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9 Fun Ways to Liven Up Your Wedding Reception

9 Fun Ways to Liven Up Your Wedding Reception

If you want to make your wedding reception more exciting and more alive, ditch the chicken dance!  There's nothing wrong with following tradition, but by this time, everyone you know has already seen and done that at a wedding party. You can set yourself apart from other ho-hum receptions by throwing in one or several of these simple tricks.

Jazz Up Your First Dance

All eyes will be on you during your first dance, which means it's the perfect opportunity to shock your guests. Imagine starting with a slow dance to “At Last" and then suddenly switching to a fast, sexy Latin dance or a jazzy swing step. It'll totally throw your guests for a loop and set the tone for a lively dance party.

Have a Game Plan for Kids

To keep the little ones entertained throughout the night (and to give their parents an opportunity to hit the dance floor!), set up an area specifically for them. In a separate room, arrange for a babysitter who can set up movies for them to watch. Or designate a couple tables just for the kids and pack them with coloring books, crayons, and small toys.

Plan an Interactive Food Station

Great food makes great celebrations, but customizable food (so that everyone gets exactly what they like) is even better. A risotto station, pasta bar or grilled cheese station where people can choose their own toppings and sauces will leave you with happy, well-fed guests ready to have a good time.

Tell Your Guests About an End-of-the-Night Treat

Nothing stops a party in its tracks faster than guests heading for the door early. Take out an insurance policy against a skimpy crowd and plan a treat for the end of the night that people will look forward to: You and your new spouse can perform a song with the band for the last dance, or you can plan a reception getaway that'll get guests excited, like a fireworks show or an exit with sparklers.

Plan A Surprise

Sometimes the best parts of a reception are the things guests don't see coming. Surprise your guests with unexpected entertainment during the cocktail hour or reception, like a belly dancer, a mariachi band, or even a salsa dancer.

Arrange Seating Assignments Thoughtfully

It sounds obvious, but it belongs on the list: Seat guests with people they'll know and get along with. A well-thought-out seating chart leads to great conversation, which leads to a great dance party, which leads to…well, you get the idea! So seat your high school track teammates near your college running buddies, and put your tween cousins with other kids their age rather than their parents (and keep track of it all with our seating chart tool).

If You've Hired a DJ, Make Sure You Share the Same Tastes

Okay, this is an obvious one, but it made the list because music is a major fun factor at the reception and it has a lot to do with how long your guests will stay. The last thing you want to see is your dance floor clear out when the "chicken dance" comes on. So, make sure to talk to your DJ about your do-not-play list.

Create Zones

The key to a lively celebration? Movement. The best parties encourage lots of dancing, with mini breaks for mingling and snacking -- not just sitting. So divide your reception into distinct areas for dancing, sipping drinks and chatting, and getting coffee or bites to eat. Arrange a few cocktail tables near the bar, provide an outdoor seating option or set up a dessert table of bite-size sweets.

Change Into Something Comfortable

Let's put it this way: You won't have a good time at your reception if you can't breathe, right? So after the first dance, swap your veil and train for a little white dress. (This applies to grooms too -- depending on the formality of the wedding, guys can change out of a restricting tux into a more relaxed suit.) If you and your new spouse are comfortable enough to move freely, you'll dance more, chat more and laugh more, and that'll rub off on your guests.

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