So Delicious! How To Make Shijimi Clam Miso Soup

cookpad.japan @cookpad_jp

This is a really standard recipe. I think my mother taught it to me originally.

Take the time to de-sand the clams even if you get already de-sanded ones. Always taste how salty the clams are before adding the miso.

I also have a recipe blog - please take a look! Recipe by Komatsuta

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  1. 300 grams Shijimi clams + salt
  2. 3 tbsp Miso (white miso preferred)
  3. 1 tbsp Dashi stock powder

Cooking Instructions

  1. 1

    Even if you get de-sanded cleaned clams, de-sand them again so that they spit out any old digested material by soaking them in lightly salted water for 2 to 3 hours.

  2. 2

    Procedure for de-sanding: Immerse a colander or sieve in a large bowl, and put the clams in. Fill with salted water. This way the clams won't re-absorb any sand or other things they spit out.

  3. 3

    Put the soaked and cleaned clams in a pot with cold water and heat. After a while some scum will rise to the surface. Skim that off and add the dashi stock granules. Don't overcook the clams.

  4. 4

    Add the miso, but taste the liquid in the pot first to see how salty it is. White miso is preferred. Don't let the soup come to a boil after adding the miso.

  5. 5

    Top with some chopped green onions, and enjoy!



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cookpad.japan @cookpad_jp
A collection of the best recipes from the Cookpad Japan community, translated into English!
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