Personal Pronoun: Before or After?


Hi there!
So, when do you write Eles cumprimentaram-se and Eles se cumprimentaram?

It’s actually not that difficult. You just have to memorize some trigger words which make the personal pronoun stand before the verb. 
If one of the next words occurs in a sentence, the pronoun is placed before the verb:
All negations: não, nada, nunca, ninguém, nem
All interrogative words: como, onde, quando
All coordinators: se, porque, embora, quando, enquanto, que and all combinations with that: até que, logo que…
The most indefinite pronouns: tudo, todos, toda a gente, muita gente, muitos
A lot of adjectives (most which have to do with time): sempre, ainda, já, logo, até, talvez, quase, só
the conjunctions também and ou

Eles cumprimentaram-se - Eles nunca se cumprimentaram
Tu visitas-me - Tu sempre me visitas


Originally posted by akariwz

Strong words to use on a Resume




If you have ever had to write a resume for work or for an application, then you know the hardest part is figuring out what type of words to use that sound professional and and intelligent.

Example: If an application asks you if you have any relevant experience for a job at a day care center and you have experience, like you have babysat children. You would look at the words in the columns to see what words you should use that will help your resume stand out. You might put down “Have supervised and attended to children on a regular basis.”

I hope this is helpful to you.

Now this is a great resume list of action words.  I love that it’s broken down by types of jobs.  Saving for future use.


Language Learning Alignments

Lawful Good: Learns the language as a useful skill in life.

Neutral Good: Learns the language to talk to natives

Chaotic Good: Learns the language to listen in on conversations in that language

Lawful Neutral: Learns the language because they needed to, but could get by without it

True Neutral: Learns the language because they can’t get by without it, e.g. moving to a new country with virtually no speakers of their first language

Chaotic Neutral: Got into a language class on accident and didn’t seem to learn anything, but actually learned everything

Lawful Evil: Got into a language class on accident. Constantly asks the teacher how to swear in their target language. Uses Duolingo.

Neutral Evil: Got into a language class because it was a required course for graduation, stayed, learned virtually nothing

Chaotic Evil: Only learns the language to cuss people out in it without them knowing. A troll.


My brain when I insist I don’t need to try and memorise a word in my target language because ‘it’s such an important/unusual word how could I possibly forget it?’.


There’s something primal about twisting an adjective into a participle. “Garlic bread” means one thing, for example, but “garlicked bread” is… deeper, somehow. Almost menacing.



me, flirting: do you wanna hear a cool etymology

me but i’m not even flirting i just want to tell you about etymology


If you don’t write paragraphs on paragraphs on shit absolutely nobody but you and maybe 2 other people give a shit about you are not living your most authentic life