English 編集


Etymology 編集

The character was introduced in Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back. Perhaps from Sanskrit योद्धा (yoddhā, warrior). (Can this(+) etymology be sourced?)

Pronunciation 編集

Proper noun 編集


  1. A wise old Jedi Master in the Star Wars films.
  2. (grammar) Used to describe odd or eccentric word order, as typified by Yoda in lines such as, "Into exile I must go. Failed I have."
    You translated the words correctly, but the sentences are very Yoda-like. Perhaps you should review your grammar.

Quotations 編集

For quotations using this term, see Citations:Yoda.

Derived terms 編集

Translations 編集

Further reading 編集

Anagrams 編集

Japanese 編集

Romanization 編集


  1. Rōmaji transcription of よだ