

學名:Begonia solimutata L.B.Sm. & Wassh.

英名:Sun-Changing Begonia

簡介 Description


A perennial herb in the genus Begonia, native to Brazil. Rhizomes creeping underground. Leaves dark green, heart-shaped with radiate pale green veins. Red on the leaf margin and underside, rough and hairy on the upper surface. The species name solimutata is a combination of the Latin word “sun” and “change”, which means that the leaves change color depending on the light intensity. Monoecious, flowers white or pale green.

栽培 Cultivation


The plant normally grows in warm environments with partial sunlight and thrives vigorously in highly humid conditions. It needs shaded from direct sun in summer and prefers well-drained soils rich in organic matter. Apply long-active fertilizer once a season. Propagated by cuttings.

應用 Application


The leaf color changes with the light intensity; when the plant receives more light, the green leaves turn brighter and become darker in the contrary condition, because the chloroplast in the blades change the shape with the light intensity in order to capture more light in the dark environments, and then change the surface color; it’s an excellent example for natural observation.