10 Things We Learned From Dark Side Of The Ring: Dynamite Kid

8. Why He Wouldn’t Hold His Daughter

Dynamite Kid Dark Side Of The Ring

There was a softer side to the Dynamite Kid, especially in the early days.

Michelle told VICE's producers that Tom refused to hold the couple's first daughter, Bronwyne, until she was able to walk. Why? Well, Billington was afraid of hurting this precious little girl. That's certainly an unexpected show of care from somebody who wasn't known for it.

Dynamite's good pal (and fellow worker) Dan Spivey later said that Tom adored his children and would speak of them constantly on the road. That's not a side of the man that many were privy to, but his heart swelled with pride whenever he mentioned his kids, and that's cool to learn.

Michelle says Dynamite's demeanour didn't actually change until he hurt his back in the mid-80s. After that, his entire psyche altered and he turned into a darker human being to be around. Pre-injury though, Dynamite was the kind who'd pen love letters for Michelle.

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