ECON3075 Service-Learning in Sustainable Development

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ABOUT THE COURSE This course emphasises on raising the students' awareness towards the importance of the balance of economic development, social inclusion and environmental impact through experiential learning. By collaborating with NGOs, public organizations and not-for-profit institutions, students will be engaged in a series of activities addressing human and community needs. Through learning and serving, students can build a stronger social responsibility, citizenship skills, and interpersonal development, a greater sense of personal identity and knowledge of sustainability.

崿䳯擳㑘縂縑泳汶㉢⻠劖繗⊇⻠䠘㨜栙䀂偧䋨 䥲⾶繕爬㨫┈娪紬綗⯶㋂縰↭爻⇯柑䥺絎嫹繖 㕗⎱咺榐㡲ㇶ候儞繕素䓡㵽絾紬榐䕞▹㵽絾 ➍⋾繗⻰㛌⻠䠘❊咺↤俔▨俫綮ㅠ㼭紬爬⛊ 椴尕䥺䁕♢繖⻠䠘≉縂縑⻠劖紬㨵♦繗㉎䶫 㨜㊉䥺爬㨫弩⊞㑘巙繕素㼭弩⊞繕≝棔䥲⾶ 厲☩繗➑㥲☮㊉⎫≝愠紤緡➑紬㜈⛑⽰❴㘾綴 䥲⾶䥺緡巙繖





4 5 6

偧䋨俔⇟⊞ ☃㣢㨵♦⻠劖⇑㌑儈䧗 崿䳯絇ㆉ


↭⎫ ❴㘾綴䥲⾶ 亢䡿樴䧢


榐䕨彤 㢹紩縛䠛 ⍽卩


7 24











榐㆖㑨嶠烛␃㤾紫ⱜ⪠丶☑繕⽋嫦㨵♦⻠劖崿䳯↮↱㔏䥺 ☸☩耥㕗⎱⽰爬⛊❴㘾綴䥲⾶↮䥺弡䙸❴厲㋙絖⽱繗 ⋨扼∾⻠劖㵽㨫⽰⻠䠘✂㥟⛋紤⽛弱䥺繖絯縑❂━㇎繗 烛紫ⱜ咺态⌨态ⲋ䥺榐㡲ㇶ候儞⠐紡⊤㲍爬㨫弩⊞䥺㵽絾 ㉎䶫∩匩儵繗䏀㺀崿䳯㆔⌨∩㨜ⲋ䥺⻠劖䁕♢繖棠爿 ☃㣢㨵♦⻠劖⇑㌑䥺㉎䶫繗㕗⎱⽬䏀⻠䠘㜈⌽㨜ⲋ䥺⻠劖 㵽㨫繗⇊咺爬⛊㉎䶫㨜傝⼬䥺匩儵繖 Many thanks to Dr Aries Wong for the dedicated efforts in running the service-learning course! Our contribution to the sustainable development of the community might be small, but the learning opportunity to the students is valuable. Over the years, Dr Wong has built connections with more and more NGOs and socially responsible companies, bringing a wider range of learning activities to this course. With the establishment of the Centre for Innovation and Service-Learning at the University level, we will see more learning opportunities for the students and closer engagement with the community.

捰㻯䧏㢋㛂 Prof Cheng Yuk Shing

梯䞢䝤Ⳣⱜ Ms Cindy Chan


My heartiest congratulations to Dr Aries Wong and his students for the marvelous work towards building a sustainable community. In these projects, students tried out new ideas, tackled unexpected situations, experienced failures and celebrated achievements together. They creatively raised public awareness on sustainability, inclusion and environmental impacts through advocacy campaigns, direct services and research projects. It is delightful to read students’ reflective journals. Students describe the experience as ‘great’, ‘unforgettable’, ‘fruitful’ and ‘meaningful’. Their rewarding learning experience is the result of their own devotion and that of Dr Wong and our community partners. The essence of Service-learning is the reciprocal relationship between university and community. The multidirectional benefits occur when students serve in meaningful community projects and create changes that bring about impacts. The work showcased in this booklet is exemplary. The feedback from our partners are highly encouraging. We look forward to seeing these projects grow and making greater impact.


牃㺀➖烛␃㤾紫ⱜ紬↤䨲⻠䠘䙸↮紊崮爱弽繗≹⎱咧☩ ㉎岿❴㘾綴爬⛊繗⇊⏸㋨榐㆖▍唡繖 ⪠➉⎫樴䧢⇑繗⻠䠘㡱呱⽋嫦㣢絾㍪繕壵䜂㑘ⲇ䖿㿜繕 偧㺓㙨㗙繗➑㥲┈➑紤≎㕖☭䥺⤚㏑繖≹⎱縂縑⏁己 ㅄ⋾繕爬㨫㨵♦紬⽭橷䬇劖㜈泷素䨲⽰❴㘾綴䥲⾶繕爬㨫 ┈娪紬綗⍽己橷䥺栙䀂繗䧕檘☃㑘繖 ⻠䠘⎱䥺㑨㐽⊇㕗榐㆖㸿㒸繗≹⎱爈㊴⼟㥟絿偧汶䏀 Ѹ剔ⳬѹ繕Ѹ版㌥ѹ繕Ѹⓟ⽋ѹ⠐Ѹⓟ䈌㑘副ѹ繖扼∾ ⽛弱䥺⻠劖偧汶紟䠪≹⎱繕烛紫ⱜ咺↤䨲➍⋾⊼紘☸☩ 勊⌨䥺㕖㫁繖 㨵♦⻠劖䥺燿泲⪠絯Ⲙ⻠咺爬㨫䥺∵㐪栙⍢繖⻠䠘❊咺 䈌慾㑘副䥺爬⛊樴䧢繗㋮勊䏀爬㨫㆔⌨ⲋⓝ▹燹紬㹿榔 ㋂縰繖 扼㩒▛䕨絟⾶䰩䥺樴䧢⪿榐㆖Ⓞ䲤繗➉⎫➍⋾⊼紘䥺㑘尟 ≉⊇≝焩哏繖㕗⎱⛋紤㩅㋖扼∾樴䧢充綴䥲⾶繗䏀爬㨫 ㆔⌨㨜Ⲙ㋂縰繖



㕗⛋紤㳎㇒厲緫弩扼⎫㨵♦⻠劖崿䳯繖崿䳯䏀⻠䠘㆔⌨ 咺䨲↱➑䥺泳汶㉢⻠劖繗≹⎱縂縑爬⛊❊咺繗∩屶咺 ❴㘾綴䥲⾶㨱栙䥺己橷繖縂縑崿䳯繗⻠䠘↱❯㥟㜈⌽ 副ㅄ㨵♦繗㕗⎱㨜㩅㩁⻠䠘厲⽬爬⛊❊咺絟⻠䥺䫙巙 䁕⻠䁕䠡繗弡䙸爬㨫繖 ⪠扼━㇎柑繗㕗⎱䥺⻠䠘㛛岡∩↱➑䥺❴㘾綴䥲⾶己橷繗 ⚐㘪榐䕨彤㢹紩縛䠛⍽卩繕咽㩷䁕紩繕䄮⽳呔欘亁⌡䠡繗 ⊈咦爬㨫┈娪繖⪠縑䳯⇑繗㨱∾⻠䠘㨫㨦㑨㼿欴繕䢪㓒 䠓咦❝⑔繗⋨㻫↤⋯∃㋮㩐㡱㯤繖 ⤪榒↤⋯崿䳯絇ㆉ䥺☩搐㩐厲⻳㕖絟㨱樴䧢繖⩘㺀繗㕗㐽 填㺀㵽㨫㑨嶠偧䋨俔䥺➉⋯➑∮紬㨳❑繕☃㣢㨵♦⻠劖 ⇑㌑紬➉榐㡲ㇶ候儞⊼紘䥺䐧梌㡢㘾繗䠪嬏㑨嶠㏳⎱䏀 㕗⠐⻠䠘㆔⌨ⓟ⽋版㌥䥺泳汶㉢⻠劖耥 㕗⽰☃㣢㨵♦⻠劖⇑㌑䥺梯䑗㯫Ⳣⱜ䄅嬀㑨䋉繗⳨⛜☷∩ 㩒▛䕨䥺▍䕇繗㋮㭄⽰◀樾乷丩繖㾮㨱⳨䥺⛜☷繗扼㩒 ▛䕨⾒↱㨫⻀⪠繖 It is my pleasure to manage this service-learning course. The course provides our students with an atypical and uncommon experiential learning experience. In this course, sustainable development issues will be learnt through community engagement. The course, however, is more than a programme of volunteer services. We expect our students to apply their knowledge from the community engagement and to contribute to the society consequently. In these two years, we have students working on diverse sustainable development issues, from conservation of intangible cultural heritage, revitalisation of a long-established village, reducing plastic straw consumption to promotion of social inclusion. Throughout the journey, some of them were frustrated while others were exhausted or even hurt. However, none of them gave up. All these projects cannot be conducted by a single course instructor. I would therefore like to take this chance to thank the endless support from the colleagues and friends at the Department, the CISL and our NGO partners. Thank you for bringing our students and me these fruitful and wonderful experiential learning opportunities! I am deeply indebted to Ms. Kiki Chan of the CISL who managed the publication of this booklet from proofreading to budgeting. This booklet would not have existed without the great assistance of her.

烛␃㤾紫ⱜ Dr Aries Wong

↭⎫❴㘾綴䥲⾶ 亢䡿樴䧢

PROJECTS IN THREE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT AREAS ⻠䠘絯 紬 ━⎫⻠㇎柑❊咺∩搞⽰↭⎫❴㘾綴䥲⾶亢䡿䥺樴䧢繖 In particular, our students have participated in projects in the following three sustainable development areas in the academic year of 2018/19 and 2019/20.



枵㥕爬㢹紩❩惕緮䆡⇑㌑樴䧢 ( ) 崗⣤⣤塿緙棾⚹樴䧢 ( )



殹綆爥䀥素⪊⍽卩⭱搒樴䧢 ( )



㒑燽嫦♢樴䧢 ( ) 殹綆爬⛊候儞⛜㨫樴䧢 ­ ( )

榐䕨彤㢹紩縛䠛⍽卩 CONSERVATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE Cultural capital is one of the most important assets of our society among physical capital, human capital and natural capital. Cultural heritage does not only relate to innovation and entrepreneurship, but also provide a means of communication, shared belief and a common ground to build trust. All of these would significantly reduce transaction costs. Conservation of our cultural capital is fundamental in view of its nature to the welfare of the public. Students are deployed to The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe) and The Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection (AFTEC) to have their service-learning projects in this area. 梠∩䕨彤緮㩒繕≝☩緮㩒紬咞䐼緮㩒繗㢹紩緮㩒㥟 爬㨫㨨搎尕䥺緮䠛⇯↤繖㢹紩縛䠛↱③䕼䂞☃㣢紬 䓡⣅繗⻪㨜㥟↤⎫綈縅䄳縒繕┈➑䜂㍂紬㉎䶫∵⎁䥺 絎❵繗厲ⲑ㨱㡻䄮⋰≇㥃㕖㩒繖䠪絯㢹紩緮㩒⿌絯素䨲 ▹燹繗㡸㺀⍽卩㢹紩緮㩒榐㆖搎尕繖

⻠䠘孂⻰㛌◀枵㥕爬㢹紩❩惕緮䆡⇑㌑ &$&+H 紬崗⣤

⣤塿緙棾⚹ $)7(& 縊嫦栙絯扼⎫亢䡿䥺㨵♦⻠劖繖


枵㥕爬㢹紩❩惕緮䆡⇑㌑➍⋾樴䧢 Collaborating with The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage (CACHe), students participated in a number of activities for the promotion of National HK intangible Cultural Heritage, including the Cheung Chau Bun Festival and Tai O Dragon Boat Water Parade. During the project period, the team conducted research on various cultural heritage topics under the supervision of CACHe, and a review on CACHe’s promotion campaign for the tradition of abstinence from meat in Cheung Chau Bun Festival.

㕗⎱咺枵㥕爬㢹紩❩惕緮䆡⇑㌑ &$&+H ➍⋾繗⻰㛌⻠䠘❊咺㛡㈸ 殹綆榐䕨彤㢹紩縛䠛䥺䁕 ♢ 繗 䡮 ⇑ ⚐㘪枵䁌ⲛ絎䄙揱紬Ⲙ䊼 ䷏ ⛒ 熢 哐 縎䂡繖⪠&$&+H䥺㙄絇↯繗⪐縨 縊嫦∩栙絯㢹紩縛䠛䥺䬇䵗繗⇊⪅儨 &$&+H䥺Ѹ枵䁌ⲛ絎䄙揱煠㕘⑐偅ѹ 㛡㈸䁕♢䆧␶∩↤⊠⮧⟎繖

枵㥕爬㢹紩❩惕緮䆡⇑㌑㕖䶫 ㇎繗㤘⪠㛡♢殹綆㢹紩 ⍽卩ㅄ⋾繖↤䧨⊈⌨繗㩒⇑㌑䄅❝Ⲙ⻠㡢㘾繗㥲㆖⻰㛌 ⻠䠘❊咺⽋劖ㅄ⋾繗㋮⇑緡巙㢹紩⍽卩䥺搎尕㍳繖縑㋑ ㋙ⲋ❊咺⽋劖⻠䠘Ⲙ爈⎎币㺓❷繗㢹紩䬇䵗⠐㢹紩䠛㲍 亁䜂䥺䲵䧢繗↱縑≭絿綃㨫Ⲙ⻠㨵♦⻠劖樴䧢⻠䠘◖⌨咞 偧䋨⻠俔繖⇱匷忮⌨繗㢹紩⍽卩⠐偧䋨俔櫑毌䕚↱䧬紬繗 䠓咦㨱≝屌㋨━爻䥺䜂㍂㨱㥲⎹∵㨱䧬㗵繖∮⽋◖↱䐼繖 扼㖺⻠䠘⪠縑䳯⇑䥲㜦絟⻠縑䥺䫙巙繗䏀㩒⇑㌑㆔⌨↱⽳ 㣢嫵㟽繖植䐼㺓❷䬇䵗⇊榐≹⎱絟枵繗⋨⳱⋷㨱㡻⪨ 㛡㈸繗㕜紭㉨䧢㴷⽰廢⑐抰岝㎻丩繗扼㹿㥟≹⎱絟枵繖 㨨版㌥䥺㥟 繗≹⎱絾㍪㘍㡐↤Ⳇ㛡㈸枵䁌ⲛ絎䄙揱煠㕘䥺 䫠䕆繗㋮丶☑◀⽋⪨㘍㡐繗≹⎱爈厲䁕⻠䁕䠡繗㨨綪扼Ⳇ 䫠䕆㹿㉢㕖䏀㩒⇑㌑⼊⑐䫠䕆繖㕗ㅪ㩁↱⇩⽬⌨㨱㨜ⲋ ➑⻠縂縑㨵♦⻠劖樴䧢緡巙㩒⇑㌑䥺䜂㍂⠐ㅄ⋾繖 Established in 2005, CACHe has long been devoted to the promotion work of cultural conservation in Hong Kong. Our centre has been heartily welcomed by different universities as they arrange for their students to take part in our internship programs, with the aim to understand the importance of cultural conservation. In the past, many participants majored at history, cultural studies and cultural management. In this service learning program, however, students are from the Department of Economics of HKBU. Cultural conservation seems to be a far cry from economics, some may even reckon that their beliefs contradict, but it is not the truth. Applying their specialised knowledge, students provided new insights for our centre. Although historical research is not their expertise, they are familiar with promotion work and the effective ways to spread ideas. Their video promoting the tradition of abstinence from meat in Cheung Chau Bun Festival impressed me the most, as they skillfully applied what they learnt throughout the whole production, making the video the official promotion video of our centre. I look forward to seeing more students understand our idea and work through this service-learning program.

◽⭮嫦儈䧗 烛䷖匪紫ⱜ Assistant Executive Director Dr. Desmond Wong


⻠⊈咧䠡 㢋⻠䧬枵 Learn through practice, grow in unison.

㎤çľœäœ— â‡‘âŞƒäŹ‡äľ— ĺ §ä‹¨â˝­âŽŽ

Leung Wai Sum, Crystal (China Studies, Economics Concentration) 扟⎍㨾♌❠劖崿䳯ä?€ă•—ă†”âŒ¨âˆŠâ˝›ĺźąĺ §ćąśç´Źç‰ˆăŒĽâŠ–ă“˝çš–ă•—âŽąĺŽ˛ĺ°˝ĺ’žâ›œâ˜ˇä˝?âžśĺą?上ć?Žçƒľ ä •â™˘äĽşç¸?⋞皗≉â?Šĺ’şâˆŠăŠ’⪨眣㤕伺ă›Ąăˆ¸ä •â™˘çš–ä?€âˆŠćŽ?âž?çˆŹă¨Ťć€&#x;â™Žçš—ă•—âŽąâ‰‰âž’ćžľä Œâ˛› 美䄙ć?ąĺŽ”â‹žâˆŠă›Ąăˆ¸äŤ ä•†çš–ă•—ć¤?⪠崿䳯â‡‘ćŚ”ĺ’œâ†ąâž‘伺ă™Žă•śçš—âœ‚âž‘㼲ăœˆâ›‘âˆŠâ‰?ćŁ”ć ™â?˘ă—

ă…†ç´Źĺ€™ĺ„žĺŽ˛â˜Šçš—㨹â˜ˇâ˝ŹâŒ¨âˆŽă˛?伲➜çš– This service learning program has provided me with treasurable experience and memories. We were given chances to have first-hand experience to assist in the operation of major events, such as rice exhibitions. On the other hand, we participated in promotions of local festivals in Hong Kong. In order to keep up with the trend, we have also created a video for the promotion of the Cheung Chau Bun Festival. In this programme, I have faced different challenges and learnt useful skills, namely interpersonal skills and organisational skills, which are both crucial and beneficial to my future career.

㎤峰ć‘&#x; â‡‘âŞƒäŹ‡äľ— ĺ §ä‹¨â˝­âŽŽ

Leung Wing Kwan, Ella (China Studies, Economics Concentration)

ăĽ&#x;羿㨾♌❠劖崿䳯眪ć„ â??ä Ąçš–⪠崿䳯⇑皗㕗↹⋨厲咺➉䥅â‰?âąœâž?â‹žçš—ä™Żă‹¨â˝‹ă•śă…„â‹žĺ §ćąśçš— ă¨œç¸‚ç¸‘ĺŽ”â‹žă›Ąăˆ¸äŤ ä•†çš—âŠˆç´Źä?€ćŚ?㥲㇜候儞&$&+H縊卌äŹ‡äľ—çš—ăœˆâ›‘âˆŠĺ’žă…?伺ĺ€™ĺ„žĺŽ˛â˜Šçš–ć¤?ä?ź 㝍Ⲛ䆧â?śâ˛˜äŠźäˇ?⛒熢ĺ“?ç¸Žä‚ĄäĽşă›Ąăˆ¸çˇŽăŁ‹â–ľç´Ąă™Žă•śçš—â‹¨ăœ“âŒ¨äĽşĺ §ćąśćŚ?㆖â“&#x;â˝‹ç‰ˆăŒĽçš–

Participating in the service-learning programme has a lifelong impact. Not only did I gain practical experience in working with people from all walks of life, but I also sharpened my organisational skills through creating a promotional video and conducting research for the non-governmental organisation, CACHe. Waking up for the preparation of promotional materials for the Tai O Dragon Boat Water Parade was challenging, yet I found the experience fruitful and enjoyable.


âť ä ˜ă‘¨ă?˝

⋡㧳燴 â‡‘âŞƒäŹ‡äľ— ĺ §ä‹¨â˝­âŽŽ

Ho Hiu Ching, Josephine (China Studies, Economics Concentration) ă•—ćŚ?㆖≎â??扟⎍㨾♌❠劖崿䳯皖縂縑咺&$&+Hâž?â‹žçš—ă•—ă¨œä„…â“žâˆŠĺąśâ—€掚眆伺ćŚ?ä•¨ĺ˝¤ă˘šç´Šç¸›ä ›çš–âŽŽĺ¸ ć‰źâŽŤĺ´żäłŻ

◛皗㕗↹㤞伳â?˝ĺˇ¸ă˘šä•¨äĽşâœŚâŠ˜çš—âŠˆç´Źâłąâ‹ˇâ?˝ĺˇ¸ă˘šä•¨çš–↹縑皗㕗â ?縨â?‘ă•–â˜­çľžă?Şâ–?☃㣢㣍㿰âŠˆă›Ąăˆ¸ä Ş&$&+H岿

岛伺ă”?ä ĄäłŻă‰˘çš—ă‹Žĺ‹Šăœˆ泡â˛˜䨲⽰ćŚ?ä•¨ĺ˝¤ă˘šç´Šç¸›ä ›â?˝ĺ?ŠäĽşć ™ä€‚çš—ä?€ă•—âŽąă†”âŒ¨â˝›ĺźąĺ §ćąśçš– I enjoyed the service-learning programme very much. I have gained a deeper understanding of HK's intangible cultural heritage through the cooperation with CACHe. Before that, I had no idea why we should protect the heritage, or how we can protect it. Yet, my teammates and I have successfully come up with some innovative ideas to help promote the app made by the organization in order to raise people’s awareness regarding the conservation of intangible cultural heritage. This is a precious experience for all of us.

㪟㴠ă?Ž ă…„âŁ…äş äœ‚ ă”?ä Ąĺ §ä‹¨âť â˝­âŽŽ

Lam Lok Yi (BBA, Applied Economics Concentration)

ć‰źâˆžâť ĺŠ–ĺ §ćąśćŚ?㆖â?´ĺźąçš—䧿â—€ćžľăĽ•çˆŹâłąâ‹ˇă—‹ă?˝ăż°ĺź¨ăŒ‡â˝‹卌çš—â˛˜ĺ‘ąăž–⟠岿ĺ˛›â˛˜äŠźç¸Žä‚ĄäĽşă”?ä ĄäłŻă‰˘çš— ć¤?ăŠ?ăŒ“䜍⛺䧿ĺ°&#x;ă•–ăŤ

皗⋨㕗㸿ĺ˝˜â‰šâŽąă˘”â˜ƒ㣢çš•硥䨓硽㽞岿ĺ˛›ĺ‰”ă‘¨çš•ä ĄăŒ‘ă?˝â¤˜忎㇎憊↤⊆⽰㊒⪗㢚紊伺ć ™ä€‚çš–ć‰źăť°ĺżŽă•—âŽąâŞ ĺ´żâ­šâššâŽ§çš—â?Żă”‰ âž˝â§?ĺ’žă…?伺㣍㿰ⲋ㨹㥝â ?â˛‹ă•–â˜­çš—âœ‚â†ąă¨Śâ­ŽĺŤŚăĽ&#x;ă•°ä?źâ†ąâž‘皖⊘ä?€ćžľăĽ•çˆŹäĽşä •â™˘ăĽ&#x;⽋彤伺çš—â‰šâŽąäĽşä •â™˘ăšżćŚ”⪨ă‹‚縰çˆŹă¨Ť çš–ĺ„ˆă˜Şĺ‹Šĺ˛“çš—ć‰źâŽŤĺ˛›â˜‘ĺ¸”ă•—硥塙◀掚眆㢚紊ă›Ąăˆ¸äĽşă…„â‹žäĽşă¨ąć€šâ‡ŻĺŁľç´Źç‰ˆ壾çš—ĺ‹Šă•—䧏⎠皗⽰çľ&#x;➌â‡ŻĺŁľă¨ąć€ â˛‹伺硥塙㨍⊇ â‰?ă¨œä’łă‘¤ĺ’žă…?ä ˜ä •伺⪨㣍çš—㥸㊒⪗㢚紊ă”?䧕☊â?˝âť€â†ŻâŒ¨çš—⛺â?&#x;ăĽ&#x;â†¤âŽżäŹŚĺ’˝äĽşćĽ‡ĺ¤—ä“Šâˆƒâ†ąă”?âŠžă‘˜ä„™ă˜†çš–

The experiences in this service-learning course are valuable. We have witnessed how CACHe designed the app and executed their idea for the Dragon Boat Water Parade. Although the results could not be seen instantaneously, I appreciate their relentless pursuit of creativity and aesthetics, as well as their effort in raising the youth’s awareness towards local culture. The work of CACHe is very different from our in-class presentations, which are boastings of effectiveness and benefits instead of practical execution. Conversely, CACHe organises actual activities that influence our society positively. To conclude, I had the privilege to experience the joys and challenges in promoting local culture. I truly believe that the more we understand our city, the more we would love it. Local culture should be conserved, and nothing in our community should be wantonly demolished, not even a shabby neon sign.



Collaborating with The Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection (AFTEC), students participated in the organization and delivery of the FLOW event, a cross-disciplinary outdoor arts and education event, with AFTEC against the natural backdrop of Shalowan Village, Lantau. Equipped with the first-person experience with the villagers and arts event, the team is going to complete a study to revitalise Shalowan as an eco-art village.

㕗⎱咺崗⣤⣤塿緙棾⚹ $)7(& ➍⋾ 繗⻰㛌⻠䠘❊咺Ѹ綂䅊⇯㴠ѹ䁕♢䥺 伩␶ㅄ⋾繖Ѹ綂䅊⇯㴠ѹ㥟⎫恞橄⭖ 㕼ⲇ塿緙紬㢋卩䁕♢繗絯Ⲙㄜ⿑ 㾵婗䍫㩷䥺Ⲛ䐼綗⯶↯咼嫦繖⪐縨 尽咞咺㩷㼭㛞岋繗⇊尽㖍伩␶塿緙 䁕♢繗┍㋝⽬㨫⻳㕖↤⊠㨱栙䁕紩 㾵婗䍫㕖綗⍽塿緙㩷䥺䬇䵗繖


縂縑扼⎫崿䳯繗塿緙㢋卩㒑⤂㵽絾$)7(&厲ⲑ咺⌨咞綃㨫 Ⲙ⻠⣅⻠梞䥺㇎榆≝≇䁚㑘尟繗┈➑➍⋾繖≹⎱⛜☷伩☑ Ѹ綂䅊⇯㴠ѹ㕼ⲇ塿緙䁕♢繗⪠☃㑘⻠劖䥺綗⯶↯岦爷 屶版紬紤㪵厲☩繖㕗⎱⛋紤㩅㋖↯↤⎫恞橄⭖䁕♢繗┢絿 棾倥↤䨲䒳㌑䥺⽭㲍≝ⱜ繗㡬⤂爬㨫繖 The course gave AFTEC, an arts education charity, an opportunity to exchange ideas and work alongside youngsters from HKBU School of Business. Students helping with our outdoor arts event FLOW practised their problem-solving and analytical skills in a creative learning context. We look forward to the next cross-disciplinary encounter that unites passionate professionals for the betterment of our society.


㊴峰㎞ ă…„âŁ…äş äœ‚ ă”?ä Ąĺ §ä‹¨âť â˝­âŽŽ

熼椞㸿 ă…„âŁ…äş äœ‚ ă”?ä Ąĺ §ä‹¨âť

LEE Wing Hang, Grey (BBA, Applied Economics Concentration) PANG Yuxin, Sky (BBA Applied Econo At first, I thought this course was another typical volunteer service that happens every weekend, like flag-selling, or carrying donation boxes. However, it was actually more than an experience of volunteering--- it was also about event planning , preparation and execution. Even though the flow of the event was detailly planned, there were still several unexpected challenges. It is important to learn to improvise when we are in face of problems. It is alright to panic, but it is crucial for us to calm ourselves. Every problem has a solution, as we just need to take some time to figure it out.


紏䟊ăšš上â”ŽâŹ‚ĺ‰Żă…„ä •â™˘çš–ă‹?⌨ 伲ä›şçš—ć˘ âˆŠăŚ?ç¸…ĺ‰Żă…„ä •â™˘çš—âť ä ˜

⪠崿䳯â‡‘ç¸žĺŽ˛ćłłćąśä •â™˘ä¸śâ˜‘çš• 䟊â?śç´Źâ˝‹卌çš–

ć¤?ä?źă•—âŽąâˆŽâ“˘â‰ˇĺ€†岿ĺ˛›âˆŠä •â™˘äĽş ä š䳯皗⋨⽋棔⭎卌㼲≰ç¸?↎↤∞

ăŠ?厲樞㣋伺ă™Žă•śçš–âŠ˜ăş€çš—ç¸?â—€ ⣎抡㼲çš—ĺ’œ⎪ă”?帋ćŚ?㆖ć?Žĺ°•çš– 㑨◀湚㑀Ⲣă›Łă•œĺłƒăĽ&#x;ä?§â?´ç¸œâ“§çš— â‹¨ă•—âŽąăŒ“模ć—Źâź â†ŻâŒ¨çš—âŠ˜ä?€㝍⎍

⣎抡∃㨹幜ăž–㣍㿰皗㕗⎹â?ŻăĽ&#x; 椴ĺ°•â†¤çƒľăĽ˛ć&#x;‘â?‚幜㞖⣎抡çš–

The service-learning experience stimulated my contemplation about human nature, society, equity and other social issues. The processes of the reflection helped me analyse and think critically. In terms of participation, real-life interactions of service learning have helped me improve my ability to communicate, express and explain articulately. In addition, the experience of service-learning cultivates my ability to listen and to empathise. Through my cooperation with other volunteers, I have learnt the importance of teamwork, since the activity couldn’t have worked without our collective effort.


âť ä ˜ă‘¨ă?˝


omics Concentration) 扟⎍㨾♌❠劖崿䳯ă‰¨ĺżŽâˆŠă•—â˝°â‰?ă?łçš• çˆŹă¨Ťçš•çľŽ上紏â”?â‰šçˆŹă¨ŤĺˇąćŠˇäĽşă?Şĺ‹‚çš— â?“ă?ŞäĽşç¸‘䳯≉⊇㕗❠㨍ă–şç´Ľă?łă?Şĺ‹‚çš–

㺀ⲇ皗㨾♌❠劖伺â‰‡ä šç¸‘䳯㨹â˜ˇă•—㥏⤂ çśˆç¸…çš•ĺŹ€ç¸‹ç´Źĺłžć?ŒĺŽ˛â˜Šçš—âž‘㼲⭰縸∊ ă•—伺ĺŒ‚ĺŒˇĺŽ˛â˜Šç´Źâž‘äœ‚ăŒ‘çš–ç¸‚ç¸‘ĺ’şâ”?≚

副ㅄâž?â‹žçš—ă•—âť â—€âŞ?值伺ć?Žĺ°•ă?łçš—ç´&#x;⊘ â˛˜âźœâ”ˆâž‘â˜¸â˜Šçš—ä •â™˘ă–?ă‹¨âŠˆă•–â˜­çš–

➸➠㊜ ă…„âŁ…äş äœ‚ ă”?ä Ąĺ §ä‹¨âť â˝­âŽŽ

Ng Kwan Tung Candy (BBA Applied Economics Concentration) There was a lot of hands-on work within this project, and I found the preparation process enjoyable and meaningful. Spending five days in different positions on the project, I had the opportunity to understand the history and significance of the installations. Throughout the event, I witnessed the villagers’ passion and commitment to the village, as they devoted themselves to the promotion and conservation of the village.


ㅄ⋞皗⋨䆧â?śç¸‘䳯â›‹ç´¤çľ›ăŒ¸çš— ă¨œâ–ľç´Ąă‘˜ĺ‰Żçš–ă•—⪠âˆˇâ˛šâ”€âŚ’ĺłśâˆŠ ↹➑伺㠡â‹Żçš—âŠ‡ă•—âˆŠĺąśâ—€ĺ­´ĺˆľäĽş ăş“â?ˇç´Źć?Žĺ°•ă?łçš–⪠ä •â™˘â‡‘çš—㊡㟭

⑛☊â?Šĺ’şăŠˇĺ›ĽäĽşă›Ąăˆ¸ç´Źâ?˝ĺ?Šçš— ⊇㕗ĺ°&#x;塋◀≚⎹伺䒳崎紏⽰㊡囼 伺㗀㠇皖


ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Natural capital is usually traded off for economic development. It is not due to the assumed obscurity of natural capital itself, but the existence of externality that comes with its vaguely-defined property rights and its nature as a common pool resource. Our students worked with the Ocean Park Conservation Foundation Hong Kong (OPCF) to better understand how we can tackle the issues concerning environmental conservation.

咞䐼緮㩒偧㆖⪠偧䋨䥲⾶↯孂䖦䕱繗✦⩘⇊榐⩘䏀咞䐼緮㩒 ↱搎尕繗勊㥟┍䠛㸧⼁副㴿侤繗⊈紬┍⋾䏀素┈緮䆡䥺䕸烵繗 ㆔⌨∩䡅ⲇ㡻㔐繖 縂縑咺殹綆爥䀥素⪊⍽卩⭱搒➍⋾繗⻠䠘厲䄅⓾∩屶⳱⋷壵䜂 咺綗⯶⍽卩㨱栙䥺己橷繖


Collaborating with Ocean Park conservation Foundation, Hong Kong (OPCFHK), students participated in the 2019 Ocean Park Conservation Day, the annual signature event of the OPCF, to gain first-person experience in promoting environmental conservation.

To provide important evidence for the effectiveness of OPCF’s “No Straw Campaign”, the team performed an on-site counting for straw consumption of food chains and conducted an on-line survey for the feedbacks from the partners within the industry. Since the findings in the study were considered important for public education, OPCF would post infographics of the findings on their social media!

㕗⎱咺殹綆爥䀥素⪊⍽卩⭱搒 ⍽卩⭱搒

➍⋾繗⻰㛌⻠䠘❊咺 ㇎爥䀥素⪊⍽卩㤕 23&)+.䥺㇎㈀搎烵䁕♢ 繗䙯㋨㛡㈸綗⯶ ⍽卩䥺⽋㕶偧汶繖

䏀䬇䵗⍽卩⭱搒㛡♢Ѹ䐧欘亁縏♢ѹ䥺 㕖㡻繗⪐縨◀欲ㇱ⽋⪨岛乷呔欘亁⌡䠡搐繗 ⇊縂縑傅↮⣎⛾➖㲍─➍⋾⊼紘㡩棾㑘尟繖 䠪絯䬇䵗㢪㠍⽰素㼭㢋卩榐㆖搎尕 繗 緮 岝 ⪎嬀⽬㨫㊇弹◀爬≇ⷽ泳繖

爬⛊➍⋾⊼紘䥺崁 MESSAGE FROM COMMUNITY PARTNER It was a great learning opportunity for both Ocean Park Conservation Foundation, Hong Kong (OPCFHK) and the students who participated in this programme. OPCFHK has been driving the city-wide “No Straw Campaign” since 2017, and it was precious to be able to evaluate our efforts from new perspectives and to gain new insights from students. The programme does not only allow students to put their learning into actions--- it also provides a platform for them to actually study and analyse different social behaviours in the society. We believe that the idea of not using single-use plastic straws in particular, will definitely leave a profound impact on the students as they observe customer behaviours in restaurants. OPCFHK would like to thank the students for their outstanding work on this project. Despite the obstacles they had encountered, their contribution to the “No Straw Campaign” was remarkable.

樴䧢⽰⍽卩⭱搒紬⻠䠘勊岓∃㥟⎫⽛弱䥺⻠劖㵽㨫繖⍽卩 ⭱搒咞 ㇎忮↤䧨咧☩絯⭅⇑㛡㈸Ѹ䐧欘亁縏♢ѹ繗 扼絿㕗⎱厲ⲑ㋮紟㣢層㈀締⋓ㅄ⋾繗⇊㋮⻠䠘愠↮䙯㋨ ヤ㣢楼㑨繗⊇㕗⎱㑨◀榐㆖版㋨繖崿䳯↱⋨焩⚀⻠䠘⪠⽋悆 ⇑⻠劖繗㨜䏀≹⎱㜈⌽∩↤⎫䬇䵗⠐紤㪵爬㨫嫦䏀䥺絎❵繖 縂縑尽愠◀岼欲㉈屒⽄縴⼉嫦䏀繗㕗⎱䄅⎁䄮⽳⌡䠡⤪絿㍳ 欘亁䥺⏁己㨫䏀⻠䠘㆔⌨䄅縔㋂縰繖 ⍽卩⭱搒榐㆖㑨嶠⻠䠘⎱䥺☸☩繖⒲亁≹⎱⪠縑䳯⇑縍◀ 棕䰈繗⋨≹⎱⽰Ѹ䐧欘亁縏♢ѹ䥺弡䙸∃㥟䐧❴⋓搐繖

⑐岝⇟⊞ 挱㣮㴠Ⳣⱜ Communications Officer Ms. Loretta Kwok

OK! It's time for ALL of us to start skipping straws!

How does No Straw Campaign influence local Food and Beverages Industry and Hong Kongers' plastic straw consumption? DELIGHTING DECREASE IN TOTAL DISPOSABLE PLASTIC STRAW USAGE SINCE THE LAUNCH OF NO STRAW CAMPAIGN

-65% W

Who still requests for STRAWS?

36% Dine-in diners

32% Takeaway diners

No matter we are in a hurry or not, we can say NO to straws

33% diners consuming COLD drinks and...

33% diners consuming HOT drinks

How come we are using so many straws to stir hot drinks...?




of diners in their age group request for plastic straws

Substitutes at home, school and in office? ' You need plastic straw or stirring stick? '

35% Peak Hours diners and...

Got my own REUSABLE straw!

35% NON-Peak Hours diners Are we trading off the environment for our own convenience...?

MUST use plastic straws or stirring sticks? Maybe NOT!

This infographic is designed by the HKBU Service Learning Research Team Supported by OPCF HK Images: Google Image Icon made by®Pixel perfect®from®

âť ä ˜ă‘¨ă?˝


㊴⌄â?Ş ă…„âŁ…äş äœ‚ ĺź â™Śâť â˝­âŽŽ

LEE Ka Chun, Davis (BBA, Finance Concentration) It was an unforgettable experience to do on-site observation and collect first-hand data on the "No Straw Campaign" through an online questionnaire. This course didn't require any textbooks and examinations, but we applied our economic knowledge to analyse the effectiveness of the campaign and further promote it practically. More interestingly, this was my first attempt of on-site observation, where I discovered some interesting consumer behaviour under the "No Straw Campaign". Combining the data among on-site observation and online questionnaires, our team evaluated the effectiveness of the campaign and proposed some practical solutions for further campaign promotions.

㕗⎹縂縑⽋⪨勂⽄紏傅↎⣎⛞ ä?€ Ѹ ä?§ ćŹ˜ äş ç¸? ♢ Ńš

㥊棞↤ă–?硎ăŁ‹çš—ĺ §ćąśâ›‹ç´¤ç‰ˆăŒĽ çš–ć‰źâŽŤĺ´żäłŻâ‡Šâ†ąâŒżĺ˝Žĺ´żăŠ’ç´Źĺ‹‚ 峜皗⋨㕗⎹ç¸?ä Ąăş€â—›çľ&#x;âť äĽşĺ § 䋨䍙塙皗紤㪾ç¸?♢伺㕖㥝皗⇊ â‹žç¸Šâ†¤ăş ă›Ąăˆ¸çš–ć‰źâ‰‰ăĽ&#x;ă•—ä¸Œâ†¤ 羿縊卌⽋⪨勂⽄皗⊇㕗幒⽄◀ 縴âź‰â†¤âˆžă¨ąć€š伺卌ä?€çš–㕗⎹伺 âŞ?縨值âž?⽋⪨勂⽄紏傅↎⣎⛞ 伺㢪ă ?çš—çˇ â‹“ç¸?♢伺㕖㥝皗⇊ ⪅ 儨 ⽏ ⌨ 伺 㛥 ăˆ¸ ç¸? ♢ ăœˆâ–?↤∞â?´ĺŤŚăŁŤă­Ťçš–


HO Lai Tung (China Studies, Ec It has been a fruitful experience to cooperate with the Ocean Park Conservation Foundation in this Service-Learning Research Project. Our investigation went far beyond the in-class theoretical research that we were usually assigned to. I have gained perspectives on how the society operates and the actual obstacles we may encounter when conducting research in the future, as well as the importance of exchanging ideas for the improvement of research methodologies. I am proud to be one of the participants of this project, since we did not simply integrate theoretical knowledge, but contributed meaningful findings to the future development of environmental protection in Hong Kong.

onomics Concentration)

KWAN Tsz Ching (China Studies, Economics Concentration) I am really glad that I have enrolled in this service-learning programme, since we were provided with the opportunity to apply our knowledge to examine and analyse the current situation. Learning from books is useful, but the application of knowledge in our daily life is essential. I have been more aware of social issues since this project, especially about the issue of disposable plastic straws. I believe that if everyone is willing to take a small step, there will be big changes. of our abilities and try our best to contribute to our society!



Sustainable development should be inclusive to create opportunities to all community members, including disadvantaged and marginalised populations. The idea of disadvantage may be of an absolute nature, but economic principles suggest that every individual has his/her own comparative advantage to be revealed. ❴㘾綴䥲⾶㔐䏀爬㨫↮絟㨱≝ⱜ㆔⌨㵽縍繗⚐㘪絔♮ 剪泳紬拐債≝ⱜ繖Ѹ絔♮ѹ㕜峃㥟⎫倪⽰㲢㍂繗⋨㭜㠍 偧䋨⻠✦◖繗㻫⎫≝∃❴⾶䛺▍咞ㅏ䥺㻰慸Ⓞ♮繖


Collaborating with Operation Blessing Hong Kong, students participated in the project "Love Walk Together, Comprehensive Early Intervention Caring Program for Autistic Families" to support families of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The team provided support in a number of family relationship building activities for the targeted families and completed a business proposal for a Social Enterprise, providing job opportunities for autistic youth.

⻠䠘咺㒑燽嫦♢➍⋾繗❊咺咞柇䢿⻑⺸⼜㈇㤙䤹 岛☑繗㡢絫⓫䷅㏮↮咞柇䢿川俔棕䰈犝$6'犞䥺⼜ ㈇繖⪐縨䆧␶∩↤俔▨㡬⤂⼜㈇栙⍢䥺 䁕♢繗⇊䏀↤柑➖咞柇榆㇎㜈⌽ㅄ⋾㵽㨫䥺爬㨫 ⊤㲍㟣⽐岛☑㨠繗㜈⌽㡢絫繖


Thanks to the service-learning programme, five students took part in our project "Love Walk Together, Comprehensive Early Intervention Caring Program for Autistic Families". The goal of the service-learning project was to offer a chance for students from the School of Business to serve the needy in the society. This could prevent students from their sole dependence on impractical theoretical ideas. Meanwhile, they could contribute to the society and our organisation by applying their specialised knowledge. We are glad to be a part of this project. For the “service” part, we arranged for each student to pair up with an autistic child aged between two and six. As all the participants were students from the School of Business who lack experience in communicating with children with SEN (Special Education Needs), it was inevitable for them to feel a bit anxious. We therefore provided some basic training for students as a way to begin. During the training, they learnt the characteristics of children with SEN, the way to get along with them, as well as how to give instructions to assist them to engage in different activities. Despite some flustered moments and “little sufferings” in the project, students were willing to spend time and effort to accompany the children. Not only did the children enjoy the time, we also felt touched to see the beauty of the interactions. I believe it will be a memorable experience for all of us. For the “learning” part, I appreciate students’ endeavor to draft a detailed proposal for a leather workshop. They had observed the characteristics of children with SEN during the “service” process, then applied their business know-how and insight for the proposal. Though it could not be executed at this time due to different factors, such as the source of capital, some of the ideas are worth developing. We can feel students’ love and care to the children with SEN, and we would consider the proposals as valuable project prototypes which we hope to execute when the situation allows. We believe that our collaboration has achieved the primary goal. Hence, we would like to express our gratitude to the participants and teacher-in-charge. We look forward to another future cooperation.

㑨嶠㨵♦⻠劖岛☑咺㒑燽嫦♢➍⋾繗⻰㛌∷⋯➑⻠ ❊咺㕗⎱䥺咞柇䢿⻑⺸⼜㈇㤙䤹岛☑繖䡮▮咺緫弩 勀ㆉ⑛嵓㥲繗㕗⎱䪡屶◀㨵♦⻠劖岛☑䥺䜂㍂㥟帔 ↤綖⣅⻠梞䥺➑⻠❴⊈尽愠㛞岋爬㨫↮㨱椴尕䥺≝繗 ↤㣫榔❴⊈帔➑⻠縜ⓧ䁚絯Ѹ椙⪨ѹ䵛嵓䜂嵡繗❫↤ 㣫榔❏❴⊈⽬絟⻠⩖歫爬㨫紬➍⋾㵽絾繗㥟↤⎫椐緱 䥺絾㍪繗㕗⎱榐㆖緡➑繗㡸㺀↤㘍⛺➍繗⇊䏀厲❊咺 岛☑㑨㳎㇒繖 ⪠Ѹ㨵♦ѹ䥺挬紤繗㕗⎱⻰㛌➑⻠⎱↤⽰↤梦紘↤綖 ∯咦┄㺎䥺咞柇䢿⻑⺸繗䠪絯❊咺䥺➑⻠⌨咞⣅⻠梞 繗⊈㋑爈㾮㨱咺6(1 䕸㺦㢋卩椴尕 ⻑⺸䧬壵䥺岦爷紬 偧汶繗絟⊈↤柉ⴹ㥲版ⓧ㨱烵崮㑀崮㎜犰䏀ⓧ➑⻠ Ѹ䵛㳫↮梟ѹ繗㕗⎱⻰㛌≹⎱❊咺↤∾⭱䯽岦爷繗 帔➑⻠⎱▮㺁∩屶6(1⻑⺸䥺䕸彤紬䧬壵㣫㉢繗⊈紬 ⳱⋷⪠㿗䤹ㆉ䥺㙄䰩↯⛜☷⻑⺸❊咺䁕♢繖⪠⽋㕶縑 䳯⇑➑⻠⎱植䐼␔㨱㖍㌦吧∥䥺㥲◊繗䠓咦❝∩烵 Ѹ䦤卂⇯喑ѹ繗⋨≹⎱檃㑘≻▍㥲柑紬☸☩繗㴠絯 倆㌑䆻㫸⪨梦紘⻑⺸繗∃帔㕗⎱♢⼟繗勊⻑⺸⎱∃ ㋙⤚㹽≹⎱繗䧬⎁扼㻑偧汶㨫㕖䏀椐㣫㤕㋝版㌥䥺 ⩖㓽繖 ⪠Ѹ⻠劖ѹ䥺挬紤繗㕗⎱㋙㸿彘➑⻠⎱檃㑘絧㥃 ❜版繗⽬≹⎱㋮Ѹ㨵♦ѹ挬紤⇑屒⽄◀䥺6(1⻑⺸ 䕸烵繗┢☮↮≹⎱䥺⣅㲍䫙巙紬岋層繗㠟岕∩↤⊠ ⒋䠡6(1≝ⱜ䥺䦤榛ㅄ⫂㉎己㨠繗植䐼⩘緮搒丩⣎橷 㩐㌓厲⛺㥲⽋悆繗⋨岛☑㨠⇑↤∾☃尟䠓紡❊勂⒓⏜ 繗㋮⇑≉㑨❝◀➑⻠⎱⽰6(1⻑⺸㤕㋝⾒㲍㵽㨫䥺 栙㌑繗↱Ⲣ䏀↤⊠㨱㑘副紬⒓⏜䥺⣅㲍岛☑椒⬂繗 ㅪ㩁㤕㋝㮾⊙㕖䒡㥲厲≻爄⽋嫦繖 㕗⎱緡䏀扼絿➍⋾ 岛☑ㅐ縋◀✦岕䧢㴷繗榐㆖㑨嶠➑⻠⎱紬緫弩勀ㆉ 絟≻▍䥺㌑嫛繗⇊ㅪ㩁㤕㋝㨱枵㩅➍⋾䥺㵽㨫繖

巛㴠峹Ⳣⱜ Ms. Lucinda Tam

㮤㈸䌢ⓢ䠘 Mr. Arvin Leung

âť ä ˜ă‘¨ă?˝


㊇㴠揄 ă…„âŁ…äş äœ‚ ☃ă˛?❠⽭⎎

Cheung Lok Fai, Ricky (BBA, Entrepreneurship Concentration) 䑪縴咞ć&#x;‡䢿â“Ťäˇ…ă‡˜âŽŤâ˝ąăĽ˛ăť°ă•—ă?˝â‘Ťâ‡‘ă¨œä?€⊨版皗椴ĺ°•çś„眽泳厲紏燿燝皖 â†ąç¸‘çš—ă•—â‰‰âŠ˜ĺ‹Š泳㨍â—€âźœćžľĺ°•ç´&#x;Ⲛ⎚䑪縴咞ć&#x;‡䢿Ⓧ䡅伺⊨版皖

Taking care of autistic children for a few hours was not as easy as I thought. It was both physically and mentally demanding. However, it also reminds me of the hardship for the parents of autistic children as they need to take care of the children 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

çƒŚć?Žă…Ş ă…„âŁ…äş äœ‚ ă”?ä Ąĺ §ä‹¨âť â˝­âŽŽ

LAI Chung Hei, Gary (BBA, Applied Economics Concentration)

扟⎍㨾♌❠劖崿䳯ăœˆâ›‘âˆŠă•—ä‘Şç¸´â“Ťäˇ…伺ĺŽ˛â˜Šçš–忎â–Žă•—â•ąç‰ â‰šâŽąăĽ˛çš—ĺąŒă‹¨â‰šâŽąă‹ˆă‹?ăĽ&#x;↤⊠上ă‹–âťłă•–伺 â˜­ĺ´żçš–â†ąç¸‘çš—ćŁ çˆżăĽ˛ć&#x;‘縑â?‚çš—ă•—ă‘˜ĺˇ™â—€ĺ’žă…?ĺ’şâ‰šâŽąă•–â˜­ă‰Ž䜍燪儾皗扟ăĽ&#x;ă•—ă‹ŽăŠ?樞㊅縑伺羚㌞皖

ă•—â†ąâ‹¨âˆŠĺąśâ—€â“Ťäˇ…伺çśŒĺŽ˛ç´Źć¤´ĺ°•çš—ă¨œâ˜Žä„…â“žçˇĄĺˇ™ĺ’žă…?皖扟⎍崿䳯↹â?ŻăĽ&#x;梌ç´˜â“Ťäˇ…çš—ă¨œâ?Łç¸ŠâˆŠâ?Šâ˜Žçˆť 伺⎍â‰?ă•–ćžľçš–âŠ˜ăş€çš—ĺ–?⊈ ç´¤ä?€äˆŒç´¤çš—ă•—ă¨Ťçˇ â’“崿䳯ä?€ 紤皖㕗倪⽰㨍㛥≎â”?â‰šâž‘âť âŽ§ĺ¸ ăş€崿䳯çš–

Throughout the whole course of the service, I have improved my ability to take care of children. At first, I looked at them as if they were a task to be finished in order to get a pass in the course. However, as time went by, I have realised that a connection with the children has been built, which I have never expected to happen. Not only have I learnt a lot about the potential and needs of the children, I have learnt more about myself. The programme is not simply about the provision of accompaniment for the kids, but also a catalyst of personal growth for the participants. Therefore, I would give this course an 11 out of 10 and I would definitely recommend other students to join this programme.

㹪䉡ㅪ ă…„âŁ…äş äœ‚ ă”?ä Ąĺ §ä‹¨âť â˝­âŽŽ

Yeung Chak Hei, Aidan (BBA, Applied Economics Concentration)


坢羗ㅪ㊠â ?㇒燽伺䡹âź&#x;çš–â˛˜ćŒŹç´¤âźœćžľçˆˆĺŹ€ä°Šçš—â‰šâŽąă‹ŽăŠ?峜縑椙ć&#x;‰⺸Ⳣ忟縑┠⽹㼲çš—â?´ĺ°&#x;ä •â™˘ä™Żă‹¨

â—›çľ&#x;ăŠ?㨹伺ă•–â˜­çš–ă•—ćŚ?㆖㇒ç¸?厲㕖ä?€ä •â™˘äĽşâ†¤âŠ ⺸çš– The most memorable moment of this project is when the parents of the autistic children received plants from their children, with smiles on their faces. I reckon those were smiles of hope and happiness. According to the parents, many of them have never left their children for more than 2 hours, hence the success of the activity was unprecedented. I am really glad that I have joined this programme.

⊰ă?Şĺžˇ ă…„âŁ…äş äœ‚ ă”?ä Ąĺ §ä‹¨âť â˝­âŽŽ

Ng Siman, Sharmaine (BBA, Applied Economics Concentration) 扟ăĽ&#x;ă•—ä¸Œâ†¤çľżĺ’şă?Žâ†Žĺ’žć&#x;‡䢿ĺˇ?äż”ćŁ•ä°ˆ $6' 伺Ⓧ䡅䧏壾çš–ă•—â˝°$6'伺硥塙↹䄅皗â?ŻäŤ™ç¸’扟ăĽ&#x;⎍㋂縰çśˆç¸…ç´Ź

卌ä?€伺伲➜ćŁ•ä°ˆçš–â†ąç¸‘çš—ă•—⪠â?Šĺ’şć‰źâŽŤă¨ľâ™Ść¨´ä§˘ă‹?â˛˜â˛˜â˜Žä„…âˆŠâ˝°$6'伺âˆŠĺąśçš–忎â–Žçš—ă•—ă ‡ăŒ‘ĺ’žă…?ăŠ?厲 紟⤂壾äœ‚â†¤â–˜çš—â‹¨â†¤ä¨˛âźœćžľĺ€şă•—ç„Šâš€çš—â‡Šâ&#x;Žĺł†ă•—ć ™ć–ľâŞ çľŻĺ‹ŽăŒ‘çš—ă•—硥ä?€â‰šâŽąäĽşă‰Ž塹ĺ€şâˆŤă•—ă‹™â˛˜伺ă‡†â˜ˇçš–

This is the first time I have ever worked with children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). My general knowledge of ASD was rather limited--- a developmental disorder that affects communication and behaviour. However, I have learnt so much more about it after the service project. At first, I was so nervous as I was scared that I could not handle things well. However, the parents of the ASD children reassured me and told me that patience was key. I found the advice really useful.

ĺ&#x;…ĺ•žć…‡ ă…„âŁ…äş äœ‚ ă”?ä Ąĺ §ä‹¨âť â˝­âŽŽ

Choi Yuen Hin Isabella (BBA, Applied Economics Concentration)


㥸㺀⪠㨾♌◛䳹ä?€ă‘¨â—€ĺ‚?㊇皖㇒ⳏçš—âźœćžľâŽąçˆˆćŚ?㆖â?‘⤂皗⇊⽰㕗⎹❳ç´&#x;⎠⊞皗⊇㕗㑨â??â—€ ä?§ăť°ä†ťçľ˛çš–

It was a valuable experience to have the first-hand opportunity to spend a great afternoon with children who have autism. As it was my very first time to work with autistic children, I felt a bit nervous before participating in the service. Fortunately, I found that the parents were friendly and had full trust in the participants. The experience was unexpectedly heart-warming!

THE SoCO SoCO PROJECT PROJECT THE 殹綆爬⛊候儞⛜㨫樴䧢 Collaborating with the Society for community Organization (SoCO), students assisted in the provision of day childcare services to the grassroots families. Realizing the importance of child care services for the upward mobility of grassroots, the team conducted a survey on the availability of childcare services provided by NGOs in Hong Kong.

崿䳯咺殹綆爬⛊候儞⛜㨫犝6R&2犞 ➍⋾繗⻰㛌⻠䠘⛜☷䏀⭱爛⼜㈇㜈⌽ 䥺㤕柑岪亁㨵♦繖⪐縨㤾䥳岪亁㨵♦ ⽰⭱爛⼜㈇➖↮䁚♢⛋紤搎尕繗⩘㺀 縊嫦∩↤⊠栙絯紟綆榐䕞▹㵽絾岪亁 㨵♦䥺嵋㬉繖

During the service-learning project, students from the Department of Economics of HKBU provided care and support to children from grass-roots families. Organising tutorial classes and interest classes, they assisted in our childcare service, which targets parents who are temporarily unable to take care of their children due to work reasons. They also collect childcare information for grass-roots families through thorough research, as well as assisting in the advocacy of policies that improve childcare service. Service-learning spreads the feelings of happiness and gratitude. Children from grass-roots families felt the affection and support from the senior participants: they sang together, played together and laughed together. Meanwhile, through the interaction with the underprivileged, students understood that we should not take happiness for granted. They learnt to cherish what they have, to feel satisfied through giving, and to consider the needs of the disadvantaged during policymaking.

爬⛊㇓∮ 烛㢹㪖Ⳣⱜ Community Organiser Ms. Wendy Huang


綃Ⲙ偧䋨⻠俔䥺⻠䠘縅縑㨵♦⻠劖樴䧢繗⌨◀爬⛊ 栙㔽繕䑪縴⠐㡢絫⭱爛⓫䷅繖≹⎱⛜☷⇑㌑䥺岪亁㨵♦繗 䏀⩘䔵㻩ㅄ⋾勊䐧≝䑪縴䥺緬䶎⓫䷅咼戚⻠劖綖⠐咻怚綖 犰≹⎱≉縅縑❊咺䬇䵗嵋㬉繗䏀⭱爛䔵㻩㡩棾爬⛊⇑岪亁 㨵♦緮岝繗⛜☷⏁己㡬⤂搞⽰岪亁⓫䷅䥺㡲丶繖 㨵♦⻠劖⑐抰䥺㹿榔⎁㎻㥟㌸㴠⠐㑨㎵繗⭱爛⓫䷅㑨❝◀ ⡨⡨ⴾⴾ䥺䆻絲咺䒳絚繗≹⎱↤忮⢳喜㢹㹨繕↤忮縎㕸繕 ↤忮㹽䷱繖勊⻠䠘≉縂縑咺⭱爛⓫䷅䥺∵♢繗㤾䥳㇒燽⇊ 榐㌓䐼繗⻠劖❂䛊㐦㟴㨱䥺↤▘繗㑨❝㣮㻰❝䥺㌸㴠繗 ➑㥲㤾䥳◀⻠劖㡲丶䥺◆岕椴勂㒶絔♮剪泳䥺椴尕繖

âť ä ˜ă‘¨ă?˝


㪟䀛ⴓ ă…„âŁ…äş äœ‚ ă”?ä Ąĺ §ä‹¨âť â˝­âŽŽ

LIN Jie Yu, Jenny (BBA, Applied Economics Concentration) I have learnt about social issues of Hong Kong and around the world in many classes at the University, but the knowledge itself seemed to be quite aloof. The services at SoCO have given me a chance to interact and understand people who are in need. I have learnt that many people in the society are in need of assistance, such as that provided in the project. The project is motivating as it inspires me to learn. After the participation in the service and the completion of the survey, I think I can do more things for the people who are in need. I hope what I am learning in college will be of use to better the lives of people in the future.

âžšçľœ㸿 ă…„âŁ…äş äœ‚ ă”?ä Ąĺ §ä‹¨âť â˝­ WAN Wai Yan, Karen (BBA, Applied

⪠â˛˜❠伺崿⭚⇑皗㕗❠縑↺䥅 The service-learning project was a meaningful ➉ ⪨ ç´Ź 掚 眆 伺 çˆŹ 㨍 ⣎ 抡 çš— ⋨ experience. At the University, I had previously ⤪ 挒 㨠㊒ ↎ 伺 䍙 塙 â‹ž ⇲ ↹ ⲑ studied about poverty, income inequality and ä„…â“žçš–羯6R&2ăœˆâŒ˝ă¨ľâ™ŚâŠ‡ă•— mobility, yet the lectures only presented the 厲ⲑ咺㨹椴尕伺â‰?â‰‡ä šçš—â˜ŽăŠ‰ facts or data. However, the service-learning â˝°â‰šâŽąäĽşâˆŠĺąśçš–ă•—㤞伳â—€çˆŹă¨Ť project has given me a clear picture of poverty ↎ 㨹 ă‹™ ⲋ â‰? 椴 ĺ°• ➉ ä´’ ㇆ â˜ˇ çš— in Hong Kong. It provided me with an ⌭ âłą ăĽ&#x; çľż 樴 䧢 ăœˆ âŒ˝ 伺 岪 äş opportunity to interact directly with the 㨾 ♌ çš– 樴 䧢 ă•– ä?€ ă•— 伺 ♢ ☊ çš— grassroots. The financial status of families is of âŁ?伲ă•—â?‚❠劖皖â?Šĺ’şć‰źçľżă¨ľâ™Ś significance since richer families have larger ⇊ âťł ă•– ĺľ‹ ㏉ ă‹? çš— ă•— 硥 ä?€ ă•— ⎹ human capital investments and greater social networks. Hence, children from richer families ă”?ĺ´‚ä?€㨹椴ĺ°•伺â‰?≝â–?ă¨œâ˛‹çš– are more likely to earn more. Children without 㕗ㅪ㊠㕗❠◀伺䍙塙厲羯≚㤕 resources are usually trapped at the bottom. â›œâ˜ˇăĄŹâ¤‚ă… ăź­ä ˜ä •çš– As a result, intergenerational poverty is reinforced by the socially or economically challenged background of the parents. After this special experience, I have known more about the needs of the grassroots. I hope there will be more services in the future that facilitate the upward mobility of grassroots families.


Economics Concentration) 扟⎍㨾♌❠劖樴䧢â–ľç´Ąă‘˜ĺ‰Żçš– ă•—㨌⪠â˛˜❠崿䳯⇑㛞岋縑硏䜎皕

㥊ⓞ↹美上紏ä šâ™˘ă?łäĽşĺ´żćŠˇçš— ⋨崿⭚â?Żă¨Ťĺąść?Œâ˝‹ăżœă•œ紤㪾㢪ă ?çš–

䧏â?“çš—㨾♌❠劖樴䧢â˜Žä„…âˆŠă•—â˝° 掚眆硏䜎⣎抡伺âˆŠĺąśçš—伟âŠ˜ă•—ĺŽ˛â˛‘ 䧨ă›žĺ’şâ­ąçˆ›ă… ăź­ă›žĺ˛‹çš–âźœăˆ‡äĽşĺź ăĄ˛

ä–żăżœâ›‹ç´¤ć ™ć–ľçš—ć…¸âź˛ĺ­ŹäĽşâźœăˆ‡㨍 ă—–硎ă¨œâ˛‹羯â‰?â˜ŠçˇŽăŠ’çš—â‡Šă&#x;´ă¨ąă¨œ ăˆ¸ć ‡伺çˆŹâ‰‡ĺ‚…ĺ€śçš–âŠ˜ăş€çš—â“Ťäˇ…ĺ–? âŒ¨ĺ’žć…¸âź˛ĺ­ŹäĽşâźœăˆ‡çš—âź&#x;ăĽƒ㨹慸泡伺 㥊â“žçš–䧏â?“çš—硎䆥↹怪伺Ⓧ䡅âź&#x;ăĽƒ ĺ­‚⊨羯⭹çˆ›çš–ä Şăş€â?´ĺ°&#x;çš—çľ”â™Žâźœăˆ‡

伺çˆŹă¨Ťçš•ĺ §ä‹¨ĺŽ‚ăŚž㨍â˜Žâ˜•ć žâ†şâŠ† 硏äśŽçš–â˛‹ă‹¨ć‰źçľżĺ §ćąśçš—ă•—ă¨œä„™ăąş âˆŠĺąśâ—€â­ąçˆ›伺椴ĺ°•çš–ă•—ă…ŞăŠ çˆŹă¨ŤĺŽ˛ ăœˆâŒ˝ă¨œâ˛‹㨾♌皗â?Łç¸Šâ­ąçˆ›ă… 㟭➖↎ ä šâ™˘çš–

毎▄㸿 ă…„âŁ…äş äœ‚ ă”?ä Ąĺ §ä‹¨âť â˝­âŽŽ

FUNG Hoi Yan, Kelvin (BBA, Applied Economics Concentration) I am really glad that I have enrolled in this service-learning programme, since we were provided with the opportunity to apply our knowledge to examine and analyse the current situation. Learning from books is useful, but the application of knowledge in our daily life is essential. I have been more aware of social issues since this project, especially about the issue of disposable plastic straws. I believe that if everyone is willing to take a small step, there will be big changes. So, we should not fixate on the limitations of our abilities and try our best to contribute to our society!

â?Šĺ’şăş€樴䧢◛皗㕗㞎㨹⊞⋡咺 â“Ťäˇ…äšŚĺ‹‹ă•œçśˆç¸…äĽşĺ §ćąśçš—âŠ‡ă•— 㨨â–Žă‘¨â—€ćąšă’•âž˜âž?皖↹縑皗䥎 㕗⌒峜焊忎♕㟿咺Ⓧ䡅≇従皗 ă•—âž’ć&#x;‰â´šă›†ăœ™ĺ’şâ‰šâŽąä§ŹĺŁľäĽşăŁŤ ă‰˘çš–ă•—ă¨œ伲ä›şçš—ĺ’şâ›‹ăşŽâŠˆâ†ŻäĽş â“Ťäˇ…â‰‡ĺľ“çš—ĺŽ˛ä™Żă‹¨ă¨¨ă‘˜ă?˝â†ąâ—€ 伺临㭍皗⊘ä?€â‰šâŽąäĽşäżŹä¨“㨍㆔ ⌨â“&#x;䈌ă?˝â‘Ťâ˜ŠäĽşä¸´ă­Ťçš–ă•—㨌⪠↤⎍縅塙崿䳯â‡‘âť ĺŠ–ç¸‘ç´ ĺ‰Żç´Ź âž‘äœ‚ăŒ‘伺崿抡皗⇊❠㨍âˆŠâž–çľ” â™ŽçˆŹĺ‰Şä?”çłłä´Żă˛•ă’”ăˆ€çš–â‰­çľżć‰ź ⎍樴䧢帔㕗伲ăœŚă¨ąć˘Œ伺⎍â‰?☊ ć??çš—ă‡†â˜ˇçľ”â™Žâ“Ťäˇ…çš–ç¸‚ç¸‘âˆŠĺąś ç´Źâ?“ă?Şâ­ąçˆ›â‰?âąœ伺ĺ” ćˆ?çš—ă•—ă¨œ 䎪â–˜㤞伳â—€ă‡†â˜ˇâ–ľâ‰?伺ć?Žĺ°•çš–



產業、創新和 基礎設施


促進目標實現的 伙伴關係


良好 健康與福祉


清潔飲水和 衛生設施

經濟適用的 清潔能源

體面工作和 經濟增長


可持續 城市和社區

負責任 消費和生產



和平、正義與 强大機構




掚çś†çˆĽä€Ľç´ âŞŠâ?˝ĺ?Šâ­ąć?’ Ocean Park Conservation Foundation Hong Kong 㒑燽卌♢ Operation Blessing Hong Kong 掚çś†çˆŹâ›Šĺ€™ĺ„žâ›œ㨍 Society for Community Organization ĺ´—⣤⣤奿硙棞âšš The Absolutely Fabulous Theatre Connection ćžľăĽ•çˆŹă˘šç´Šâ?Šćƒ•硎ä†Ąâ‡‘ăŒ‘ The Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage



⺟㓚�㒑⤂⭹� Hung Hin Shiu Charitable Foundation


ä ŠâźœäŽšă’‘â¤‚â­ąć?’ Tin Ka Ping Charitable Foundation

* ç‚şĺ?ŻćŒ çşŒç™źĺą•ĺ‡şä¸€ĺˆ†ĺŠ›ďźŒčŤ‹čˆ‡茪ĺ?‹ĺ‚łé–˛ćœŹĺˆŠç‰Šă€‚ To reduce paper waste, we encourage you to share the booklet with your friends.

Department of Economics Tel: 3411 7544| Fax: 34115580 Email: Website: Facebook: HKBU Department of Economics LinkedIn: ŠJuly 2020 Department of Economics, Hong Kong Baptist University

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