Help with a bone material


I’m looking for someone with a little more experience with shader nodes than I have. I’m trying to make a procedural texture that looks similar to the attached image, but I’m having a bit of trouble with the result.
Initially I thought it would be pretty easy, just a few vornoi noise, and musgrave textures should do the trick right? Turns out my application of it just isn’t there yet.
Most specifically, I would like the holes to have a similar shape to those in the photo, I’ve tried to plug a noise texture into the vector of the vornoi but it only half gets it. Also, I’d like it to bunch up around the whole like it does in the photo and I’m unsure about how to do that.

Any advice is greatly appreciated!

Here is a start…at least it should give you some ideas on how to proceed…

Bone.blend (848.9 KB)

Thanks so much for the response! You are a saint. Your solution did get me closer than what I was initially, but I still have a bit of an issue with how hard the falloff is because of the color burn and the color ramp. It did a really great job of distributing the holes though, but they just looked too tight for my liking.

I did however manage to figure out how to smooth them out a bit using a float curve and a divide node after the color ramp (I had to remove the color burn because it was taking away too much of the gradient).

I’m happier now, but I still have the issue of decreasing the overall amount of holes, and the other issue is that I would also like to have the holes be a little less uniform. I would like them to distort a little bit like in the original picture.

Thanks in advance!