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Uncarina roeoesliana

Very rare Madagascan pachycaul. Bonsai subject with much fatness! Rich yellow flowers from plants even as small as 10cm. Leafless in winter, keep dry. Warm position with well-aerated soil.

4.Indoors OK, Outdoors OK only if protected from winter rain.

Precocios pretty plant.
Flower has YELLOW throat.
Floriferous like most Uncarinas....
....even on small plants.
...sometimes followed by seedpods.
....which is VERY tenacious.
Suits a bonsai presentation, although this is not the best example to inspire you with!
Young plants showing huge potential.
Precocios pretty plant.
Flower has YELLOW throat.
Floriferous like most Uncarinas....
....even on small plants.
...sometimes followed by seedpods.
....which is VERY tenacious.
Suits a bonsai presentation, although this is not the best example to inspire you with!
Young plants showing huge potential.