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Last Updated: Sunday, 29 August, 2004, 15:22 GMT 16:22 UK
Annus loses hammer gold
Adrian Annus
The International Olympic Committee has stripped Hungary's Adrian Annus of his hammer gold medal after failing to show up for a second drugs test.

The 31-year-old had passed an initial test after winning gold on 22 August, but failed to attend a subsequent test in Hungary five days later.

The IOC made the decision following a disciplinary hearing on Sunday.

Japan's Koji Murofushi is upgraded to gold, Belarus' Ivan Tikhon wins silver and Turkey's Esref Apak takes bronze.

The IOC had called for a second out-of-competition test for Annus after suspicions were raised that he may have used a contraption to dupe testers.

Annus, who was not present at the hearing in Athens, becomes the second Hungarian to be stripped of gold for drug-testing related offences.

His compatriot Robert Fazekas had his discus gold medal taken away for refusing to provide a complete urine sample - testers suspecting him of trying to submit somebody else's urine rather than his own.

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