[R:ENG TRANS] Giriboy – DIE DIE (feat. CHOILB) (Study Group x Giriboy) | 기리보이 – DIE DIE (Feat. 최엘비) (스터디그룹 X 기리보이)

This has been stuck in my drafts for like the longest time but i’ve been so busy the past few weeks (eeps my last post was a month ago!). Also because this song is a rap song and i really hardly – almost never if i can haha – translate rap songs because most of the time the lyrics don’t really make sense to me as they’re not in full sentences (same with English rap songs i suppose). So it’s a bit harder to translate? And even if i am able to translate it, sometimes people may ask what the song is trying to say what with rappers liking to use sooo many metaphors and references to things and then shortening their sentences to fit the beat/rhyme etc but i’m also just as clueless most of the time hahah.

But i hope i did some justice on this song! It’s quite a nice song actually, not the usually heavy khiphop/rap that i expected when i first listened to it! It’s a song for the webtoon Study Group and i have a rough idea of what the webtoon is about or the song may be for haha. Most of all, super thankful that this song at least has coherent sentences and they sort of string together nicely! PLUS IT MAKES SENSE. Have a huge pet peeve when sentences don’t link or make sense – also why i then avoid translating those songs AHAHA. Anyway, @ the person who requested this, i’m sorry it took so long ;___; but it’s here!!! And i hope it helps those who are looking for a translation for this song too 🙂

Giriboy – DIE DIE (feat. CHOILB) (Study Group x Giriboy)
기리보이 – DIE DIE (Feat. 최엘비) (스터디그룹 X 기리보이)

호랑이 눈빛
tiger-like gaze
넌 쥐구멍에 숨지
you hide in a mouse hole
먹을 수가 없다면 굶지
if i can’t eat it, i’ll just starve
과식해도 배가 고파
even if i overeat, i’m still hungry
먹고 먹히고 떨어져
after eating and getting fed, get lost
난 몇 개의 새벽을 견뎌 냈더니
how many mornings did i endure
드디어 오늘의 해가 떴다
finally today’s sun has risen
원스텝 투스텝 훅
one step, two step, hook
KO 된 너는 순두부
you who has KO-ed becomes soft tofu
Bad boy 벌어 많은
bad boy, earn lots of
paper dollar peso
목숨은 하나지만 두 개처럼
your life is one but as if it’s two
play work
코인을 넣어 노래를 한 곡
inserting a coin and singing one song
부르고서 먹어버려 한국
after singing i’ll take over South Korea
계속 나를 방해하는 애들과의 사투
a desperate struggle with the people who keep obstructing me
눈치게임 같아 마치 화투
it’s a game of wit, just like ‘hwatu’*

덤벼 루저스
bring it on losers
그럼 나는 걔네들을 knock down
then i’ll knock down those losers
쓰러져 악당
fall down villians
걔네들의 코인을 낚아
catch those people’s coins
생각보다 출혈이 상당해
the bleeding is much more substantial than i imagined
그럴 때마다 붕대를 감아
eveytime that happens i cover it with a bandage
투명했던 붕대는 빨간색
the bandage that was transparent turns red
얼룩이 묻은 내 인생은 TIE DYE
my life that is stained with smudges is TIE DYE

내 인생과 싸워 왔지 my life
i’ve been fighting with my life till now, my life
이 경기는 지금부터 하이라이트
this fight is the highlight from now on
그로기 상태 지금 너무 위험해
this groggy state is so dangerous now
오 운명의 여신은 날 또 시험해
oh, the goddess of destiny is testing me again

그로기 상태 지금 너무 위험해
this groggy state is so dangerous now
오 운명의 여신은 나를 시험해
oh the goddess of destiny is testing me again
그로기 상태 지금 너무 위험해
this groggy state is so dangerous now
오 운명의 여신은 나를 시험해
oh the goddess of destiny is testing me again

울 엄마는 말했지
my mother said this before
어디 가서 맞고 오진 말랬지
don’t go around getting beaten up”
엄마 말을 잘 듣는 아들이었으니
because I was a kid that listened to my mother’s words well
내 교복에 묻은 피는 내 게 아니었지
the blood that was stained on my school uniform wasn’t mine
피가 섞인 가래침
cough mixed with blood
난 지켰어 울 엄마의 가르침
I followed it – my mother’s teachings
먼저 시비 건 적은 없어 한 번도
I’ve never initiated a fight, not even once
한 대 맞음 두 배로 갚아 반드시
if I’m beaten once, I repay it back twofold without a doubt
근데 나이를 먹으니
but after getting older
걔네들은 아무것도 아니더라고
those people are really nothing
이젠 현실과 싸워 늘어나 상처
now I fight with reality and my injuries only increase
얜 몇 대를 맞어도
no matter how many times i hit it
쓰러지지 않어 난 섀도우 박서
it doesn’t fall; i’m a shadow boxer
넘어질 때마다 엄마 말을 기억해
everytime i fall, i remember what my mother said
일어서야 해 심판이 10초 새기 전에
i have to get up before the referee counts to 10
먹여야 돼 한방 기회들을 노려
i have to give it one shot and take the chances
이건 언더독의 반란
this is the rebellion of the underdog
말했잖아 아까 패배자로 살 바에는
i said it before didn’t i, if i’m going to live as the loser
죽음을 달라 벌처럼 날아
i’d ask for death and fly like a bee
나비처럼 쏴 마치
shooting like a butterfly
무하마드 알리처럼 말이야
just like Muhammad Ali
맞은 데가 아파도 이건 창작고
even when the places i’m hit at hurts, this is creation
이걸 가사로 바꾼 다음에
after changing this to song lyrics
몇 배로 갚아줘
repay me tenfold

그로기 상태 지금 너무 위험해
this groggy state is so dangerous now
오 운명의 여신은 나를 시험해
oh the goddess of destiny is testing me again
그로기 상태 지금 너무 위험해
this groggy state is so dangerous now
오 운명의 여신은 나를 시험해
oh the goddess of destiny is testing me again

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