seawildearth is a professional wildlife and landscape media service based in Okinawa, Japan, owned and run by an Emmy Award winning wildlife cameraman.


Wild About Okinawa? Get Involved

With your help 'Yambaru, the Green Beating Heart of Okinawa' will be both a documentary and coffee table book projecting the natural diversity of life and rugged beauty of northern Okinawa.

The Yambaru
The Yambaru

Without a doubt the Yambaru is the green beating heart of northern Okinawa. Interlaced with a network of rivers and waterfalls it serves as home to a huge diversity of both endemic and endangered species.

Rugged Coastlines
Rugged Coastlines

Where the jungle meets the Ocean. Northern Okinawa is known for its rugged beauty. This is a region battered by storms, where rock formations have been sculpted by the waves of time. An Ocean photographers Shangri-la.

Living Treasures
Living Treasures

In a few select pockets of this green oasis one can happen upon wildlife so rare that it enjoys the auspicious title of national treasure. The blue morph of Ishikawas Frog is one of them. And there are others, many others too....

I have now lived in Okinawa for five years. In that time I have thrown myself headlong into the natural embrace of the island. I've explored deep into the expansive jungles on foot, slept overnight in vegetation far from sounds of the outside world, serenaded by natures soundtrack. I've interacted with all manner of wildlife and been fortunate enough to have come face to face with so many of its hidden and rare gems. This green wonderland of northern Okinawa is known as 'Yambaru' which loosely translates as 'forested mountain region'. In my numerous adventures I have shared imagery from my travels and introduced adventurous souls to this incredible region. And yet there remains so much more to see. This is where I offer you the opportunity to be a part of that.

A mock concept of the cover for the Coffee Table Book.

'Yambaru, the Green and Beating Heart of Okinawa' is a project that will yield both a very high quality coffee table book that will showcase via stunning still imagery the magical allure of the region. Beyond the printed medium I will also be producing a documentary project to showcase the same in moving imagery form. This project will allow me to employ all of the skills and abilities I possess in order to ensure the creation of something that as yet does not exist for the region. This is your opportunity to be a part of that recognition of this truly unique location.

At this time the printed segment of this project, the Coffee Table Book will be a hard cover with sleeve, comprising some 136 supremely high quality pages. With a sheen to the finished pages the look and feel of the product will reflect both the reverence of the location and the dedication to rendering a photographic homage to its true and stunning beauty.

Beyond the expose of the incredible jungles of the region will also be a look at the equally appealing and rugged coastline of northern Okinawa island. Small hidden coves, waterfalls and sweeping beaches, for the most part deserted, are the main fare when it comes to the coastal attractions of the region.

For a large part of my time here I have explored many of the expansive kilometers of coastline in the area. Through my sponsorship by photographic hardware manufacturers I have been able to find previously hidden spots and convey them in due course via the medium of photography. To date I have shared some of that imagery, but not all. I also have ambitions to shoot other areas that have until now remained on my 'to shoot' list but for which as yet I have not had time to be able to head out and document them.

This conundrum though is all a part of the opportunity that exists. I'm looking for a number of entities, business, corporate and private sector, who would be willing to back this project in order for me to be able to focus more of my time toward it. In return those entities will become the production names of the project. Recognitions will be made to all supporters of this project in both the opening page of the Coffee Table Book as well as in the credit roll of the associated documentary.

My desire is to be able to showcase the region, its noted flora and fauna throughout the complete seasonal diversity of the year. From the established and expected sun drenched imagery so expected from the region to rain drenched vistas during the rainy season. I'll be looking to document the expansive flora and fauna and thus being able to convey the story of this unique location via the power of mixed media.

This is not a call for me to be able to head out and buy a new range of gear, I already own the required cameras and lenses in order to accomplish this project. This is more a request to provide me with the means to be able to dedicate the required amount of time to this project as it so rightly deserves. As an outset I envisage this project will require two years from inception through to completion. While I do have some established contracts that I shoot on an annual basis, around those I will then be looking to divide the majority of my remaining time towards this project.

Investment Opportunities

In order to accomplish this project I am looking for the below mentioned supporters from across the corporate and private sectors.

2 x major corporate sponsors each providing a level of investment equal to US$10,000
4 x private or corporate sector sponsors each providing a level of investment equal to US$5,000

Patreon Supporters

For individuals wishing to support this project but with a lesser investment requirement an account on the Patreon social media platform has been established for this project. Patreon is a service where individuals wishing to support a project by way of a small monthly donation. In the project to support this effort a monthly fee reflective of less than a hight street latte and blueberry muffin is requested. Updates there will include news and updates that are not posted to other social media platforms as well as offering specific perks. Please check out the Patreon Page for more details.

Sponsor Recognitions

In recognition of their support the two major corporate entities will be recognized with the credit of 'in Association with' these will appear in the front of the book as well as the introduction credit and title sequence of the video project. To avoid confusion the first entity to support the project will be the first of the two to be mentioned in both the printed and visual products.

In recognition of their support the four private or corporate sector sponsors as noted above will be included and mentioned in both products as the executive producers of the project.

Sponsor Rewards

All levels of sponsors will receive a signed final copy of the Coffee Table Book and digital copy of the finalized film.

Home to Dragons
Home to Dragons

Home to a myriad of iconic creatures many of them such as this Andersons Crocodile Newt are both endemic, as in they are found nowhere else on Earth, as well as critically endangered. By promoting their existence will reinforce the desire to preserve them.

The Undocumented
The Undocumented

While most wildlife photography of the region focuses on the standard and known fare there also exists the unknown. Species like this Silver Habu that are rarely seen let alone photographed. What else is 'out there'? Could new species be waiting to be discovered?

Jungles to Skies
Jungles to Skies

The flora and fauna of the region is so diverse, way more than can just a few photographs portray on this page. I have been photographing all manner of life from the wild macro critters to the more enigmatic species of the region, and then of course the landscapes.

'Yambaru, the green and beating heart of Okinawa' will be an expose of imagery of the utmost quality. Many of you reading this will have also seen imagery from the region that I share to my social media platforms. I have received nothing but praise from the regular viewers as well as professional recognition within the filming industry from past accomplishments. Everything I do, imagery wise, is done to the best of my ability. Given my in-depth understanding and command of both the photographic and cinematographic mediums ensures that corporate and private sector entities aligning with and supporting this project will only be promoting their support and dedication to a high quality product that is currently lacking.

A scene indicative of the Northern Okinawa coastline.

"When one man, for whatever reason, has the opportunity to lead an extraordinary life, he has no right to keep it to himself"

Jacques Yves Cousteau