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Misses' belly dancer ghawazee coats and belts costume sewing pattern. For the looks shown here, combine this pattern with costume pattern 2158.

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Simplicity Misses Belly Dancer Costume Data

8 Reviews  
Recommended for: Everyone (7 reviews), Advanced (1)
Fabrics: Brocade (2 reviews), Taffeta (1), Polyester Brocade (1), Faux Leather (1), Cotton-Lycra Knit (1)

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Member Reviews for Simplicity Misses Belly Dancer Costume 2159

noxartemis rates it for All sewists a
I picked a size 10/small. Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it? Yes. Were the instructions ea.....more
Mixxx rates it for All sewists a
It seems to be true to size. I used a stretchy material encase it was snug. Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were .....more
ElleL rates it for All sewists a
The armholes were too small. Fabric Used: I made it fully lined and reversible, so a rust crushed taffeta for one side, gold satin for the other. Pat.....more
ElleL rates it for All sewists a
Pattern Description: Misses' belly dancer ghawazee coats and belts costume sewing pattern. Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope .....more
ZulmaFrench rates it for All sewists a
Pattern Description: This pattern offers several belly dancing 'ghawazee' coats designs. Pattern Sizing: I used size 6 as I wanted a tight fit. With t.....more
curvystitches rates it for All sewists a
I like that there is an over bust coat option. The shaped neckline is sexy without being as revealing as the other options. I need to make a really s.....more
MishaB rates it for All sewists a
I made the below bust neck from view C, and used it again 2 more times and plan to adapt the neck from A to something else. Fabric Used: a black and .....more


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