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Eyes=Mirrorge no Ren-sama!
She's just so cool, ne?


Kureya and Riza from Eyes=Mirrorge
Dig the Ayumi Hamasaki shades, they're all the rage! And did I not say Kureya was wack? Riza seemed kind of quiet, but on stage she was bouncing around very cool-like, doing this cool kinda leg bob shoulder-spin groove-thing.


Eyes Fans!
I forgot everyone's names, because I'm a dork. But the dude here spoke English well and the girl beside him is Kureya's sister, and a "Kiriter" (a word she was very impressed that I knew -- I'll have to remember to thank Tenk!)
More Eyes Fans
Again I forgot the names, but the guy on the left hates having his picture taken, and the girl on the right is a big Dir en grey fan, but insists that Kyo is better than Die, which is just like sooo untrue!


Me and Koran-san
"Okay, you look bored out of your mind, and I'll look like the typical Roppongi scum that oozes around the streets on Saturday night, and together we can make the worst photo in history." "Okay."


Brian and Ukyo
"Should his eyeballs be rolling into the back of his head like that?"

Do the Miyabi
There's a poster on the wall of Miyabi, from Due le Quartz. It's autographed, too (like the other hundred posters in the lobby). And in it, Miyabi ("the sluttiest jrocker of them all") is doing this fingers-in-mouth-kinda pose. So so did we!

November 01
but we're STILL on Monday...

Eyes=Mirrorge Is Cool as Hell, part 2

now playing: Game 3 of the World Series

I took too many damn pictures. (Actually Saya took most of the shots that I'm in. Arigatou Saya-kun!) Here they are! No text necessary!

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Some of Eyes' Staff
That's Rocky in red, who emailed me a few times after the first show, in perfect English. But her high school teacher did all the writing! Boo! Ooh ooh -- notice the matching armbands!


Me and Ren Again
Ready for her next adventure in deep-space!


Kureya and Staff
"Just do as he says, and maybe he'll leave us alone!"


I forgot her name, but her dress was really nice, she was partially INSANE and she was an amazing headbanger throughout Halcyon's set, throwing herself onto the bars with such vigor that for a second I thought I was at Death show.


Gordon and Anze
Anze's one helluva headbanger too. And as for that beer can in my hand, i think i carried it around for three hours without finishing more than half of it, and then I threw it away! Unfinished! A new day is dawning on my alcoholic head, I suspect.


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