Jackie Chan

My latest work, He is my favorite celebrity Jackie Chan. Cycles rendered.
I sculpted the face shape from a mid-poly model (about 20000 faces), then used drawing software to draw the color, bump, SSS, Highlight, Rough and displacement maps.rendered and tested the material in Blender, then modified the shape and material and lights to make the result as much as possible to match the real face.
I’m always trying to mimic the feel of a real person’s skin, but it’ll probably always need to improve

modified 2022-07-18

modified 2022-04-08

modified 2022-03-25

hand-painted bump and displacement maps



Bravo!!! looks spectacular

Good job. Really like him. :sunglasses:

1 Like

thanks , May still need improvement.


Wow. Excellent!!

Looks good!

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

Thank you very much,



Really Cool, man!

You’re on the #featured row! :+1:

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really thanks again !

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Great work.

Really nice portrait!

Cool work!
Thank you for sharing!

Fatastic likeness - excellent work :slight_smile:

Likeness is on-point!

One of the best stunt guys ever

damn so accurate

WOW! Awesome