
A cedar waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum) pulls a red berry from a branch and starts to take off in Estes Park, Colorado.

By: Dawn Wilson

This week’s featured subject is the cedar waxwing. A beautiful bird with unique markings, this little avian resident of Estes Valley is a favorite of birdwatchers and photographers. Here are five facts about this bird that can be seen throughout the year in Colorado.


Cedar waxwing perched on a tree branch in Loveland, Colorado

1. The cedar waxwing is unmistakable when spotted. A small bird — about the size of a mountain bluebird — crested and covered in sleek brown, gray and soft yellow feathers. They also have a black mask, yellow tips on the tail feathers, and hard red wax-like tips on secondary wing feathers.


A cedar waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum) flips a berry into his mouth on a cloudy day in a shopping center parking lot in Slidell, Louisiana.

2. In winter, cedar waxwings travel in large flocks as they move between berry-laden trees and bushes, cleaning out the leftover berries before moving on to the next meal location.


A pair of cedar waxwings (Bombycilla cedrorum) sit on a branch on a sunny morning in Slidell, Louisiana.

3. Waxwings are named for the waxy red tips on the wings. The exact purpose of the tips is not known.


A young cedar waxwing (Bombycilla cedrorum) peeks out from the bush where he was hiding on a sunny day in Estes Park, Colorado.

4. Because waxwings eat so much fruit, they occasionally become intoxicated when they eat fermented berries.

5. Cedar waxwings do not have a distinct song but rather make a high-pitched trill that sounds like tseee.

Dawn Wilson is a professional and award-winning nature photographer who lives in Estes Park year-round. You can see more of her work, join one of her Rocky tours, and purchase prints at DawnWilsonPhotography.com or follow her on Instagram: @dawnwilsonphoto.

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