. Ich stehe ganz klar auf der Seite der Dämonen. Ich hoffe das auch William sich für sie entscheiden wird. Die Dämonen haben eindeutig die schnuckligere Besetzung, Dantalion und Camio sind aber auch schick.

Das Dämonen Bankett fand ich sehr interessant. Wir haben endlich alle wichtig Dämonen kennengelernt. Vor allem Samael interessiert mich sehr, er muss unbedingt mehr Szenen bekommen. Luzifer ist ein weiteres Mysterium. Ist er ein Mann oder eine Frau und wie sieht er/sie aus. Ich hoffe das wir ihn bald zu Gesicht bekommen und erfahren was seine Geschichte mit Salomo und Dantalion ist.

Fazit: Band 5 war sehr spannend, voller Action und voller Emotionen. Die Handlung ist einfach großartig und die Figuren sind sehr schön dargestellt. Die Zeichnungen sind mal wieder der Knaller und das Cover ist sehr schick.
Profile Image for Emi.
81 reviews
March 16, 2023
I enjoyed how Lamia appeared in the floor suddenly right at the beginning, and I almost forgot that William takes on his new knowledge about there being demons and magic and attempts to use science and logic to categorise and understand their existence, but that follows his character as well. My only real grievance with this is there are a couple of homophobic comments (I think made exclusively by William) throughout, the first being right at the beginning (in response to Lamia accusing William of being Dante's lover) "stop with that disgusting misunderstanding," though perhaps that's simply to keep true with the time this was set in and William has simply taken on the public mindset that even men who engaged with homosexuality in private presented.

We see a bit more from Solomon's story in a flashback, and William puts on the ring for the first time so we get to see what happens when he does that. It's pretty intense, and it's interesting to see how each demon reacts to it (Sytry's master seems a bit brash lol), and poor Kevin is put under more pressure to put William through 'religious ecstasy', making the question he poses William at this volume's cliff-hanger all the more intense.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Eri.
74 reviews16 followers
November 15, 2015
I'm giving this volume five stars because it is clearly better than the previous two volumes. The plot was very interesting, I couldn't resist to read through it in one breath and also the characters receive some more depth, which was very necessary in Kevin's case.

The art is still incredibly gorgeous and one of the main points why I love reading this manga. It is also the reason, why I'm not too troubled about the slow progress of the story. I did see some hints at a direction it might take, though, so I'm hopeful.

Right after having finished this volume I read the synopsis of Devils and Realist #6 and I have to admit that I am not too thrilled about it, as it looks like the plot is returning to its old schemes. Let us hope that I am wrong.

Profile Image for Megan.
5,852 reviews30 followers
January 8, 2022
I started off just as confused as I have been previously, but we are getting some more backstory now and learning more about the world, and Dantalion and William's place in it in particular. They've also slowed down the introduction of new characters, which is much appreciated, and there seems to be more of a focus on fleshing out the important ones currently in the story, which is really helping my comprehension levels.
Profile Image for Amy.
735 reviews3 followers
June 16, 2015
I must be losing interest in the plot, which seems meandering even though this one almost had something happen (and did) but not really. Does that even make sense? The plot doesn't feel solid, and the end of the book is about where the beginning of the book was. Eh, I don't know. I had given it 2 stars originally, but this volume had more plot movement than the previous one or two volumes.
Profile Image for Maverynthia.
Author 2 books9 followers
September 27, 2016
Ugh. Shows Joan of Arc as a girl wearing frilly dresses and that's not her at all. Did not do the research.
Displaying 1 - 15 of 15 reviews

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