The Helmeted Water Toad (Calyptocephalella gayi) is a big and robusts amphibian that can reach a weight of 1.2 kg and 30 cm in length. Endemic to Chile, due to the increased overexploitation, the country prohibited its capture, for this is listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN, and protected by the Chilean legislation.

Despite being pretty logical, a new investigation reveals a unseen fact. One of the worst alien species in the world, the African clawed frog (Xenopus laevis), -whom is one important source of diseased for amphibians as chytrid fungus, ranavirus and parasites- is a prey to the Helmeted water toad, the report was released in Herpetology Notes.

This prey-predator relationship might result in an easy infection with this fungus by direct contact, researchers need to monitoring and testing for the presence of emerging diseases. It is known that african clawed frog can secrete skin antipredator mechanisms, but may no be effective with this big toad.