Regular Present Tense French Verb Endings – ER, IR, RE

Regular French Verb Conjugations

👉 List of common French verbs ending in ER

👉 To conjugate regular ER verbs, take ER off of the infinitive and add the appropriate endings.

👉 List of common French verbs ending in IR

👉 To conjugate regular IR verbs, take R off of the infinitive and add the appropriate endings.

👉 List of common French verbs ending in DRE

👉 To conjugate regular RE verbs, take E off of the infinitive and add the appropriate endings.

👉 NOTE: 3rd person singular RE verbs do not require endings. The conjugated form ends with D.


Regular verbs ending in ER, IR, and DRE

French imperfect tense

Le futur simple

Le conditionnel

Le subjonctif

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