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The Olog-hai.The Olog-hai.
Sarun used Trolls extensively in the ending period of War of the Rings. During various battles, Sarun realized the limitation of Trolls. Trolls were highly inefficient for fighting against the enemy while in sunlight. This limitation of trolls forced Sarun to have some advanced fighters who could be more versatile in the fighting. To overcome this limitation of trolls, Sarun created a hybrid form of the current trolls, and these were Olog-hai.

Sarun created Olog-hai as an advanced version of Trolls to overcome their inefficiency. The primary purpose of raising Olog-hai was to make the Trolls more powerful and capable of fighting with the enemy day and night. These were of bigger size than a normal man with an average height of four to five meters. Olog-hai were strong, muscular, and tall, having an overall destructive nature. Their body color was in the mixed shade of tan and grey.

Saruman created Uruk-hai, who was better and more robust and able to sustain the heat and sunlight. In response to Uruk-hai of Saruman, Sarun created Olog-hai with better physical strengths and body features. Olog-hai were the symbol of fights, destruction, strengths; and always carried hammers, spiked maces, large and sharp swords, with claws and tusks. According to the film story, all the Olog-hai were destroyed when the War of the Ring was over.​

Languages of Olog-hai

Sarun wanted to make a unique common language for all the Mordor. Therefore, he created a new symbol-based language called the Black Speech. Mordors and their servants used this language. Olog-hai was a word derived from the Black Speech-language, which means 'troll-folk.' Olog-hai usually speaks this language, but very few people understood the words of that language. These words of the language seemed merely sounds for the other people.​

Behavior of Olog-hai

The trolls, which were in the previous time, suffered several limitations. But, Olog-hai were free from such restrictions. They possessed the ability to move and act even in the presence of sunlight, day or night. Saruman raised Uruk-hai to fight with Olog-hai. But, the strength and other versatile features of Olog-hai were quite superior to Uruk-hai.​

Depiction of Olog-hai in Film

Motion Pictures depicted the role of Olog-hai widely in the film the Lord of the Rings. In one of the scenes, hundreds of giant-sized Olog-hai stormed into the main entrance of Minas Tirith. To counter their attack, the White Rider Gandalf ordered his soldiers to kill all the Olog-hai whoever enters through the gate. But his soldiers were unsuccessful in confronting the massive and powerful attack of Olog-hai. They were of giant size, looked terrible, spoke an unknown language, and just stormed through the main entrance and ransacked the robust door of Gondor.

They were outfitted in black armor gears carrying war spiked-mace, heavy hammers, and swords. The heavily armored dresses made them look like death for enemies. Despite their heavy and bulky size, they were swift enough to fight with swords and move quickly, jumping here and there. [1] Their surprise and the brutal attack made the seizure of Gondor comparatively smooth and quick. After storming through the gate, Olog-hai shoots towards the Black gate and attacks Aragorn. In a close fight, he critically battered Aragorn and made him almost dead.

The Olog-hai were larger in size as compared to the previous trolls. The former trolls were of approximately three to four-meter height. In contrast, an average Olog-hai was four to five meters high. They had bright orange color eyes with a more forward face, twenty-four teeth, and hair all over the body. They had an evil connection with Sarun, which was clearly visible from their bright orange color eyes.​

The Hobbit Films

The Hobbit is a film from the Hobbit Film Adaptation, famous for the Battle of Five Armies. In the Battle, Azog, the military commander of Sauron, was leading the group of heavy armored Olog-hai. He also had a massive army of orcs that Sauron raised for the specific purpose of the Battle. The Hobbit presented the Ologs almost in similar looks and features as that of the previous film. Still, their size was larger than the previous ones.​

Shadow of War

Shadow of War is a game [2] without a cannon, and the trolls depicted in the game are similar to the trolls shown in films. These trolls were having the same features as Olog-hai. The Ologs in the game are smaller in size than the Ologs in both films. The standard language of Olog-hai is Black Speech, but in the game, they spoke English every now and then. In both the films, the Olog-hai spoke nothing except a few words of Black Speech. But in the game, Olog-hai spoke English every now and then. To customize the game, the developers added a new 'troll-variant' beast in the game. They named it Graug, which is similar to Olog-hai in features and looks. But the size of this troll variant is larger than the Olog-hai. The game developers do not want the Ologs or Uruks should supersede their own created beast. So, they made the size of Ologs smaller than that of the newly created animal.​


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General info

Mordor, Dol Guldur (films only), Mount Gundabad (films only)
Black Speech

Physical Attributes

Tall, muscular, powerful, intelligent, destructive
Skin color
Shades of grey and Tan
