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Misses' jacket sewing pattern with princess lines and trim variations.

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Simplicity Misses' Jacket Data

12 Reviews  
Recommended for: Everyone (11 reviews), Intermediate (1)
Fabrics: Cotton Twill (2 reviews), Ponte Knit (1), Faux Suede (1), Faux Leather (1), Stretch Twill (1), Corduroy (1), Matelasse (1), Cotton Duck (1), Silk Brocade (1), Denim (1)

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Member Reviews for Simplicity Misses' Jacket 2341

LeiaAurora rates it for All sewists a
I used the base of this pattern for a Jareth costume for a commission. I kept the front Princess seams and removed the back seams completely. I also c.....more
jaspey rates it for All sewists a
My mother actually discovered this pattern and asked me to make it for her. She wanted a jacket that she could wear when her and my father go out on t.....more
GayleMI rates it for All sewists a
Size H5, 6-14 Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it? No. I hacked it to look like my inspirati.....more
mew55 rates it for All sewists a
I like the options in the different views..I don't care for the lack of arm looks and feels great just standing or sitting. Fabri.....more
HelloSpeedy rates it for All sewists a
I liked the look of a basic fitted jacket with a zip front and I liked the options to customise and change the look to make it my own. I did find the.....more
kikismama rates it for All sewists a
This pattern was well drafted and every marking lined up perfectly with the cotton twill. My favorite thing is that these are extremely flattering st.....more
arcox726 rates it for All sewists a
6-8-10-12-14 Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing with it? Yes Were the instructions easy to follow? .....more


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