Acronym to recall Major System

I am looking for preferably one acronym for the following Major Systems values of letters (sounds) to numbers (values):

Sounds = S = 0
To = T = 1
Neatly = N = 2
Memorize = M = 3
Really = R = 4
Long = L = 5
Jumbled = J = 6
K ?

Maybe it would be easier having 2 separate acronyms for recall?? I am aware of the major systems phonetic sounds rules that includes memory joggers to recall phonetic sounds to letters but I really want to try to have a ready-made go-to acronym to teach the shortened simplified major system I have listed above to others.

You are welcome to start a whole new different acronym that fits the (STNMRLJKFP letter order referred to above). I would welcome any input anyone may have? starting with my regular go-to guy for valued input @TheHumanTim

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Oh the irony of needing a mnemonic to remember a mnemonic :grin:

That’s why I don’t use the traditional major system letters: I didn’t like the associations (and found them limiting in a way) and I thought it would annoy me every time I used it, so I’m using a system more logical (to me) - like for every technique, personalised works better…

So here is my acronym:
Stop, To use Non-standard Major, find something Really Logical, Just Correct, For Personalization works better.

I admit it’s really bad and probably not correct English… I’ll stop trolling and get out of here :grin:


This one I learned from Ron White was pretty good


LOL! :joy:

Just use shapes aka leetspeak then you can read it like normal letters.

Major isn’t intuitive.

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This probably won’t help but if I was using my AA-ZZ system it comes out as

Sunken Temple, Nightmare, Rocket Launcher, Just Kidding, Flight Path.

you could further chunk the start as Stan (STN), Mar-a-Lago (MRL?)


I remembered it without any acronym :slightly_smiling_face:
Only deliberate practice helped me remember these.

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I also had this question when I was new. I think just practicing and developing your own images (starting from 0 -100) is the best way to learn it.


I already know the phonetic traditional major system and its many variants. I was more interested from the vantage point of just having a ready-to-go-to ACRONYM for quick reference to be able to write the sequence of letters (sounds): STNMRLJKFP in the correct order without thinking about anything other than an ACRONYM.

Something like:

ST. NeyMaR Likes Jump-Kicking For Penalties (Here the image is that of Brazilian Soccer Star Neymar whom I have given the title of Saint (St.))

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Servants Tickled Nude Muppets Rapidly Likewise Jockeys Kissed Floss Politely.

I generated the above using an online mnemonic generator:

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I’ll apologize in advance for this one…



why have this. the number shapes suggest the letters/and many words can come from the letters, then everything you remember doesn’t start with Tea or Toe, etc


There are a few interesting properties to the Major that can help it become second nature even if it’s not intuitive.

Notice, for example, that D and T are produced in the same area of the mouth. There are several other pairings like this. It can be helpful to focus on them in addition to using associations to remember the pairings.

It seems to me that the Major is the least arbitrary of the number-consonant solutions as well.

And once you’ve got it, you’ve got it. Thanks to its logic and extremely low arbitrariness, you can work out what your associations are when you’ve built out a 00-99 PAO. I haven’t seen any alternative system that allows for this beautiful feature, and it perhaps explains why the Major and its predecessor the Katapayadi have been with us for so long.


T is a 7 in leetspeak, because it is the same shape.

Why is it 1 in Major system? No reason. That’s what I mean by unintuitive.

T and D on the same number is pretty good it’s a similar sound, although in some card systems they may have to be split, but this is not my issue. Retain the sounds from the Major system by all means but use a different more intuitive number to letter conversion.


Perhaps you will come up with something that revolutionizes the entire field by reducing the arbitrariness to zero for one and all.

That would be quite something and perhaps even possible. :trophy:

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K - Key
F - Figures
P - Perfectly

“Simplify The Numbers, Memorize Rapidly, Learn Jumbled Key Figures, Perfectly.”


From Harry Lorayne’s book



My own three acronyms for the major system:

Sneaky zebra tickled dancing ninja monkeys.

Ridiculous llamas shouting jokes.

Curious giraffes found very peculiar bananas.

Thus S Z, T D, N, M, R, L, SH J, C G, F V, P B.


I go to the Dynamo Rally (to see my favorite monster truck) Shockwave Bus.
Not the letters you’re looking for but the phonetic equivalents.


Perhaps a far more intuitive coding for a Major System would be to have letters matching the numbers themselves? Something like in the table below:

To my mind an “I” looks like a “1” etc. Perhaps the only number to letter that isn’t an exact match would be the “A” substituted for a “4”? But to my mind they look close enough? I know the purists on the forum will be quick to point out that I’m using 3 vowels A = 4, I = 1, O = 0; but if one is constructing a PAO System from the encoding in the table above, one could conceivably construct a cast of characters #00 - #99, from maybe Olive Oyl to Peter Pan. The ACTIONS and OBJECTS could be the most logically fitting triplet for each number, so for instance, maybe Olive Oyl (Person)/ Cooking (Action)/ Spinach (Object) = 00-00-00.

In setting up such a system a number like: 850099 or the triplet 85-00-99 might be the image of #85 (Person) = BS = Bart Simpson/ #00 (Action of Olive Oyl = cooking) and #99 (Object of Peter Pan = Dagger). Full PAO for #99 could be Peter Pan (Person)/ Flying (Action)/ Dagger (Object).

Thus the 6-digit number translates into 85-00-99 = Bart Simpson/ Cooking/ a Dagger which would be put in the first position of a memory palace if this sequence of numbers, 85-00-99 were the first 6 numbers in a sequence.

Pictorially the number to letter code might be better presented as follows:

I know this suggestion will probably be blown to smithereens but if the keyword is INTUITIVE, I think one would be hard pressed to find a better fitting system of numbers to letters and visa versa. Also note only a one-to-one correspondence which greater simplifies the system even further.

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