orchard house
Orchard House, Concord, MA ©Author Adventures
© Author Adventures
©Author Adventures

Louisa May Alcott, More Than a Little Woman

Louisa May Alcott (1832-1888) was a 19th century American novelist from Concord, Massachusetts. While she published more than 30 books, the best known is “Little Women,” which also spawned several feature films in the 20th and 21st centuries. Teachers, librarians, and readers of all sorts have found that the four primary characters in the book — sisters — speak to archetypes with whom any reader can identify, either in themselves or in someone they know.

An excellent short biography of the classic and popular author can be found here: https://louisamayalcott.org/louisa-may-alcott.

“Let my name stand among those who are willing to bear ridicule and reproach for the truth’s sake, and so earn some right to rejoice when the victory is won.” –Louisa May Alcott

Orchard House

The Orchard House of Louisa May Alcott in Concord provides a guided 45-minute tour that takes you right back to the days of “Little Women” and “Little Men.” You can see everything from the Alcott family’s piano to the girls’ dress-up trunk to the window above Louisa May Alcott’s desk.

The grounds feel more peaceful than the hubbub of Boston, and include the classroom building where the Alcott family learned, taught and discussed transcendentalism with their friends.

The Orchard House also has one of the best gift shops we have seen at literary landmarks. From postcards to Madame Alexander dolls, there is something for everyone in about any price range.

The Books

Readers often identify with one of the characters in Louisa May Alcott’s books, which may be why the books have remained popular for such a long time. For a bibliography, visit: https://www.biblio.com/louisa-may-alcott/author/263.

Orchard House in Concord is the third stop on Massachusetts Author Adventures Trail Part 3.

Patricia Smart