Maximum size : 6.5 cm

Sterbas Corydoras - Corydoras sterbai Fish Profile & Care Guide

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The Sterba's Corydoras (Corydoras sterbai) is a striking and popular species within the aquarist community. Native to South America, these Corys are Characterized by their distinctive armour-like bony plates and a pattern of black spots and stripes against a light background; Sterba's Cory is not only admired for its aesthetic appeal but also for its bottom-dwelling, scavenging habits that contribute to the cleanliness of its environment. Renowned for its peaceful demeanour and sociability, Sterba's Cory makes an ideal companion in community tanks, coexisting harmoniously with various other species.

These delightful Corydoras are an ideal addition to both planted and community aquariums. They thrive best in groups, and it is recommended that they be kept in schools of at least six so that they can fully appreciate their social behaviour and interactive dynamics. Their presence not only enhances the visual appeal of an aquarium but also contributes to a harmonious aquatic environment.

When selecting tankmates for Sterba's Corydoras, it's crucial to choose carefully to maintain a serene and harmonious aquarium environment. It's advisable to steer clear of larger or more aggressive species. Instead, consider pairing them with other smaller, peaceful fish. Ideal companions include Cyprinids, Characins, Dwarf Cichlids, Gouramis, and fellow Corydoras, all of whom share a similar temperament and can coexist peacefully with these gentle Catfish.

To promote the well-being of Sterbai Corydoras, it is advisable to house them in soft water aquarium settings. Their delicate sensory barbels necessitate a suitable substrate to prevent injury; thus, a soft sand substrate is recommended to emulate the natural conditions of their wild habitats. This setup not only fosters their health but also encourages their natural foraging behaviours, enhancing the vitality and authenticity of your aquarium. Additionally, incorporating planted areas and various hiding spots is essential for providing shelter when these active fish are not foraging through the substrate.

The Sterba's Corydoras showcases a captivating body colouration a deep, rich brown hue that serves as a canvas for an array of intricately arranged white spots and lines of varying shapes. The fins of this species are particularly noteworthy; they are semi-translucent, adorned with a delicate, subtle dotted pattern that adds to their elegance. The abdomen of the Sterba's Corydoras often presents a gentle orangy tint, lending a warm contrast to the overall colour scheme.

One of the most striking features of this species is the gold highlights that adorn its body and fin edges, with the pectoral fins being particularly noteworthy. These golden fins catch the light beautifully, creating a dazzling effect that makes the Sterbai Corydoras a visual standout in any aquarium setting. 

This combination of unique colouration and patterns distinguishes them from other species and adds a touch of splendour to the aquatic environment they inhabit.

Sterbas Corydoras Photos

Sexual Dimorphism

When viewed from above, distinguishing between a male and a female Sterba's Corydoras is relatively straightforward. Males tend to be smaller and more slender, while females have a broader body shape and a more rounded belly, particularly when full of eggs, and generally are slightly larger than males.

Quick Facts

Scientific NameCorydoras sterbai
Year Described1962
Other NamesSterba' s Cory, Sterbai Cory
OriginsBrazil , Bolivia
Max Size6.5 cm
Aquarium LevelBottom
DifficultyBeginner - Intermediate
Best kept asGroups 6+
Diet & FeedingOmnivore
ReproductionEgg Depositor
Average LifespanUp to 5 Years

Water Parameters

Water TypeFreshwater
pH 6.0 - 8.0
GH 1 - 15
Ideal Temperature
70 - 77
21 - 25

Natural Habitat

Sterba's Corydoras, originating from the upper Rio Guapore in Brazil, are also native to regions in Bolivia and South America. In their natural habitat, these fish are typically found in small tributaries, creeks, and areas of flooded forest. These settings are characterized by an abundance of lush vegetation, which provides both shelter and a rich ecosystem for these fish to thrive in.

The water in these habitats is typically soft and acidic, conditions that Sterba's Corydoras are well adapted to. The riverbeds and creek floors where they dwell often have sandy substrates. This type of bottom surface is crucial for their well-being, allowing them to sift through the sand comfortably while foraging without damaging their delicate barbels. The natural environment of Sterba's Corydoras is a testament to their preference for gently flowing waters and a habitat rich in aquatic flora, which should be considered when recreating similar conditions in home aquariums.

 Guaporé River - Brazil
Brazil Flag


Sterba's Corydoras are known to be relatively easy to breed in captivity. To do so, it is recommended to have a breeding tank with a bare bottom or sand/gravel substrate, an air-powered sponge filter, and some clumps of vegetation, such as java moss. It is suggested to have a higher ratio of males to females, with two males per female. 

The breeding group should be fed a varied diet of frozen, live, and dry foods. Once the female's abdomen is full of eggs, a relatively large water change with cooler water and increased flow and oxygenation should be performed daily until the fish spawn. During breeding, the male will grip the barbels of the female during the fertilization process, and the female will carry the eggs in a unique basket under her ventral fins to attach them to a smooth surface or plant leaf. 

This cycle will repeat until the female lays all her eggs. After spawning is complete, the adults should be removed to prevent them from consuming the eggs. Once the eggs hatch, which usually takes around 3-5 days, the fry becomes free-swimming after 2-3 days. They can then be fed micro-plankton or micro-worms until they are big enough to consume prepared foods.

Diet & Feeding

Ensuring optimal health and maintaining the vibrant colouration of Sterba's Corydoras requires a carefully balanced and varied diet. As omnivorous, these fish are quite adaptable in their dietary preferences, happily accepting diverse foods. This includes everything from dried to live and frozen options.

To support their overall health and well-being, it's vital to base their diet on high-quality flakes and sinking pellets, which provide essential nutrients. These should be the mainstay of their daily diet. However, for added nutritional variety and to mimic their natural feeding habits, it's beneficial to occasionally supplement their diet with live worms and frozen brine shrimp. These treats offer additional nutritional benefits and encourage natural foraging behaviours, contributing to the overall vitality and health of Sterba's Corydoras in your aquarium.


Discover the Enchanting Sterbai Corydoras: A Must-Have for any Aquarium Thumbnail

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