Mosquito boraras (Boraras brigittae)

Mosquito boraras (Boraras brigittae)

Mosquito boraras are especially often kept in a nano aquarium. Due to the body size of approx. 3 – 4 cm this is also quite successfully possible. Especially in such small tanks this fish also stands out with its red coloring, which makes a great contrast to the furnishings. But also in large aquariums this fish makes a very good figure in a shoal.

Water parameters for mosquito boraras

  • PH value: 6 – 7
  • GH (total hardness): 2° – 10° dGH
  • KH (carbonate hardness): 2° – 10° dKH
  • Temperature: 24° – 28°C


Mosquito boraras have an extremely strong coloration on the body. This starts at the head and ends only in the tail fin. This has also still red-orange accents. On the body there are additionally some black colorations. Thereby a larger spot is already shortly after the eyes. Afterwards a black line follows up to the tail fin. However, this is regularly interrupted by orange. On the fins of mosquito boraras in addition to the body coloration also orange and black stand out. If the fish experiences good keeping conditions and gets enough food, it can grow up to 4 cm. However, usually it grows only about 2 cm.


When breeding these fish there are some important points to consider. Thus, the aquarium for spawning should have a very dense planting. In addition, the water level should be only about 15 – 20 cm. Furthermore, a rather dark substrate is recommended. To get the fish ready to spawn, it helps to add cold water to the aquarium. Live food can also help. After spawning, the parents must be removed from the tank. Otherwise they may eat the eggs. After 1 – 2 days the fry hatch, which then feed on the yolk sac. As soon as this is used up, feeding must be started. For example, dust food or similar small food can be used.

Keeping mosquito danio

Mosquito boraras are overall rather low-maintenance fish. A group size of at least 10 animals is recommended. These can already be kept in an aquarium from 60l. However, keeping them in a nano aquarium is also possible in some cases if the conditions in the tank are right. In addition to the shoal size, the aquarium should have dense planting in places, with enough space left over for swimming. Also floating plants, which lower the lighting intensity and a dark substrate are important in such a tank. Mosquito boraras are omnivores. This means that they can be fed with dry food, for example granules. However, small live food is also accepted very gladly.

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