How did a profile picture changing joke become this.


OFFTOPIC Episode 1: The Void

Banana Bread have awakened in a void with 6 other people with no means of escape.. then she hosts an object show.

OFFTOPIC Episode 2: Tree Planting

Now that things are somewhat setted, time to start an actual challenge.

OFFTOPIC Episode 3: The Newcomers

Right as things start to flow smoothly, 2 newcomers appear, and let just say things change...

OFFTOPIC Episode 4: RoBass

Things start to get chaotic and sort of destructive when an argument goes wrong, but hey we got fast food now!

(SHORT) What is a Man?

Going off-topic (this makes me regret the comic name) from the competition, SC wonders what a man is.

(SHORT) The New (and NOT) Improved DDPFP

After a horrible mistake DDPFP makes by copying an outdated meme, they meet an entity who do not like things with details. (This short is a little bit important to episode 5)

OFFTOPIC Episode 5: McVote

The hosts, now a trio, are back with a new challenge and stuff start to go wrong and become strange not long after...


This chapter got all the extra things for OFFTOPIC such as skits, and contains a unique comic which goes over the jokes behind the cast and more!.


Here you can find an archive for all the teases made for OFFTOPIC!