Art of Last Exile: Fam, The Silver Wing

Last Exile: Fam, The Silver Wing is an animation series produced by Gonzo K.K, and directed by Koichi Chigira in 2011. The story takes place two years after the events of Last Exile (the original series) on Earth, the home world of the colonists of Prester. The pictures on this page are a collection of artworks created for this series.


Fam Fan Fan and Giselle Collette are two vespa vanship pilots who work as Sky Pirates, capturing and selling battleships for a living. One day they get into an adventure when they and the Sky Pirates rescue Liliana and her younger sister Millia, Princesses of the Turan Kingdom, from the clutches of the mighty Ades Federation. The Federation, led by Empress Sara Augusta and Premier Luscinia Hafez, is on an all out war against nations who descended from immigrants who came back to Earth by Exile ships…

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