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Amazing Facts about Australian


Patrick Honan Insects • Spiders • Invertebrates & more Inse


What makes an insect? Adult insects have three distinct body parts. The head bears the antennae, mouth and compound eyes; the thorax carries three pairs of legs and usually two pairs of wings; and the abdomen contains many of the insect’s body systems as well as its reproductive organs.

Above: Each insect is designed for its particular way of life. With spike-laden forearms, praying mantids are designed to be lethal, efficient predators.


the FACTS!

mandible head compound eye

THE COMPOUND EYES of male Orchard Butterflies are each made up of more than 18,000 simple eyes ( each called an ommatidium ).

leg thorax

THE WAY COMPOUND EYES ( below ) are constructed, means insects are usually very good at detecting movement and are able to flee when approached.

abdomen forewing




THE ANTENNAE of some male moths and beetles are elaborately branched like feathers ( below ), to pick up the slightest trace of a female’s presence.

Most insects possess a pair of compound eyes on the head, made up of hundreds or thousands of simple eyes called ommatidia. This gives them a view of the world made up of many tiny dots, similar to the way we see a photo in a newspaper. An insect’s antennae are used to detect chemicals in the environment, in much the same way that our noses are used for smell. Flying insects use antennae to detect air movement or wind speed.


Text and uncredited photography: Patrick Honan

ovipositor ( females only )

THE MOUTHPARTS of insects are adapted to suit each particular feeding style and can be used to distinguish different insect groups. Beetles and grasshoppers, for example, have strong mandibles for chewing leaves, wood and other insects. Bugs have syringe-like mouthparts, as do mosquitoes, for piercing and sucking up plant sap and animal blood.


THE MIDDLE BIT Most insects possess three pairs of legs, although juvenile insects such as maggots may have no legs at all and many caterpillars have added several pairs of false legs along the length of their bodies. Most adult insects carry two pairs of wings ( forewings and hindwings ), but flies have reduced them to one pair and fleas have lost them altogether. Groups such as earwigs and beetles have modified the forewings into protective coverings for the hindwings. Only adult insects have wings and, unlike legs, these cannot be repaired or replaced if damaged.

BRINGING UP THE REAR The abdomen of insects is made up of eleven segments, which can be clearly seen in many species, but which may be reduced or less visible in others. Internally, the abdomen contains the bulk of the digestive system, as well as fat storage and the reproductive system. Abdomens of females are generally much larger than those of males, as females may have to carry many hundreds of eggs. Females may also possess a tube at the end of the abdomen for laying eggs. This tube is called an ovipositor, and it may also be modified into a sting.

Above, left: Leaf munchers like this katydid have medium-sized heads with small but strong chewing mouthparts. Above: The compound eyes of cicadas are located on the sides of the head, while the three ocelli are in the centre. Left: The insect’s thorax supports the legs and wings. Wing buds can be seen on the thorax of this young stick insect.

the FACTS! OCELLI are the three very simple eyes ( top right ), in the centre of the head. Most adult insects possess them, and no one is exactly sure what they do — although they possibly specialise in detecting light and dark. SOME AQUATIC INSECTS have legs modified into oars for rowing, whereas grasshoppers have powerful legs that enable them to jump long distances. INSTEAD OF COMPOUND EYES, juvenile insects such as caterpillars have between one and six eyes, called stemmata, on each side of the head. The stemmata can probably detect light and dark, as well as basic shapes. THE MOUTHPARTS of a butterfly or moth are modified into a long tube used for drinking nectar. This tube is coiled up under the head when not in use. Some moths have no mouthparts whatsoever and do not feed as adults. THE INSECT EXOSKELETON is made from tough layers of protein and other compounds. The wing of this tree cricket ( below ) has holes to let air through.

Above: All insect abdomens are segmented, although the segments are not always as clearly visible as those of this stick insect.

From Steve Parish Publishing’s Amazing Facts: Insects & Spiders ~


Butterflies — flying jewels Class: Insecta Order: Lepidoptera

Above: Caper White Butterflies undergo massive migrations in years when strong winds blow consistently in the same direction. Right: Monarch Butterflies are also known as Wanderers. Adults reached Australia more than 100 years ago by “wandering” across the ocean.

No group of insects gives us more pleasure than the butterflies. Although one of the smaller groups of insects in terms of species numbers, they are certainly the best studied group but there are still butterfly species in Australia that remain undiscovered. Some butterflies are even being threatened with extinction by habitat destruction and other human activities. Tropical butterflies, such as the Ulysses Butterfly ( Papilio ulysses ) and the Cairns Birdwing Butterfly ( Ornithoptera priamus ), also tend to be larger and more colourful than species living further south. Some smaller butterflies, such as the Southern Sedge-darter ( Telicota eurychlora ), live in very specific habitats, such as swampland at the edge of rivers, restricted by the distribution of the caterpillars’ food plants.

the FACTS! ALTHOUGH they look fearsome, the spines on the Common Eggfly caterpillar ( below ) are harmless.


MANY PEOPLE think butterflies only live for one day. In fact, some butterflies live for many months and undergo a dormant period when they will sit motionless for weeks on end during unfavourable times. CATERPILLARS of the Common Imperial Blue butterfly ( Jalmenus evagoras ) can produce a clicking sound. This is probably to communicate with the ants that look after them. MALE BUTTERFLIES may be territorial, chasing other butterflies and even birds and humans away from their chosen patch of ground. FEMALES of some butterfly species may lay more than 2000 eggs each. Of these, only two generally make it all the way to adulthood and reproduce themselves.

Text and uncredited photography: Patrick Honan

Butterflies are perhaps the best known insects and are important for their role as pollinators and the general role both adults and caterpillars play in Australian ecosystems. Although caterpillars can sometimes be damaging to plants, their chewing usefully recycles nutrients from plants back into the soil and they are also an important food source for birds and other animals. Butterflies are particularly abundant in tropical areas and least common in desert areas where water is scarce. Almost three quarters of Australian species are found in northern Queensland.

The colours and patterns of butterfly wings, although highly appealing, are not there for our benefit. Each butterfly must survive and reproduce against the odds and the wings are designed to assist with survival. The wings of some species, such as the male Cruiser Butterfly ( Vindula arsinoe, below ), imitate dead leaves and the butterfly is almost invisible as it sits among leaf litter.


Conservation Watch A survey of endangered butterflies in Switzerland found ten separate threats to their survival. The greatest threat is the impact of agriculture.

Above: The Blue-banded Eggfly ( Hypolimnas alimena ) is one of a number of species of butterflies called eggflies.

THE STRIPES on the wings of the Lurcher Butterfly ( Yoma sabina ) help break up its outline when it is basking in the sun. The orange and black pattern of butterflies such as the Wanderer Butterfly ( Danaus plexippus ), or Orange Lacewing ( Cethosia penthesilea ) alert predators that the butterflies are distasteful or poisonous. In general, butterflies with very bright colours on top of the wings, used to attract mates, have undersides that are very dull, so that the butterfly all but disappears when the wings are closed. The Ulysses Butterfly ( Papilio ulysses ) is an excellent example of this.

A LIFE IN FOUR STAGES There are four stages in the butterfly life cycle — egg, caterpillar, pupa ( or chrysalis ) and adult. Caterpillars eat constantly, growing rapidly and obtaining all the nutrients needed for later in life. Most caterpillars eat leaves, but some species feed on flowers or seeds and a few live in ant nests feeding on the larvae within. The pupa is a resting stage in which, remarkably, the caterpillar’s tissues are broken down and an adult is built in its place. Although both caterpillars and adult butterflies are able to defend themselves to some extent, the pupae cannot. They are, therefore, hidden away from the food plant, or so well camouflaged in shape and colour that they are almost invisible on the plant. Adult butterflies can only drink liquids and feed on nectar, but some species will drink from puddles or from the fermenting juices of rotting fruit or dead animals.


Above: Scales on the upper wings of the Ulysses Butterfly refract light to give the wings their beautiful blue.

Above: Skippers are a family of small, fast-flying butterflies. They are mostly coloured brown, orange or yellow.

In Australia, butterflies have been disappearing from habitats for many years, particularly as humans expand into bushland with housing developments. The main problem is a reduction in suitable food plants for the caterpillars; adult butterflies can feed from a great range of flowering plants, but the caterpillars can only feed on the leaves of certain plant species. While a few caterpillars, such as those of the Cabbage White Butterfly ( Pieris rapae ), will feed on more than 150 different food plants, many butterflies are restricted to only two or three plant species. In recent years, butterflies are starting to come back to suburban areas as gardeners plant more and more suitable plant species. It is easy to develop a butterfly garden and there are plenty of books and websites on the topic.

the FACTS! THE LARGEST BUTTERFLY in the world is the endangered Queen Alexandra Birdwing ( Ornithoptera alexandrae ) of New Guinea. The first collected specimen was brought down with a shotgun. WITH A WINGSPAN of up to 180 mm, the female of the Cairns Birdwing Butterfly ( Ornithoptera priamus, ( top right ) is the largest butterfly in Australia. SOME BUTTERFLIES are highly adaptable. The Lesser Wanderer ( Danaus chrysippus ) takes 23 days to develop from egg to adult in the warmer parts of its range, but almost a year in colder areas. WANDERER BUTTERFLIES ( Danaus plexippus ) undergo a migration in North America of more than 3000 km each year, travelling higher than 100 m off the ground at speeds of up to 40 km/h and losing about one third of their body weight. BUTTERFLIES CAN FLY long distances. In some years, the Common Eggfly ( Hypolimnas bolina, below ) flies all the way across the sea from Australia to New Zealand.

From Steve Parish Publishing’s Amazing Facts: Insects & Spiders ~


Ants — activity unlimited Class: Insecta Order: Hymenoptera

Above: Green Tree Ants form living chains to draw leaves close enough to be sewn together using silk from the larvae. STEVE PARISH

Right: Bull ants are both the largest and most primitive ants in the world.

the FACTS! Ants have possibly the broadest diet of any group of insects. Larvae live in the nest building up their bodies, so they require lots of protein. Adult workers need energy to forage outside the nest, so consume mostly carbohydrates ( sugars ). Most ant species need a mix of foods from a range of sources, but some have developed specialist diets.

QUEEN ANTS are long lived and may lay several million eggs over more than ten years. ANTS MAY BE ONE OF THE earliest examples of biological pest control by humans. Green Tree Ants were used by Chinese farmers several hundred years ago to control pests in orchards.


AUSTRALIAN ANT SPECIES are highly diverse, even in desert regions. They will often live together successfully, with up to 150 different species coexisting within an area of less than 1 ha.

MANY SPECIES, such as harvester ants, collect and horde vast quantities of seed within their nests to get them through lean times. Sugar ants ( above ), as their name suggests, are very attracted to sugar and will “farm” groups of aphids on plants for the sweet honeydew they produce. Other ants are specialist predators, feeding only on other ant species, or on termites, centipedes or slaters. IAN MORRIS

SPECIAL CHAMBERS within ant nests are kept aside as “nurseries” — places where the larvae are cared for ( below ).

MORE THAN 200 SPECIES of insect are known to live inside ant nests. They are called “inquilines” and some species will feed on the workers or larvae within the nest. MALE ANTS HAVE WINGS throughout adult life, but queens shed or chew off their wings once they have mated.

Text and uncredited photography: Patrick Honan

NESTING BY NUMBERS The number of ants in a colony will depend on the species. Bull ants ( Myrmecia spp. ) may have fewer than 200 workers in a full-sized colony, whereas Green Tree Ant ( Oecophylla smaragdina ) colonies may hold many thousands of workers in dozens of separate nests covering several hectares. Most ants nest underground and search for food only at ground level.

Many different ant species are able to share the same habitat by dividing it up among them. Some species may forage in the trees while others never leave the ground, so the two never meet. A number of ant species forage only at night, whereas others venture out only in the early morning and still others wait until the middle of the day. The main way to live happily and avoid interactions is to divide up the food resources. Where one species feeds on seeds and another feeds only on insect eggs, the two species are never in competition with each other. Below: Bull ants removing a dead worker from within the nest. Some ant species keep “rubbish tips” close to the entrance.


Bees — nectar gatherers Class: Insecta Order: Hymenoptera

The best known bee in Australia is the European Honey Bee ( Apis mellifera ), which was introduced in 1822 and has now established itself over large areas of the continent. Many people think it is the only type of bee in Australia, but in fact there are nearly 2000 species of native bee. Some native Australian bees also make honey, but their honey is not as sweet and is produced only in relatively small quantities. BEES GENERALLY FEED on nectar, which is full of sugars for energy, but they also eat pollen to obtain the protein needed for growth. Honey is made mostly from nectar and is the bees’ way of storing food for lean times ( such as winter ) when fresh nectar and pollen may be unavailable. Left: A Bumble Bee feeding. These were introduced into Tasmania in the 1990s and quickly spread throughout the State.

SMALL, DARK & STINGLESS One of the most common native bees is the stingless Trigona ( Trigona spp. ). Trigona are small, dark bees that live in hollow branches or rock crevices, in colonies of thousands of workers. They build honeycomb made from resin from trees and wax from their own bodies, but the combs sit horizontally rather than hanging vertically like those of European Honey Bees. Cells in the comb house the bee larvae and larger wax pots are used to store honey and pollen. Trigona cannot sting, but defend the nest by crawling over and biting intruders.


Conservation Watch European Honey Bees ( Apis mellifera, above ) were introduced into Australia in 1822. There is some evidence that their activities can be harmful to the lives of native bees.

the FACTS! EUROPEAN HONEY BEES are the only species other than humans that use a language comprised of symbols. CUCKOO BEES do not make their own nests but lay eggs in other bees’ nests when the owners are out foraging. When the owners return, they look after the cuckoo bee larvae as if they were their own. BEES’ COMMON NAMES may be derived from their activities. For example, carpenter bees ( below ) tunnel into wood and mason bees make burrows in bricks and mortar.

EUROPEAN HONEY BEES must make nearly 22 million trips to collect enough nectar to produce 1 kg of honey.

Most species of native bee are solitary. A single female will construct a burrow with a number of chambers in soil or wood, then provision each chamber with honey and pollen before laying an egg in each, sealing up the chambers, and flying away. After hatching, each bee larva feeds within its chamber until it is mature.

BEES PROBABLY evolved from a wasp-like ancestor that began to provision its nest with nectar and pollen instead of insect prey.

A type of bee commonly seen feeding at flowers is the Teddy Bear Bee or Blue Banded Bee ( Amegilla sp. ), named after the hairy brown thorax and blue-striped abdomen. They burrow into earthen banks and will return to the same place year after year, generating masses of nests. These and other bees show promise for use as pollinators for crops grown in glasshouses.

SOME BEES, including the European Honey Bee are able to remember the location of flowers after two months of winter hibernation. For insects, this is an exceptionally long memory.

From Steve Parish Publishing’s Amazing Facts: Insects & Spiders ~


Beetles — beetle mania Class: Insecta Order: Coleoptera Above: Ladybirds come in a range of colours. Below: Longicorn beetle.

Beetles are the largest group of animals on Earth. About one third of all animal species are beetles. They are found all over Australia in every possible habitat on land and in fresh water. In just one beetle family alone, the weevils, there are several thousand different species — this is as many as all the dragonflies, cockroaches, mantids, grasshoppers, termites, stick insects, earwigs and lacewings combined.



the FACTS! SOME BEETLE FAMILIES live in ponds and streams and have evolved gills to help them breathe under water. SOME LEAF BEETLES and ground beetles give birth to live young. The eggs are stored in the female’s reproductive tube until after they hatch. IN SOME BIZARRE beetle species, such as micromalthid beetles, there is no pupal stage for females. They are able to reproduce while still indistinguishable from the larval stage. SPANISH DUNG BEETLES have been imported into some parts of Australia to try to reduce the number of dog droppings in suburban parks.

Beetles can be distinguished from other groups of insects by their hardened forewings. This gives them their order name Coleoptera, which means “sheath wings”. Beetles lift their forewings up during flight and use only their transparent hindwings to fly. In some species, particularly weevils, the forewings are fused together, making the species flightless. Other species, such as rove beetles, have very short forewings, so the hindwings can be seen folded beneath them when at rest. Occasionally, in groups such as fireflies, the males are winged and the females wingless.

ALTHOUGH BEETLES all share the same simple body plan, they live in just about every type of environment and engage in every imaginable way of life. Beetle larvae can be distinguished from other types of insect larvae by the hardened head capsule with strong, chewing mouthparts. They generally feed on living plants or rotting wood, but many species are predatory, parasitic, or feed on dung or dead animals. The tiny larvae of rhipiphorid beetles hatch from eggs laid in flower heads, then attach themselves to visiting bees or wasps. The larva is taken back to the nest where it feeds on the bee or wasp larvae. The wide range of larval adaptations is one of the reasons there are so many beetle species. Some jewel beetles will spend several decades feeding as larvae, emerging as adults that do not feed at all and live only a couple of weeks. Left: Passalid beetles live in communal groups under logs. The adults feed the larvae chewed wood until they pupate. Right: Many beetle grubs look similar but differences can be easily distinguished at family level.

Text and uncredited photography: Patrick Honan

Male beetles often have larger antennae than females, used for picking up the smells ( or “pheromones” ) of nearby females. A number of beetles are known to produce quite powerful pheromones that can be detected over long distances, as well as other pheromones designed to form gatherings of males and females for mating. Male rhinoceros and stag beetles are armed with greatly enlarged horns or mandibles for battling other males; victors are more likely to mate with available females. Parental care is well known among beetle groups. Some water beetle species carry the eggs around on the abdomen until they hatch, while several species of ground beetles store seeds as food for the larvae. Dung beetles are well known for digging special chambers in the ground and adding animal dung to feed their larvae. Burying beetles do the same with scraps from animal carcasses.


UNIQUELY AUSSIE Australian beetles as a group are different to beetles in other parts of the world. There are many beetle species or even families and subfamilies that are found nowhere else. The make-up of Australia’s beetles reflects their long evolutionary history and includes influences from elsewhere as different groups have made their way to Australia over millions of years. The long relationship between beetles and their host plants, particularly gum trees and wattles, means that families such as leaf beetles are well represented. One of the reasons Australia is home to so many species of gum tree is that they are constantly under attack from hundreds of leaf beetle species. The gum trees are continuously changing, or forming new species, to try and avoid the hungry leaf beetle larvae. Above: Christmas beetles are some of the best known beetles in Australia. They are so named because they are most common around Christmas.

Above, left to right: Most weevils are characterised by a long snout, or rostrum. The mouthparts are located at the tip of the snout; Tortoise beetles have flattened transparent edges that can be pressed against the surface of a leaf to protect their undersides; Scarabs are probably the best known beetles in the world and are also one of the largest families; Belid beetles are closely related to weevils, as demonstrated by the long proboscis.

the FACTS! THE LARGEST BEETLE in Australia is Wallace’s Longicorn ( Batocera wallacei ) from the tip of Cape York Peninsula. It has a body length of 85 mm and its antennae may span 400 mm. THE SMALLEST BEETLE in the world is the Feather-winged Beetle ( Nanosella fungi ), which is smaller than a full stop on this page. SOME BEETLE LARVAE possess a special spine called an “egg burster”, used to help break through the egg shell during hatching. THERE ARE MORE than 110 different families of beetle recorded from Australia. SOME BEETLES, such as ladybirds, may defend themselves using “reflex bleeding”. When threatened, the beetle oozes blood, which may be toxic to predators, from joints in its body.

Above: Jewel beetles include some of the most spectacular and colourful beetles in the world. Right: Stag Beetle males have enlarged mandibles that can be used to fight other males for the right to mate.

From Steve Parish Publishing’s Amazing Facts: Insects & Spiders ~

Insect life cycles

Getting through life — insect life cycles The insect empire is divided into the wingless insects ( silverfish and bristletails ) and the winged insects ( all others ). The winged insects are further divided into two groups based on their life cycles. THE MORE PRIMITIVE group ( the hemimetabola ) has a life cycle that proceeds directly from egg to adult, without a metamorphosis. The young insects are all small, wingless versions of the adults. This group includes, among others, dragonflies, stick insects, cockroaches, mantids, grasshoppers and bugs.

Above: A fully fed Orchard Butterfly caterpillar, preparing to pupate.

the FACTS! THE BREATHING SYSTEM of an insect ( trachea ) is actually part of the exoskeleton. So when insects moult, they must withdraw these tubes from throughout the body and replace them with new ones.

Left, clockwise from top left: Beekiller Assassin Bug nymphs hatching from a mass of eggs; A nymph that has moulted twice since hatching; A nymph in the act of moulting; An adult, fully winged assassin bug.

DURING MOULTING, insects suck in air or water to make their bodies as large as possible while the new skin hardens. Afterwards, the air or water is released to make room for the insect to grow.

THE YOUNG INSECTS of the second group ( the holometabola ) are completely different from the adults and are transformed from larva to adult by metamorphosis as a pupa, often inside a cocoon. For example, caterpillars transform into butterflies, maggots become flies, beetle grubs become adult beetles. This second group is far larger than the first group and also includes fleas, lacewings, moths, ants, bees and wasps. It includes almost 90% of insect species.

BOTH BUTTERFLIES and moths form a pupa ( or chrysalis ) as the third stage of the life cycle. Many moths protect themselves by spinning a cocoon in which to pupate. Butterflies, however, never form cocoons. MANY INSECTS consume all the food they need as a larva and do not need to feed as adults. Others, such as butterflies, require only sugar for energy to fly. Below: Eggs and nymphs of the Bronze Orange Bug. Note that both older and younger nymphs are still clustering around eggs.

Above, clockwise from top left: Orchard Butterfly eggs laid on the leaf of a lemon tree; A young caterpillar ( mimicking a bird dropping ); The Orchard Butterfly pupa mimics the colour of its surroundings; A newly emerged male Orchard Butterfly expanding its wings.

HERE FOR A SHORT TIME The length of an insect’s life cycle varies between species and groups, but most species in cooler areas cannot survive winter, and die within twelve to eighteen months of birth. Activity is generally greatest during spring and summer. The harsher winter period, particularly in southern Australia, is spent inactively, usually in the egg stage. The larval stage usually comprises the longest part of the insect’s life cycle.

Text and uncredited photography: Patrick Honan

Insect life cycles Above, left to right: Insects such as crickets moult at night to hide from predators because they are at their most vulnerable during this stage; Adult Orchard Butterflies mating; Assassin bugs mating.

ENDURING NYMPHS The Greengrocer Cicada ( Cyclochila australasiae ) spends seven years underground as a nymph but dies after only a few weeks as an adult. Mayfly adults may live less than a day, after spending a year or more as a nymph in fast-flowing streams. The entire life cycle of other insects spans only a few days or weeks, but queen termites may live for many years.

Left: An adult Greengrocer Cicada emerging from its nymphal skin. The entire process may take two hours or more.

the FACTS!

THE SMALL STAY SMALL Because adult insects no longer moult, they remain the same size. The size of the adult Bush Fly ( Musca vetustissima ) is determined by the amount and quality of food eaten as a maggot. There are not different types of Bush Flies, just different sizes. Very small ones appear when too many maggots feed together on a single food source, such as a cow pat.

INSECT MOULTING Because the skeleton of an insect is on the outside of the body instead of the inside ( like ours ), a young insect must shed its hard protective covering, called an exoskeleton, in order to grow. This is done by moulting. Moulting usually takes place at night or in a protected space because the insect is very soft and sluggish immediately afterwards and vulnerable to predators. The insect first takes air into its body to increase its size as much as possible, then the old skin splits down the back and the insect extracts itself. The new skin usually requires several hours to dry before the insect is free to move off.

MOULTING BEGINS when an insect produces “moulting fluid” under the old exoskeleton. This breaks down the inner layers and makes the outer layers easier to shed. The moulting fluid and the inner layers of the old exoskeleton are re-absorbed.

Most insects moult three to seven times, but some species undergo as many as 40 moults. All insects must moult as nymphs or larvae, but moulting ceases upon reaching adulthood. The exceptions are mayflies, which moult once more immediately after becoming adults, while springtails and bristletails keep moulting throughout adult life. In the second group of insects, the holometabola, individuals undergo a special type of moult, called metamorphosis, before becoming adult. Metamorphosis is a form of moulting where, instead of a simple increase in size, the larva undergoes a complete transformation into adulthood. The larval body, including the internal tissues, is completely destroyed and the adult body is built in its place. Left: Newly hatched shield bugs still clustering in a group around their empty eggs.

MOULTING may be triggered by an insect’s size, age, hormones or environment. Most commonly it is a combination of all these factors. INSECTS GENERALLY REQUIRE high humidity in which to moult properly. If the air is too dry, the insect may get stuck in its old skin. THE INCREASE IN SIZE from egg to adult varies between insect species. Some aphids increase their weight by only sixteen times, whereas slow-growing caterpillars may increase by an amazing 72,000 times. JUVENILE INSECTS with an incomplete metamorphosis are generally called nymphs. Those with a complete metamorphosis are called larvae. PAEDOGENESIS is an unusual adaptation whereby juvenile insects are able to reproduce without needing to mature into adulthood. Some gall midges, beetles and a few other insects demonstrate this.

From Steve Parish Publishing’s Amazing Facts: Insects & Spiders ~

Biology of spiders

What makes a spider? Above: Although most spiders have small eyes that do not see well, some species, such as net-casting spiders, have large eyes with excellent vision. Centre, right: Spiders’ eyes are grouped in characteristic patterns at the front and sides of the cephalothorax.

Spiders are a truly magnificent group of creatures and are major contributors to Australian ecosystems, but they have long been treated with fear and disgust by the public and with neglect by scientists. ALMOST EVERYWHERE insects have established in Australia, spiders have also carved themselves a niche. Their habitats range from deserts to caves, streams to seashores and alpine country to rainforests. Most of the species that live here are restricted to Australia, but some are also found overseas and several species have been introduced from Australia to other countries.

30,000 SPECIES of spiders have been described throughout the world; more than 2000 of those are found in Australia. It is estimated this is only one quarter of the number that actually exist. Australian spiders range in size from the 55 mmlong bird-eating spiders, to litter-dwelling spiders that measure less than a millimetre.

the FACTS! SPIDERS ARE KNOWN as arachnids, named after the maiden Arachne from Greek Mythology. According to legend she was a skilled weaver who was changed into a spider as punishment for pride in her own cleverness. MANY SPIDERS show maternal care for their young. A female wolf spider carries around her egg sac behind her abdomen until the eggs hatch, when the spiderlings climb onto her back ( below ).

THE EGGS of spiders contain more yolk than the eggs of most insects. This enables spiderlings to develop further within the egg and emerge at a more advanced stage of growth. SPIDERS CAN WALK UP GLASS and across ceilings because of thick tufts of hairs at the ends of their legs. Each tuft may contain 1000 tiny individual hairs. The structure of these tufts also helps some spiders walk across water.

Text and uncredited photography: Patrick Honan

WHAT MAKES A SPIDER? Spiders differ from insects by having two body parts instead of three, joined by a narrow waist. The first part is a fusion of the head and middle section ( together called the “cephalothorax” ), which bears the eyes, mouthparts and legs and is covered with a shield-like carapace. The second part is the abdomen, containing reproductive and digestive organs, silk glands and the spinnerets that produce and shape the silk. At the front of the head are the fangs: hollow, needle-like structures used to capture and kill prey, and for defence. With few exceptions, all spiders are venomous to their prey, but only three of four species are venomous to humans.

Behind the fangs are a pair of appendages ( pedipalps ) that basically act as touch receptors. Mature males bear enlarged sex organs at the end of the pedipalps, which are waved at the female during courtship displays. These organs are the major external difference between males and females, but females are also generally larger than males. The next four pairs of appendages are walking legs, variable in form and function, but generally simple and unspecialised. spinnerets

leg abdomen


fangs compound eye

Above: A spider’s body has two distinct parts — the cephalothorax that supports the legs; and the smooth cylindrical abdomen.

Above: A Dolophones spider camouflaged on a tree trunk. The spider will hold this position, even when directly threatened.

Spiders play an immensely important role in the ecology of most Australian environments because of the food they provide to a wide range of predators and because they help to control insect populations. These controls are especially important in farming areas where, without spiders, insect pests would cause far greater crop losses than they currently do.

FISHING FOR PREY All spiders are carnivores and they will also become cannibals if the opportunity arises. Spiders will prey on anything of appropriate size, including most invertebrates and some small fish, reptiles, birds and even mammals. In comparison to their own size, spiders have the largest range of prey sizes in the animal kingdom. The Golden Orb-weaver ( Nephila ornata ) feeds on almost anything trapped in its net, from the tiniest midges to small birds. Almost all spiders live solitary, transient lives, sensitive to changes in the environment and to predator and prey densities. In some animal communities they are the dominant predator in the food chain. Studies of spider numbers show that up to 842 spiders per square metre may be present in foliage. This number may be even higher around pasture and crops. Spiders demonstrate some amazing adaptations for capturing prey. The Bird-dropping Spider ( Celaenia kinbergi ) mimics female moth pheromones to attract male moths to their deaths. Net-casting Spiders ( Deinopis subrufa ) weave tiny nets that they cast over insects that come within their reach. Fishing spiders ( Dolomedes spp. ) dive under water in search of aquatic prey, while the Bolas Spider ( Ordgarius monstrosus ) swings a sticky blob at the end of a silk thread to capture passing insects. Some spiders ( such as Myrmarachne spp. ) are accomplished mimics of ants, which allows them to move undetected among their prey. Some spiders sit and wait for prey ( called the ambushers or web-spinners ), while others actively hunt and run down their prey ( the hunters ). Right: Ground-dwelling wolf spiders may be so perfectly patterned that they are indistinguishable from their surroundings.

Above: Newly hatched huntsmen clustering on their egg sac. At this time of life they are at their most vulnerable.

the FACTS! SPIDERS DISPERSE by ballooning away on a thread of silk. Some spiders have been collected by planes flying at high altitudes over the middle of the ocean. SOME SPIDERS erect and defend mobile or stationary territories, while others disperse from an area if it becomes overpopulated. MALE SPIDERS are short-lived, usually living a year or so, but females of some species may live more than twenty years. Consequently, spider populations may be dominated by mature females. SPIDERS CAN have an impact on insect populations without directly consuming them. When spiders are present, plant-eating insects may abandon their food plants and starve to death as a result.

From Steve Parish Publishing’s Amazing Facts: Insects & Spiders ~

Biology of spiders

CONSERVATION WATCH Twenty-three species of spider are of conservation concern in Australia. Four are protected by law in Tasmania ( including two species thought to be extinct ), as well as ten species in Western Australia, mostly trapdoor spiders.


Ambushers — crab spiders, red-backs & others Right: A flower spider perched on a flower. The two pairs of back legs anchor the spider to the flower; the other pairs are held apart awaiting flying insects.

Class: Arachnida Order: Aranae

Bottom: Crab spiders typically sit with the first two pairs of spined legs held wide open, ready to close on prey that approaches too closely.

the FACTS! WHEN MOVING across a tree trunk, Two-tailed Spiders hold their long spinnerets off the bark to prevent them being damaged. CRAB SPIDERS have excellent vision and are unusual among spiders in being able to move each eye independently of the others. BECAUSE OF THE funnel-shaped retreat in the back of a Black House Spider’s ( Badumna insignis ) web, these spiders are sometimes confused with funnelweb spiders. They are, however, unrelated. CRAB SPIDERS ( below ) are named for their crab-like shape and their habit of scuttling sideways. When moving, they anchor themselves with a silken drag line.

A GROUP OF crab spiders that live on tree trunks ( Stephanopis spp. ) are superbly camouflaged. They enhance this camouflage by attaching tiny flakes of bark to their backs.

Text and uncredited photography: Patrick Honan

Several families of spiders may be considered ambushers. These spiders tend to sit and wait for prey rather than actively chasing it. ONE OF THE LARGEST FAMILIES is the crab spiders. Spiders in one group of the family, called flower spiders, are sometimes coloured yellow or red to match the flowers upon which they hunt, although many are pure white. A flower spider will sit on a flower anchored by its back two pairs of legs, with the front two pairs opened to grasp flying insects that land on the flower. If a fly, bee or even butterfly lands, the spider grabs the insect and bites it on the back of the neck, sucking out its body fluids. Most species are territorial, spending all their time on one or two flowers, moving only when the flower dies.

CASTING THE NET Few animals demonstrate such a remarkable prey-capturing technique as the net-casting spiders. They have a long narrow body and greatly enlarged eyes for detecting prey ( right ). Balanced on long, stick-like legs, they sit above insect pathways at night and hold out a rectangular silken net that is thrown over any prey, including moths on the wing, which comes within reach. The net is made from a highly expandable silk that can be stretched to ten times its normal size. Once prey is caught, the spider consumes it through the net and constructs a new net. If an unused net is left over at the end of the night, the spider hangs it between twigs to be used again the following evening.

Ambushers Far left, top to bottom: This crab spider, Runcinia sp., is a common sight on grass heads across eastern Australia; Most crab spiders are quite small — the Spectacular Crab Spider is one of the largest, big enough to entrap honeybees and large butterflies; The web of the Red-back Spider includes very strong strands attached to the ground — prey that contact the strands are catapulted into the web.


RED-BACKED ICON One of the best known spiders in Australia is the Red-back Spider ( Latrodectus hasselti, above ). Like other spiders that build snares, Red-back Spiders construct a messy web in corners with a retreat for the spider in the rear. These webs are often known as cobwebs. Sticky silken traplines radiate out from the web and are attached to nearby features; when an insect blunders into a trapline it becomes stuck fast. These traplines are exceptionally strong, powerful enough to hold small skinks or mice. The web is usually built close to the ground and this species is commonly found in garden sheds and abandoned buildings. When alerted to trapped prey, the spider runs down the web and subdues the prey by wrapping it thickly in its web before injecting its powerful venom.


the FACTS! MALE NET-CASTING SPIDERS use nets to capture prey as they grow, but abandon their nets when mature to search for a female. The male dies soon after mating. THE NET of a net-casting spider is about the size of a small postage stamp. The frame of the web is made from dry silk and the rest comprises zigzagging rows of sticky silk from the cribellum. FEMALE RED-BACK SPIDERS are one of the most deadly spiders in the world, having caused at least thirteen deaths in Australia. The fangs of the male are too small to penetrate human skin.

Many other types of spiders build snares or ambush their prey in other ways. Bird-dropping Spiders ( Celaenia kinbergi ) sit in foliage at night and attract male moths with a pheromone that is almost identical to the pheromone released by female moths to attract partners for mating. Black House Spiders ( Badumna insignis ) are common in all Australian States and live inside houses, feeding on flies and moths. They are also known as

Above: Black House Spider.


Below left: A typical Black House Spider’s web.

Window Spiders for their habit of building messy webs in the corners of windows. The dense white silk of the web is shaped into a funnel leading to a retreat for the spider at the back of the web. The front of the web opens out to curtain-like sheets of silk that may extend for 350 mm from the retreat; these are used for trapping prey.

RED-BACK SPIDERS have readily adapted to living with humans. They were common in the old outback dunnies and a large proportion of bites were inflicted upon unsuspecting visitors to the toilet. SPIDERS ARE one of Australia’s many exports. Some types of house spiders ( Badumna spp. ) have been accidentally introduced to New Zealand and California and Red-back Spiders ( Latrodectus hasselti ) have made their way to Japan.

From Steve Parish Publishing’s Amazing Facts: Insects & Spiders ~


Orb-weavers — champion spinners Class: Arachnida Order: Aranae

Above: Orb-weavers are able to use their enormous webs to trap large prey that they would otherwise be unable to overpower. Right: The Golden Orb-weaver is a familiar sight over much of eastern Australia.

the FACTS!

The master web spinners in the spider world are undoubtedly the orb-weavers. With minimal silk and maximal skill, they build perfectly symmetrical circular webs that may span many metres and trap hundreds of flying insects. The web may be removed by the spider and rebuilt each day, or may be moved to a new location if the flying insect traffic is insufficient.

NATURE’S ARCHITECTS Orb webs are complicated structures that are built with remarkable simplicity. They begin with a single strand of silk that is released by the spider and drawn out by a breeze until it attaches to a solid object. The spider pulls the thread tight and uses it as the basis for the rest of the web. A non-sticky framework is then constructed below this thread in the shape of the letter “Y”, usually with the base of the web touching the ground.

ORB WEAVING spiders may produce more than 20 m of silk to construct a single web. These webs can be strong enough to support more than 4000 times the collective weight of the spider and its prey. THE POWDERY SCALES on moth wings are thought to be an adaptation against spider webs. If trapped in a web, the moth may shed some scales and fly safely away. UNLIKE HUNTING SPIDERS, orb-weavers are unable to drink free water. Many species get their water requirements by consuming the web just before dawn, picking up water from dew.

The spider then fills in the rest of the web with spokes that radiate out from the centre, or hub, of the web. Once this stage is complete, the spider adds a continuous line of sticky spirals that move from the edge of the web to the hub. As the spider moves, it collects some of the dry web that previously was used as scaffolding during the orb’s construction and consumes it. The spider avoids being trapped in its own silk by moving only along the non-sticky parts of the web.

VARIATIONS ON A SUCCESSFUL THEME The least complicated form of orb web is the perfectly symmetrical variety. However, many orb-weavers have developed variations on this theme and some groups have lost the ability to build orb webs altogether, having developed even more successful and specialised means of capturing prey. Leaf-Curling Spiders ( Phonognatha graeffei , right ) have added a shelter at the top of the web, usually made from a leaf or similar object, in which they are less vulnerable to predators. A number of species, including the Tailed Spider ( Arachnura sp. ), decorate their webs with long lines of objects such as discarded prey. Many species add lines of zigzagging silk in various patterns ( called a “stabilimentum” ). Jewel Spiders ( Austracantha minax ) lace their orb webs together in congregations that may cover large areas. This species also attaches white tufts of silk to the web, but the reason for this is unknown.

Text and uncredited photography: Patrick Honan


CONSERVATION WATCH Six species of harvestmen are of conservation concern in Australia. All of these are cave-dwelling species from Tasmania and five are from a single genus: Hickmanoxyomma. Above: Triangular spiders behave more like crab spiders than orb-weavers. The structure of the body, however, is the same as other orb weaving spiders. Left: The web of this St Andrew’s Cross Spider from southern Australia is characterised by an x-shaped pattern of silk, called a stabilimentum, that passes through the hub.

the FACTS! SITTING ON THE FENCE Once an orb web is built, the spider must decide which side to sit on. In areas of high wind, the spider may prefer to sit with its back to the wind to avoid being blown off. Others will make their choice based on the available light, temperature or the abundance of prey. The St Andrew’s Cross Spider ( Argiope keyserlingi ) builds webs close to bushes and sits with its back to the light, presumably to prevent predators such as mantids sneaking up on it from within the foliage.

THE ORIGINAL RECYCLERS Some spiders, particularly orb-weavers such as the Garden Orb-weaver ( Eriophora transmarina ), will spin webs at night then eat the entire web before dawn the next day. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, silk is full of protein and a large web represents a massive energy investment for a spider. During the day the web is likely to be destroyed by birds or other animals stumbling into it. Secondly, when insects are caught in webs they often cause considerable damage before being subdued and it is often easier to replace the entire web rather than repair all the damage. Thirdly, the spider picks up a considerable quantity of food and water by eating the web. Spiders receive up to one tenth of their water intake from moisture absorbed by the sticky glue on the web and they also consume all the tiny insects that are stuck in the web and which are too small to pick off individually.

THE FIRST SPECIES of spider described from Australia was an orb-weaver, the Spiny Spider ( Gasteracantha fornicata ) from north Queensland. It was described by Fabricius in 1775. GOLDEN ORB-WEAVERS ( Nephila sp. ) may build vast curtains of webs between power lines during summer. The masses of golden silk pick up the afternoon light and are a spectacular sight. SOME WEBS ARE STRONG enough to trap small birds. Wrens and silvereyes are sometimes caught in the webs of Golden Orb-weavers and the spiders will readily feed on them. ORB WEBS MAY be visible to some flying insects that can see them from up to 100 mm away and steer clear. Many spiders build their webs in areas of poor light to make their silk traps harder to see. THE HUB of a web is usually built closer to the top of the web than the bottom. This is because, once prey has become trapped, it takes the spider longer to run uphill than downhill.

Above: St Andrew’s Cross Spiders sit in the centre of the web with legs held in pairs — in the shape of a cross.

WHEN BUILDING A WEB, the spider uses its hindleg to pull each thread taut once complete. This breaks up the sticky coating into minute globules like beads on a necklace.

From Steve Parish Publishing’s Amazing Facts: Insects & Spiders ~


Insects & spiders in danger — threatened species & conservation Below: The Ulysses Butterfly ( Papilio ulysses ) was once uncommon but is becoming more secure due to widespread planting of its host plants.

Native insects play an essential role in the ecology of all Australian environments and deserve our protection. Despite the apparent abundance of insects, they are not immune to human interference. Some species have already disappeared from the face of the Earth and others are currently being threatened with extinction by habitat destruction. Fortunately, awareness of the importance of insects is growing, and several species are now protected by law. By destroying insect species we break vital links in all food webs, which affects entire plant and animal communities, and, eventually, all humanity.





the FACTS! THE EUROPEAN STAG BEETLE ( Lucanus cervus ) is protected by law in many parts of Europe and its trade is prohibited. It was once common over much of Europe but has disappeared from many areas due to agricultural pesticides. PERHAPS THE RAREST BEETLE in the world is the Titan Longicorn ( Titanus giganteus ). To buy a specimen in 1914 when they were more common cost 2000 gold marks. Today a specimen would be worth many thousands of dollars.

Given that many insect species are very common and may even cause problems to humans, the question of why we should protect insect species is often asked. There are several reasons: • All animal species have a right to exist. Just as humans consider themselves important enough to continue to live and breed on Earth, all other species have the same rights. • Insects are very useful to humans as tools for education and scientific research. The Vinegar Fly ( Drosophila melanogaster ) was one of the earliest and is still one of the best-studied animals in the world, particularly in the field of genetics.

Above: An Eltham Copper Butterfly caterpillar attended by ants at night. These butterflies are now more secure thanks to special reserves.

• Humans and all other animals rely on insects for food, either directly or indirectly. Plants rely on insects for nutrient recycling, seed dispersal and pollination. Without the insects that break down dead plants and animals, we would be up to our necks in rotting organic matter within a few years.

IN THE USA, CONSERVATION programs for endangered birds cost, on average, 25 times more than programs for endangered insect species.

• Insects hold many of the keys to medical breakthroughs. “Bioprospecting” is the name given to the search for new compounds and medicines in the natural world. For example, insects were curing their own diseases with antibiotics millions of years before humans discovered them.

IT HAS BEEN ESTIMATED that 20% of all insects in North America are threatened by human activities.

• Insects are good indicators of the health of the environment. Environmental scientists usually use insects as “indicator species” to assess the health of ecosystems on land and in freshwater habitats.

Text and uncredited photography: Patrick Honan


WHERE ARE THE POLLINATORS? Plants, including those eaten by humans, need pollinators in order to produce fruit and seeds successfully. The majority of the world’s pollinators are insects ( mostly bees, wasps and flies ). In the last few decades, a number of factors, such as habitat destruction and the use of pesticides, have dramatically reduced the number of pollinators. This has caused some crops around the world to fail, putting farmers out of business and resulting in shortages of food. The same is probably occurring in natural ecosystems, but this is much more difficult to measure. European Honeybees ( Apis mellifera ), the most widely used pollinators, are suffering from a range of diseases that have devastated their populations in some countries. Unfortunately, native bee species have also declined dramatically. This has led to “colony collapse disorder”, where dozens of hives from a single apiary will literally disappear overnight.

THE TURNING TIDE People around the world are becoming more aware of the importance of invertebrates to ecosystems and to us; international authorities ( such as the International Union for the Conservation of Nature ) are becoming more aware of the importance of protecting invertebrates; and zoos are becoming more aware of the importance and value of displaying invertebrate species. In Papua New Guinea and parts of Asia and South America, butterflies are being farmed rather than being collected from the wild. Local people breed free-ranging butterflies for sale while protecting the native forests as a food source for the butterflies. Hundreds of Queensland school children belong to a program and have planted thousands of vines for the endangered Richmond Birdwing Butterfly ( Ornithoptera richmondia ). In Europe, butterfly, beetle and cricket species are being translocated into areas where they have become locally extinct. Probably those conservation programs that are most successful are ones that remove the factors that threatened the insect species in the first place. If the main threats — such as habitat destruction or introduced pests — are removed, insect populations will often recover on their own. This is demonstrated by the recovery of the Lord Howe Island Stick Insect ( Dryococelus australis, below ).

Above: In north Queensland, the Cairns Birdwing Butterfly is returning to areas where it had disappeared due to loss of its food plant, Aristolochia.

the FACTS! FRESHWATER INSECTS ( such as dragonflies and mayflies ) are threatened by pollution and the drying out of wetlands. In Australia, a number of stonefly species are listed as critically endangered. THE FRIGATE ISLAND Giant Beetle ( Polposipus herculeanus ) lives only in dead trees on one small island in the Seychelles. It is almost extinct but is currently being reared in captivity at London Zoo. HUMAN ACTIVITIES can have other indirect impacts on insect populations. In Hawaii, 85% of the parasitic insects that are devastating native butterflies were originally deliberately introduced to the islands to control pest moths. EVEN ON THE ISLANDS around Antarctica, introduced pests are causing big problems to local insect species. CONSERVATION of many threatened insects is difficult as we know nothing about their natural life histories, population levels or distribution. Often we do not know why populations are decreasing. Left: An adult Lord Howe Island Stick Insect feeding on Melaleuca, the only food plant left to it in the wild.

From Steve Parish Publishing’s Amazing Facts: Insects & Spiders ~

family name Glossary

Glossary ABDOMEN The final section of the body of an invertebrate; the “belly”.

HYPERPARASITES Parasite that develops in another parasite species’ body.

PARASITOID Develops entirely in a single host insect’s body and eventually kills it.

ANTENNA One part of the paired sensory appendages on the heads of insects and some other invertebrates ( plural – antennae ).

INQUILINE Animal that lives in the nest or home of another species — most commonly insects living in ant or termite nests.

PARTHENOGENESIS Ability to reproduce without eggs being fertilised by sperm.

ARACHNIDS A group of arthropods such as spiders and scorpions that all have two body parts and four pairs of legs.

INVERTEBRATES Animals with no backbone: they make up ≈ 98% of animal species.

PHEROMONES Chemical smell from one animal that influences behaviour of others of the same species, usually for mating.

ARANEOMORPH Advanced spiders whose fangs move sideways ( horizontally ). This group includes the majority of spiders. ARTHROPODS Arthropods include insects, spiders and crustaceans. Phylum Arthropoda has been divided up, but joint-legged invertebrates with a body divided into segments are still referred to as arthropods. BALLOONING Means of dispersal for spiderlings. ( See page 61. )

LARVA Immature holometabolous insect: one that metamorphoses ( pupates ) to become an adult ( plural – larvae ).

PATHOGEN Parasite that causes disease.

PHORESY Transportation of one species by another ( also called hitchhiking ).

MANDIBLES Main parts of an insect’s mouthparts, usually designed for chewing.

POLLINIA Mass of pollen grains transferred as a single unit in pollination ( sing. — pollinium ).

METAMORPHOSIS Process of immature insect ( e.g. caterpillar ) transforming into an adult ( e.g. butterfly ), sometimes in a cocoon.

POLYEMBRYONY Where two or more embryos develop from one fertilised egg.

MIMICRY Where a species resembles another to its own advantage.

PROBOSCIS Tubular organ comprised of fused mouthparts used to suck up liquid food. PROLEGS Fleshy legs along caterpillars’ bodies: differ from true legs behind the head.

BATESIAN MIMICRY When non-poisonous species mimic poisonous species and so get some protection from predators.

MIMICRY COMPLEX Group of species, often unrelated and usually poisonous, that mimic each other. Once predators encounter one member, all members are protected.

BUG General term for all insects and some other invertebrates. Technically it refers only to insects in the order Hemiptera.

MOULT Skin-shedding by arachnids, insects and crustaceans as they grow.

RADULA Mollusc’s “tongue”: usually tough, horny ribbon, covered with microscopic teeth.

MOULTING FLUID Fluid that helps break down old skin and separate it from the new at the beginning of the moult.

SCOLI Outgrowth from caterpillar’s body wall, often branched or bearing hairs.

CASTE System where social insects divide labour so that different forms of the same species perform different functions. CEPHALOTHORAX Fused head and thorax of spiders. CERCI Paired sense organs appended at the back of the abdomen of some insects. CHELICERAE First pair of appendages in spiders: short, thick and holding the fangs. CHITIN Tough, water-resistant outer layer of invertebrates’ exoskeleton. CRIBELLUM Sieve-like plate covering the spinnerets at the end of “cribellate” spiders’ abdomens; produces thick, fuzzy silk. ECHOLOCATION Sensing objects by sending out sounds then analysing echoes reflected after they impact. ELAIOSOME Soft, fleshy structure on plant seeds that is attractive to ants. EXOSKELETON Tough outer covering of insects, literally an external skeleton. EYESPOT Coloured spot like an eye on butterfly or moth wings: frightens predators. FAMILY Group of closely related genera. FLANGE A rim, edge or flap that sticks out from the body of some animals.

MULLERIAN MIMICRY The mimicking of another poisonous species to deter predators. MUTUALISM Interaction between two species that benefits both. MYGALOMORPH Primitive, mostly ground-dwelling spiders: the fangs move up and down ( vertically ). NYMPH Immature hemimetabolous insect: moults directly into an adult without metamorphosis ( e.g. dragonflies ). OCELLI Simple additional eyes on insects ( sing. — ocellus ). OMMATIDIUM Single facet of compound eyes of insects. OOTHECA Tough egg case of mantids and cockroaches ( pl. — oothecae ). ORDER Group of closely related families. OSMETERIUM Soft, forked organ that appears behind heads of some caterpillars ( Papilionidae or swallowtails ): usually strong smelling and is used for defence. OVERWINTERING Like hibernation: insects or spiders pass winter with little or no activity.

GALL Plant outgrowth, usually on the stem, which is caused by insects, mites or fungi.

OVIPOSITOR Long tube on some insects’ abdomens used to lay eggs. It is modified into a sting in many ants, bees and wasps.

GENUS Group of closely related species ( pl. — genera ).

PAEDOGENESIS Reproduction by an insect before it becomes an adult.

HEMIMETABOLA Insects that don’t metamorphose between immature and adult stages ( adj.— hemimetabolous ).

PALPS Segmented head appendages used to manipulate food. Called pedipalps in spiders, used as antennae; also hold male sex organs.

HOLOMETABOLA Insects that metamorphose ( pupate ) between immature and adult stages ( adj. — holometabolous ).

PARASITE Animal completely dependent on another animal’s body for food; usually feeds without killing the host.

HONEYDEW Sugar-rich liquid produced by sap-sucking insects.

Text and uncredited photography: Patrick Honan

PUPA Non-feeding stage of holometabolous insects between larva and adult.

SPECIES Type or kind of animal or plant: generally defined as being unable to breed with other types. SPIGOTS Tiny, valve-like glands that make up spiders’ spinnerets. Each is attached to a silk gland. They control silk production. SPINNERETS Organs used to produce silk: found in spiders’ abdomens; below caterpillars’ heads; on other appendages of other insects. SPIRACLE External opening of the trachea, the breathing system of insects and other invertebrates. STABILIMENTUM Broad ribbons of thick silk, usually a cross or circle, spun in the centre of a spider’s web. STARTLE DISPLAY Alarm response in many animal species, particularly insects. Eyespots or warning colours are flashed in response to disturbance, in an effort to deter predators. STRIDULATION The sound that insects produce by rubbing hard projections on the body against a file-like body surface. SUBSOCIAL BEHAVIOUR Range of group behaviours ( e.g. parental care ) with increasing levels of complexity, leading to coordinated social behaviour. THORAX Middle section of an insect, between the head and abdomen: usually bears three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings. TRACHEA Respiratory tubes stretching from the outer spiracles to the internal organs of insects and other invertebrates. TYMBAL Sound-producing membranes in male cicadas’ abdomens. They are clicked rapidly in and out to produce sound. VERTEBRATES Animals with backbones.



CSIRO Entomology:

Berenbaum, M.R. Bugs in the System: Insects and Their Impact on Human Affairs, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, USA, 1995

Australian Museum Online: Australian Entomological Society: University of Southern Queensland, Find-a-spider Guide:

AUSTRALIAN MUSEUMS Australian Museum: Qld — WA — SA — Vic — Tas — NT —

Edwards, P.J. and Wratten, S.D. Ecology of Insect–Plant Interactions, Edward Arnold Publishing Ltd, UK, 1980 Hawkeswood, T. Beetles of Australia, Angus & Robertson Publishers, NSW, 1981 Klausnitzer, B. Beetles, Exeter Books, USA, 1983 Macquitty, M. and Mound, L. Megabugs: The Natural History Museum Book of Insects, Carlton Books, UK, 1995 Matthews, E.G. A Guide to the Genera of Beetles of South Australia ( Part 2 ), South Australian Museum, Adelaide, 1982 Matthews, E.G. and Kitching, R.L. Insect Ecology, University of Queensland Press, Brisbane, Qld, 1976 Meglitsch, P.A. and Schram F.R. Invertebrate Zoology ( 3rd ed. ), Oxford University Press, New York, 1991 Naumann, I.D. ( Ed. ) The Insects of Australia, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, 1991 New, T.R. Insects as Predators, New South Wales University Press, Sydney, 1991 New, T.R. Introductory Entomology for Australian Students, New South Wales University Press, Sydney, 1992 O’Toole, C. Insects in Camera: A Photographic Essay on Behaviour, Oxford University Press, UK, 1985 Preston-Mafham, K. Bugs and Beetles, New Burlington Books, UK, 1997 Preston-Mafham, R. The Book of Spiders and Scorpions, Crescent Books, USA, 1991 Preston-Mafham, K. and Preston-Mafham, R. The Natural World of Bugs and Insects, PRC Publishing, UK, 2000 Rentz, D.C.F. et al. A Guide to Australian Grasshoppers and Locusts, Natural History Publications, Borneo, 2003 Tweedie, M. Encyclopedia of Insects and Arachnids, Octopus Books Ltd, UK, 1975 Waldbauer, G. The Handy Bug Answer Book, Visible Ink Press, USA, 1998 Wangberg, J.K. Six-Legged Sex: The Erotic Lives of Bugs, Fulcrum Publishing, USA, 2001

From Steve Parish Publishing’s Amazing Facts: Insects & Spiders ~

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