そらいろ Review

Hmm  I didn’t expect this level of awesomeness from nekoneko at all…

Guess they did do something really good during their period of going missing.





Some Rubbish Infomation

Company = ねこねこソフト

Scenario = 片岡とも (Almost everything by neko neko)、海富一 (Amber quartz, Nagisano)、酸橙ひびき、others

Artist = 秋乃武彦 (Paradime stuff and nekoneko stuff)、あんころもち (Scarlett, amber quartz)、others

Genre = School life summer osananajimi imouto romance

What’s so special = A very very very surprisingly well written ending which blows your feet off, cute characters, excellent art, a pretty intriguing child -> teenage system


A great eroge. I admit, I didn’t expect anything like this while looking at the cover art for Sorairo. I mean come on, looking at the cover, you’ll think this is a normal osananajimi imouto romance eroge. Well I WAS WRONG. This is absolutely awesome.


The story is set in a small town where Lamune players would be very familiar with.

You start off as Kenji, a pretty ordinary kid (yes you start off as a kid) who’s visiting his aunt during the holidays with his father.


There, he meets his cousin Ai, a quiet girl who is just one year younger than him. They were left together in the house so they went out to the nearby sea to play.

All alone ;_;

But because Ai was so quiet, Kenji decided to play alone in the sea while Ai looked at him from the beach. Going back home, Ai lied to her mother that they had fun together. This continued right up till the end of the summer holidays.

Feeling really guilty, Kenji decided to be more friendly towards her. The next year, he took the initiative and played with her.  Another year passes by and he came over to her town for the holidays. They are already extremely good friends and look forward to each others company.


Then the bombshell was dropped. Their parents were getting married. But they were still young and didn’t really understand what was happening. The only thing they knew was that they are now siblings. Kenji now stays in the same town as Ai and lives together with her. New neighbors, new friends and new adventures await.


So, let’s get this straight. This is a very straightforward school life love story. You don’t get flying robots, missiles, armies, magic, or 3/4 nude girls walking around the streets no.

It is written pretty well with constant pacing, new revelations and pretty realistic obstacles. How this is executed is intriguing to say the least and I’m pretty sure everyone would like this kind of writing.

For example this is Ai's world

The story goes with a child to teenage system, which means you start off as a child and make choices which would affect whose “world” you end up in during the teenage passage. Of course, you could for example, go for Ai in the child passage and then switch to Tsubame in the teenage passage. That opens to a totally new route and story. The characters also change in the different worlds, the way they act and the way they approach the protagonist.

If you manage to read through that, you would have probably realized something. Yes, there are a total of at least 9 routes in the story due to having 3 heroines. In actual fact, there’s 11 with the inclusion of Tsubame’s extra end and Risamisa’s sorta route.

I know this is a huge lure, BUT DO NOT TOUCH IT UNTIL THE END

Which reminds me, DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT GO FOR TSUBAME’S WORLD FIRST. Leave her route till the very end because that’s where the whole epic ending lies and it’s exactly the reason why this eroge is very well done. Finishing her route may leave you in despair on the other routes because they are nowhere near as well written.

In case you're wondering, that's bug spray

But of course, how could I forget about the jokes that are being cracked constantly in the eroge. They pop up pretty constantly with some being really lol. Though I would stress that it’s mainly because of the characters and not really because of the content of the joke itself.


To sum this up, the story is definitely worth your time. I highly doubt you will not enjoy this unless you’re some Anti SOL freak.


健士 (Kenji)

I forgot his full name so if anyone could remind me I’ll add it in.

Kenji is a very normal dude who’s pretty much any just like any other protag. Kind, indecisive and kinda tsundere.  His personality doesn’t really change in different worlds, but his preferences and the amount of interaction does change.


初芝 愛衣 (Hatsushiba Ai)

Imouto chara. She’s not exactly dere dere, but it’s obvious she loves her oniisan a lot. In her world, when she gets jealous she goes Myaaaaaa or something like that. Like a cat. Pretty cute lol. She’s very sensible and very pure. Doesn’t really know much about……………… things that are a little hardcore.

しまパンツは正義!Like I said, she’s a sensible girl who helps out at home.


友坂 つばめ (Tomosaka Tsubame)

Osananajimi character. She lives beside Ai and Kenji and her room is a stone throw away from Kenji’s. She’s a very simple minded girl who laughs when she’s happy  and cries when she is sad. I wonder what she’s thinking about sometimes. She has the biggest assets in the eroge, which makes both Ai and Hanako really jealous. Her mother and father are the protag and main heroine in Laume btw, talk about cameos. Same age as Kenji.

WHY IS IT NOT A MAID DRESSOh, I forgot to mention she works in the shop her mother owns sometimes

Hanako篠原 花子 (Shinohara Hanako)

She’s the extremely over active osananajimi. She speaks like a machine gun and attacks Kenji sometimes. In short, she’s the bright 馬鹿 in the eroge. She’s also somewhat lazy. Still, everyone likes her because she livens up the place with her personality. She’s Ai’s classmate and is one year younger than Kenji.

いっはいいっはいShe’s definately an interesting character though


And so, the system. Patch the game up first btw .

Title screen

The title screen. Nothing really special except that you can actually change the name of the protagonist. Which is a pretty good function for those who are desperate to have their name in the eroge so that they can lie to themselves that they are the protag =3

Text box

The text box is simple and straight forward with the icons of the characters on the side. Sometimes very hilarious icons. I don’t understand though, sometimes there will be a black text box appearing which is probably used for recollections, but that solid window cannot be closed, which obstructs things. If you meet with this problem, one good way is to go to the config and tweak the opacity of the window, and the window will return to this.


Config with all the typical settings. Not a lot, but it’s more than enough to let you have a smooth playthrough.


Save/load. The names on the right means the route you’re currently in. The first name is whose world you’re in and the second is whose route you’re currently in while in that world.

Day changeThe day change that most of the routes use. It tears away to show the current date. I don’t use calenders like that now, but those were fun stuff.

Escape screen

Escape screen 2

Most of the eroges nowadays have some sort of escape screen so that you could swap screens quickly when you’re in a H scene and someone walks in on you. There are a few variations in Sorairo with the most interesting one being the top one as they actually made some kind of short story for it. A boring one but still pretty funny that they actually made it.

CG and Animation


Cg had a rather crisp and clean feel to it. The CG was made with cleanliness in mind, so the cg is remarkably clean with a decent lot of details on it. Shadows were excellent and emotion portrayal even more so.  A few lens flares and glows here and there. All in all, very nice CG.


What I like most though, is how the mood of the CG really affects you



The music too, was one surprising thing I found. It’s very well done, and for a good reason too. Going to the sound mode, you’ll find out that there are lots of artists who did their part in the music tracks. Elements Garden, Barbarian on the Groove, sentive, MASA, ebi. That’s  a few out of the list. Certainly didn’t expect this.

H scenes


There is a surprising lot of H scenes in the game. There are a total of 13 H scenes in the eroge. Remember, there’s only 3 heroines. Though it’s probably because of all the different routes. VAs did a good job, not much to complain about the H scenes in all. Nothing too extreme either. Thankfully, they didn’t overdo it.

Note though, if you’re wondering why you’re missing some H cgs, there are 4 H scenes that would only occur if you go to the H scene replay and click on the character icons near the arrows, those would bring you to another H scene.

Last word


This is a very enjoyable eroge that most people should be able to enjoy. It has it’s moments and probably won’t bore you at all. It contained a pretty unexpected reality twist that I like quite a lot. Mm, next up is Koibumi I guess.


10 thoughts on “そらいろ Review

  1. That’s commonly called a boss key. The H2O + After and Another combo box (which has both games under the same executable) has one which displays a random image from a set. This random image is actually sometimes a (very) non-worksafe image, so I don’t recommend actually using it for its stated purpose because you may get a VERY nasty surprise >_>

  2. >> There, he meets his cousin Ai
    >> Their parents were getting married
    Isn’t this technically incest on their parent’s part? O_O

    • Sorta, but it’s apparently not a very close aunt. They did mention in the story that it was some kind of incest in their part since they were also cousins, but since they weren’t extremely close, it’s probably still “allowed”

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